June 2018



May 21st, 2018



slightly backdated! last night!

TO: mf
[1] hey francine
[2] where are you?

TO: fergus
[1] fergus, i've something to tell you

TO: eddie
[1] hey man
[2] i found rolf
[3] so i'm in mungo's




@ArRhysCdwlldr: Thank you to everyone who fought bravely for a better wizarding world
@ArRhysCdwlldr: Looking forward to a new Ministry that will be there to serve all people, regardless of blood, species, or other differences
@ArRhysCdwlldr: My thoughts go out to everyone who has lost someone; this war should never have happened in the first place
@ArRhysCdwlldr: Let's also not forget to support the victims in all of this, and to help them get back their rightful places in society
@ArRhysCdwlldr: [A list of charities supporting Muggleborns and other people victimised by the war]
@ArRhysCdwlldr: Take care of each other; we're stronger together than apart
@ArRhysCdwlldr: Our differences only make our society richer, and learning from one another can only make us all better
@ArRhysCdwlldr: Solidarity with all who are striving to make the world a better and more inclusive place.


TO: Lumos 🔦 & Lakshmi 🦅 & Nora 😍(group)
[1] How are Terry and the twins doing?
[2] I heard what happened


TO: Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt <kshacklebolt@mom.org>
FROM: Rhys Cadwallader <rbccadwallader@dewin.cymru>

SUBJECT: Congratulations

Minister (and fellow former Auror) Shacklebolt,

I can't think of a better man for the job. Congratulations.

Please see attached for a gift certificate to my favourite stationery store—you'll need to up your organisational game.

Respectfully yours,
R. Cadwallader



TO: Dante

[1] I've been in contact with Minister Shacklebolt.
[2] I worked out a deal for you.
[3] If you surrender peacefully and are cooperative, you will be granted visitation privileges. Or at least he thinks it's a good idea and will talk to the Auror office. But it's the Minister, so.
[4] You'll be able to meet your son.



wiztagram )



TO: Lumos!!
[1] I TRIED to keep this a secret because he wanted me to but I can't so
[2] I have a date with John this coming week