Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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Posts Tagged: 'jo+harvelle'

Apr. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

I know this place is crazy sometimes and the moving is all nuts or whatever (I dunno, still in the same spot) but its also kind of awesome?

Like, pizza just showed up for me. Hot just out of the oven New York pizza.

Mar. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Don’t suppose anyone has a recipe for num banh chok they feel inclined to share?

Crack your back and see if it releases any leftover chemical induced empathy. Then we need to talk.

[Audrey, Jughead, Scott]
Thank you for taking care of my daughter.

Mar. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Alright so - Wednesday night at 7 in the billiards room, let's get this semi-regular poker game started. I'll make pizza, just tell me what you do or don't want for toppings.

If you don't know how to play, I can meet you there tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7 and teach you a few things.

Feb. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Since poker's been mentioned a few times and those who've tried it recently enjoyed it, I'm thinking we should start having a regular night of it, say every week or every other week?

Anyone else interested?

Feb. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

What kind of party do you get for getting married? Asking for me.

Feb. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

Would anyone be interested in having a poker night in the game room sometime this week? I'm going through withdrawals.




Hey, how are you?

Feb. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay, headcount. Did everybody make it back here safe and sound? And alive?

Feb. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

The more things change the more they stay the same, huh?

[Jo Harvelle]
Found a poker game tonight. You in?

[Poe Dameron]
Might have gotten a lead on something interesting, if you'd like to come with to follow it up.

Feb. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

Well whaddya know. You kids weren't kidding about this place sometimes giving you what you want.

I've been around this place plenty of times since I got here. No sleep means a lot of time to explore. But today what do I find in part of the basement? A karaoke room, hooked up and ready to rumble! \o/

So, who's in for weekly karaoke nights?

Jan. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

Mine and Dean's old fishing poles and tackle box showed up under my bed. I'd forgotten that we even had them.
Now to wait for warmer weather to actually use them.


I meant to thank you the other day for the ice cream sandwiches, but I was really sad to found out a friend was sent home and got sort of distracted. But thank you, and DJ thanks you, too. He really enjoyed it.


Just checking in to see if you're still here.

Jan. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

For those who knew her, it looks like my roommate Lissa was sent back to her world. Or wherever people go when they leave here.

Jan. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Thank you, Dean and Sam for the bowling experience, but I believe I am done. Forever.

Has anyone tested the boundaries of this place?
Stupid question, I'll rephrase. When the boundaries here are tested, what are they? Is this island in a bubble or are we just prevented from leaving through other means?

Jan. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Sam Winchester is the best brother ever. Thanks for everything, bitch. I don't know what I'd do without you.



Filtered to friends and family (if you think you are, you are)

So, everyone okay after the super-creepy insect invasion?

Jan. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

I hate this hotel so fucking much.

Jan. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

Fuck this place. Fuck the whole damn thing. I wish I could set fire to it all.

[Supernatural Family]
Sam is gone, one of the bugs got him.

Jan. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Sam, Jack, Lisa, Ben, Castiel, Chuck, Chloe, Krissy, Jo, Thomas, Dizzy, Mary, Gabe, Daphne, John, Mando]

Let me know if you guys are okay, or if you need anything. I'm going to find a place to stay for the night, and you're all welcome to join me and my brother. I'll see about getting food and finding supplies and weapons. Last time this happened I think it was only 24 hours, but we should prepare for the worst.

Jan. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

Perfecting the art of gingerbread cake did me in. It's time to hit the gym with more regularity. Now taking applications for someone(s?) who'll keep me accountable.

Dec. 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

Where: Boat Docks
When: 12/31 - 1/1 ; Night/Morning!
Status: In progress.
Warnings: Tag your subthreads accordingly

Happy New Year! )

Dec. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

I realize that I should have done this days ago, but belatedly, I want to say thank you to our secret Santa. Your gifts were thoughtful and well-received. DJ is well on his way to mastering Mario Kart and taking out Dean and me.


So. In that big treasure trove of weapons in our room, do you happen to have - it?