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Posts Tagged: 'harry+potter:+hermione+granger'

Nov. 2nd, 2019



Do you think the old guy in all the paintings would mind if we took some of them down?

He's got so many of them, I bet he wouldn't even notice.

Oct. 31st, 2019



Someone seems to have misplaced their rope in the Study.

triggers: self harm & suicide - be warned comments may contain subjects related )

Oct. 29th, 2019



I realize this is probably small shit compared to seances and a rat king in the basement but I'm curious - anyone happen to take the D book of the encyclopedias in the study? Or seen it somewhere else in their explorations?




The Library · Meeting of Minds

Thread )

Oct. 28th, 2019



Could someone find me a bit of sage, black pepper and salt from the kitchen -- and cayenne if you see it.

I also need a broom and some candles - any colour - and something silver.



I seem to be malfunctioning. Where am I?



So can we start keeping a daily round up of Shit Going Down In Hell House?

I'm never quite sure of who has found what, who's caused what, who's seen what. I know someone started a list of things to be noted, skills, etc. Do you intend to keep updating that daily?



Does anyone have any plumbing skills? The tap in our bathroom has been dripping non stop for the past two nights and it's not making sleep easy.

Oct. 27th, 2019



Harry Potter crew
I've been reassuring this place isn't haunted as I haven't seen any ghosts but it just occurred to me, with our magic not working would we still even be able to see ghosts?

Oct. 26th, 2019



If nobody is particularly attached to the body parts they're finding, I'll take them off your hands.

And thread and a needle, if anyone's come across any.

Oct. 24th, 2019



there is nothing weirder than waking up being spooned by a clown. i hate clowns.

barnes, rogers, i'm burning these creepy pieces of nonsense.


Oct. 23rd, 2019



Well, it's not fresh blood, at least. That's a plus! Just letting everyone know, no one recently died in the library. Still probably ought to ere on the side of caution. Self-printing computers, bugs nailed to walls, and pools of old and dried blood make for an interesting history for this place.

Though it does seem a bit suspicious, doesn't it? Like a bad Stephen King novel.

Wait! I think I might be onto something..

No. No, I lost it. Anyone else have any ideas?



Upon investigating the library, I found a distinctive stain on the carpet. I am unsure what it is exactly but it could possibly be blood.



Hunting for a bedroom

bad, badder and worst )

Oct. 22nd, 2019



You know, now that I think of it, living above a morgue would be a really nice gig. Downstairs neighbours are real quiet, and if they ain't it'll scare you to death so it won't be a you problem for very long.



I have a question about ghosts.

Oct. 21st, 2019



Hello, this is Reed Richards. An explorer, scientist, and superhero -  with a wealth of experience with cosmic, interdimensional, and multiversal exploration. From my reading of the various postings here, I believe that we have multiple individuals from parallel universes present.  or that's what our captor wants us to think. In short, the Multiverse is the concept that there are an infinite number of universes, where anything that can happen does happen. And that these vast variety of universes exist in parallel to one another. On one world you are a cop, on another a criminal, on another you were never born, and so on ad infinitum.

You may encounter individuals who resemble friends, family, lovers, or enemies. You will need to set aside preconceptions about a person, and judge them on their actions and what your intuition tells you about them. If you do not feel safe, seek out a group. Trust your instincts. However, I implore you to refrain from violence unless in self defense, regardless of who you may think you are encountering.

I do not say this to increase your paranoia, but to simply suggest that you be careful. If anyone is in distress, contact me and I will come help you. Be safe everyone.



Forgive me for the delayed introduction. My name is Gansey and, much like the rest of you, I am a little discombobulated. I spent a little bit of time reading through your messages and it appears like there is no definitive answer as to how we were brought here.

If anyone has come across any clues, please drop me a message.

Parrish, Lynch, Noah, Blue Jane. Are any of you here?

Oct. 20th, 2019



Hello? Is this thing on? Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they've been dropped into the middle of a horror movie? Just me? Okay. Also, has anyone noticed that the windows don't open? I wasn't thinking about climbing out of one... And! Do we really have to wear these old clothes?

Oct. 21st, 2019



I need someone to help me move a body.