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Posts Tagged: 'star+wars:+poe+dameron'

Nov. 26th, 2019




Finn and I would like to invite you all to our gallery opening this afternoon, at Mutt's barn. We've gone a number of original art pieces and we'd like to show them off to the world. Tickets are free, and there'll be a little bit of wine and cheese for those interested.

Nov. 25th, 2019



You can draw, right?

Nov. 19th, 2019



Rrrroll Up The Rim
When: Room 2, Day 2 Where: Rosebud Inn Status: Ongoing Rating: Low
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Nov. 18th, 2019



I'd take a moment to introduce myself, but I've never had much of a taste for performative modesty and of course, you already know me, Television's Moira Rose, from my tenure on the serial daytime drama Sunrise Bay as the capricious and cunning Vivien Blake. But there's no need to be intimidated! If there is anything you need, I'll be sure to have my husband Johnny Rose help you with it right away.

Now, I must welcome you, my esteemed and apotheosized guests, to our humble and unpretentious excursionist's getaway. I hope each and every one of you enjoyed your first sleep in our folksy bedsteads.

Please, allow Roland to have the honour of turning the sheets and tidying up your rooms while you enjoy all the wonderous rustic conveniences Schitt's Creek has to offer.

To the truly adventurous, I highly recommend a visit to Rose Apocathary for a taste of the countryside. Rose Apocathary carries only locally sourced, handmade products, such as soaps and hand creams, as well as wines and cheeses from nearby farms.

And for the bold and brave, Café Tropical will make you a lunch special unlike anything you, or the chef, has ever seen before. It's truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Nov. 15th, 2019




[Poe Dameron & Rey]
Now that it seems unlikely that Ben is going to bleed out, and Dr. Mullins gave him something so he'd sleep this off -- we should -- We should probably talk about what happened.

Or more importantly, what -- what's going on. And who he is.

Nov. 14th, 2019




Can anybody read this?

I'm having a pretty messed up day, and I really need to get back to my friends.



Welcome to the Rosebud Motel!


Good morning and welcome! My name is Johnny Rose, and along with my partner, Stevie Budd, I'm the proprietor of the Rosebud Motel.

We offer several amenities here, including fresh sheets and towels, a selection of more than three books and puzzles, and a jacuzzi that we're thinking about getting.

If you would like any suggestions for restaurants and activities around town, or anything else to make your stay more enjoyable, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Cordially, Johnny Rose

Nov. 13th, 2019









He’s going to bleed to death

Nov. 11th, 2019



Poe & Ben
Fighting in the burned out Lounge
When: Day 8 Where: The Lounge Status: PLACEHOLDER Rating: N/A
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Nov. 8th, 2019



Found the D, in case inquiring minds were wondering where those encyclopedias went off to. Interesting read after being up all night with an Oz tornado going on outside and Willy Wonka's goose under my head this morning.

Jesus Christ in a chicken basket. I need coffee, stat.

private message to ash williams )



What the hell am I supposed to do with this bird?

Nov. 5th, 2019



All these anagrams and word problems -- I think we should keep track of them. Has anyone else found something strange written anywhere? Maybe they aren't supposed to be puzzles. Maybe something gets lost in communication between whatever is in this house and us. Like how that damn seance needed a conduit.

Maybe the house needs something to communicate more clearly.

I don't know. Right now I feel like I'm being pointed in every direction but the right one.

Edit: LIST


Encyclopedia Letter D

Jane Eyre = "What is Dead May Never Die"

Handwritten Note: I will prevail

From The Rat King: "I am cursed as long as he is"

d fsi brubk mi xi byiwu boyftf xt uq tdyuk. - ???

So, the attic is empty.



A typewriter in the study ghostly typed out:

d fsi brubk mi xi byiwu boyftf xt uq tdyuk.

Could be nothing. Could be something.

Nov. 4th, 2019



[TW: Brief struck out implication of suicidal ideation in comments.]

There's an actual FUCKING HEART under the floor in the coffin bedroom, anyone wanna give me a good reason why I shouldn't stab it?



I think we've done it. I think we've fixed the water leak.

It's not going to repair the damage that's already been done but at least it should stop the ice getting worse for the time being.

Filtered to Kylo Ren
It's not checking in if I don't ask if you're

Did you see, the person who disappeared at the séance has turned up?

Oct. 24th, 2019



Poe & BRen
Unplanned Reunion
When: Day Two (Morning) Where: Upstairs Hallway Status: In Process G-Doc Rating: Low
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Oct. 22nd, 2019



[posted shortly after this discovery]

Found a hidden, cozy little nook in case anybody's still searching for a spot to crash. Lovely view of the outside, potentially haunted computer-and-or-dot matrix printer as a roomie.

[filtered to the current occupants of Bedroom 23]

Also, lads, the aforementioned haunted computer knows all our names and that we're sleeping downstairs. So cheers.

Oct. 21st, 2019



My name is Poe Dameron. I'm a Resistance pilot with the Rapier Squadron. From what I've been able to gather, this seems to be Earth, but I have no understanding of how I came to be here, and I desperately need to get back to my own world. All of my equipment was taken from me when I arrived, and I haven't been able to get a signal on this communication device strong enough to contact home.

Does anyone have a communicator with a signal capable of reaching a ship in the Outer Rim?

OOC Note: As a reminder, you can't see character's names or faces on the network until they've identified themselves. You'll just have to rely on the fact that he's not a very good liar to sort this one out.