
Layout By

October 20th, 2019



Okay, what the hell is happening? If this is the Kree, we're going to have a very serious talk about messing with my head again. And by talk, I mean my foot in your ass.



This is exciting, isn't it? Been a long time since I've been in a haunted house. Miss my jacket, though. And my TARDIS.

Speaking of which, anyone happen to see a blue police box anywhere?



Excuse me, I know everyone has a lot to worry about at the moment.

But I lost a ring and it's very important that I find it. If anyone comes across it, I would appreciate it returned.

Thank you for your time.



Who: The Doctor and Renee Montoya
What: Exploring
When: Day 1
Where: The Kitchen
Rating/Warnings: Med for swearing, maybe?
Status: In Progress / Open

Who doesn't love a good larder? )



The Game Is Officially Open

DAY ONE will run from the evening of October 20th until Thursday, October 24th

Day Two begins when a post like this goes up


And here is the link to the Room description



Oh my God, This looks SO FUN.



Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck FUCK Where is everyone else? Oh my god I'm dead jdjdjkdnfkdjfk Breathe, Eds What would Bill do?


Okay, hi, who's a kid here? You don't have to say anything, just I don't FUCKING know come to the stairs so I can get a headcount and die from an aneurysm, no big deal!!!!. We should stick together while we're figuring all this out.



Either Thor was wrong about the afterlife, or Valhalla really loves a theme party.



Ok. So everyone's confused. Everyone's mad. And this is weird. We all have places to be probably.

So let's go through, introduce ourselves. If anyone knows more about this Carstairs fellow, share it. And we can get our ducks in a row. Figure this out and get home.





This is so cool!

I love solving mysteries! It's like Scooby-Doo up in here!

Has anyone seen my friends? Kate Bishop, Clint Barton, America Chavez, Quentin Quire, Johnny Watts?



Who: Gretel & Gale Hawthorne
What: Exploring
When: Day 1
Where: The Hall
Rating/Warnings: TBD (language guaranteed)
Status: Closed/Complete

That asinine letter didn't improve her mood in the slightest. )



Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. I'm not doing this.



Hargreeves! Who's here with me?



My name is Steve Rogers. I don't know where we are, or what's going on. But if anyone here knows who I am, I'd like to know, group up, and see if we can figure this out.



This place is absolutely filthy and could stand a decent decorator.



Um. I don't remember drinking that much in the flight to Russia...last time I drank a lot I blacked out, but this is something different, I think.

And Victor isn't here. I don't think. Has anyone seen a silver haired Russian skater? He swears his hair isn't already going grey.

My name is Yuuri Katsuki. Nice to meet all of you, as it sounds like there's a lot of you here.



Who: Regina Mills and OPEN
What: Regina finds out that she can't use magic and is frustrated, also exploring.
When: Day 1
Where: The staircase
Warnings / Ratings: Likely some mild swearing, Regina is a little ticked off.
Status: In Progress / Open
Regina was used to strange things happening to her )



If anyone ever wanted to know how you mix indoor plumbing (like an actual toilet) with a fucking gingerbread house aesthetic (I mean literal, actual gingerbread), you can come by and see the candy cane room I've found. I'll eat myself into a diabetic coma before I let this house kill me, that's all I know.



Alright, so... this clearly isn't the bottom of the ocean and I'm pretty sure Mera's gonna think I've bailed again so thanks for that.

Sir Reginald T. Carstairs can kiss my ass.

Also, I'm totally taking one side of the bed in whatever room I end up with. Hell, I don't even mind being in the middle but couches are a big fucking no for me.



I don't have time for this.



These pants are itchy.

This definitely isn't my kitchen and if someone's counting on me to help them save the day they've kidnapped the wrong dude.



Hello? Is this thing on? Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they've been dropped into the middle of a horror movie? Just me? Okay. Also, has anyone noticed that the windows don't open? I wasn't thinking about climbing out of one... And! Do we really have to wear these old clothes?



