Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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Sep. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

Just when I thought the unsettling disappearances and reappearances were over for a bit, the hotel surprises me with a mass exodus. How very unfortunate. I find I never quite think about all of the losses and potential connections missed until a person is gone from my life.

[Private to Bucky & Zemo]
I trust you are both still around?

[Private to Steve]
I hadn't wanted to bother you or confuse you further by reaching out, but in light of the most recent slew of residents being returned home, I just wanted to check and make sure you're still here.



[No Subject]

I'm still here, since everybody's checking in. And Elektra is still here so I've got my roommate.

And Pree, hope you're still here so we can keep doing breakfasts and that.

Reckon that's all good. Hate to see so many people gone, though. But hope they got to go back to people they love, instead of leaving them behind.



[No Subject]

If anyone is a friend of Lucifer, he seems to have left. I'm sorry if you're missing him.

Alligator Loki is still here. So am I.



Alya and Adrien

Please tell me you're both still here.



[No Subject]

New day breathing.

I think I'll chalk today up as a good day.
A nice breakfast is in order.

Wanda, would you like me to bring you back a muffin?



[No Subject]

Dios mio.
Is it just me or does it feel more empty around here?
I mean, I know loss, but these losses are next level.
I met Poe early on being here, and he just vanished.
I mean, without Poe, who am I going to build this rocket with now?

You better still be here. I would be sad to lose my best friend. :(

You best still be around. I can't lose the best dance partner around!

[Elektra] still here?



[No Subject]

Well, that was a very short lived roommate.

People seem to be dropping like flies around here.
It's almost defeating seeing how people suddenly vanish without much of a warning or explanation. At least with death, you know they're gone because they're dead.

I guess, I should check in. I'm here.



[No Subject]

This place feels quieter.
The hotel is absolutely brutal.

Please tell me you're still here.

I hope you're still here.

Aug. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

It looks like Tony Stark is gone as well.

Aug. 30th, 2021



[No Subject]

Went to pick up Lucky and he and Clint are gone.



[No Subject]

Does anyone want to shoot targets at the archery range with me today?

Aug. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Well, that was fucked up.




[No Subject]


Are any of you having weird dreams too?
I think I'm going to be sick if I ever have to sit through another political marriage again.

Aug. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]


I keep being drawn back into sleep. If you find me don't touch me, I think Yelena was drawn into them when she did. Just make sure the dogs are being taken care of.



[No Subject]

Anyone want to place bets on where we might end up the next time the hotel moves?

Aug. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Has anyone else been falling asleep suddenly or having strange dreams?

[Private to Will]
How did you sleep?

[Private to Abigail]
This is going to sound ridiculous, but I need to ask you: Before you came here, did you die? That person you and Will knew, did he cut your throat and kill you? The same 'friend' who gave Will his scar across his abdomen?



[No Subject]

My roommate has been sleeping all day, not answering when I call, and did not wake when I shook him. He is still breathing. Is there someone who can come take a look at him?

I know you two are close and the same. Is this normal?



[No Subject]


I know you're terribly distraught, but don't worry, I'll be sure to drop in on you often.

Watch out for banana peels.


Hello, roomie. Sorry about the dominoes. They were in my way.

Aug. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Guess what Stiles? I found a toy trunk in my room this morning. It has a lot of my old toys in it...the ones from home.

[Private to Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Melissa (Auntie Mel) and Noah Stilinski]

Will you come play with me? Just for a little while?

Aug. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

I see people coming and going from this place all the damn time and I'm used to it. I just wish there were a way to check up on the people we've left behind.

Let's be honest here, I just want to know Chaz is alright.