Who: Kyle Valenti & Eliot Waugh
What: Kyle arrives and is not at all amused
When: 20th Oct
Where: Entrance way
Rating/Warnings: TBC [Will update as and when needed]
Status: In Progress

It had to be, right? This wasn't possible. Shit like this? Didn't happen to him )



It says something about my life when this isn't the weirdest thing to have happened to me, it really does.

Also, FYI, I'm the big green hulk-like person but I don't bite, promise. I just can't tap into the power that lets me look like everybody else right now.

Oh! I'm Teddy by the way.



An expert? It seems like there's more of us here who are just as confused. I've stumbled my way into the kitchen and cooked up some basic vegetable stew for everyone. I hope you don't mind! I found some supplies, but not a lot of variety. Don't worry; it looks like there's plenty there.

I think it's best if we work together and figure this out. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I'd like to get to know everyone, as none of your names have looked familiar so far. It sounds like if we work together, that's the best! So, um, what are your skills or talents? I'm training to be a hero back home.



Who: Carol Danvers and Jake Green
What: Exploring
Where: In the house
When: Day One
Warnings: Will update if necessary
Status: Closed

Read more... )



If this is somebody's idea of joke you definitely shouldn't quit your day job.

John Proudstar here, if there's anybody from the Mutant Underground present, let me know.



Who: Michael Guerin
What: Exploring
Where: Third Floor
When: Day One
Warnings: Nah
Status: OPEN

Read more... )



Who: Arthur Curry & Diana Prince
What: The JL in the ballroom with... their wits!
When: 20 October (r1d1)
Where: Ballroom
Rating/Warnings: TBA (Will update as needed)
Status: In Progress

Read more... )



Who: Donna Troy and OPEN
What: Finding a room
Where: The Hall
When: Day One
Warnings/Ratings: Will update if needed.
Status: Open and ongoing.
Donna roamed the halls, looking for a place to stay )



Is anyone here any good with a needle and thread? I'm apt but - you know. Not magic.

I took down one of the velvet curtains in the dining room, and I need to make a coat out of it -- for a friend. None of the clothes they gave him really fit right.



Who: Billy Kaplan & Eddie Kaspbrack
What: On the hunt for base camp
When: After this
Where: ~around
Rating/Warnings: Med for swearing, will edit if it goes up
Status: In Progress / Closed

Time to go exploring. )



Normally I'd be relieved that I can't see the dead, but in a place like this? I'm thinking it's not such a good thing.



Rey & Leia Organa
"She felt like a coiled spring, all tension."
When: Room 1 Day 1
Where: Third floor
Status: Closed / Complete
Rating: Low
Read more... )



Well, this is definitely not the way I thought I'd end my day. I think someone slipped something into my celebratory drinks tonight. Don't know what kind of expert this guy's lookin for, but this ain't my problem. If he got himself stuck in a shitty situation, that's not my problem. I didn't read from a cursed book this time, so this shit situation's not mine to fix. Now I need to find two people. One is Kelly. You see a girl that's both filthy and fine with dark hair and eyes that could cut you, that's her. Don't touch her. I'm coming for her. If anything happens to her, I might have to kill you with my bare hands, but I'll do it. Second is Pablo. He's the short Mexican. Dark hair, interesting choice in mustache. I've already lost him once, so if anything happens to him, I don't think I need to repeat myself. You find 'em, you bring 'em to me. Ashley J. Williams.

Now, I need to get back to my celebration because I'm finally being recognized as the hero I am by those assholes in Elk Grove and I need to get back there and rub it all in their faces and make sure they fully understand the fact that I saved all their sorry asses.



[AVENGERS, minus Steve]*
So I think Steve might have accidentally used the infinity stones to create a weird hell house.

* OOC Note: Bucky's been watching the house and the Network and would add Avengers to this filter as he sees them, but ping me if you're not sure if you'd be on it.