Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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August 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Been working on my wood carvings, so if anybody wants anything done just let me know because I want to get practice doing the different shapes but I can't think of what to do all the time. I just did a little wolf and he's pretty good but I need more practice I reckon if I'm going to get very good.

Got some dominos today, they look like Hal's. Reckon I'll set them up and decide if I'm going to knock them down or not. Hal never did but he ain't here so he can't stop me. Might just set them up and stare at them a while.



[No Subject]

Today is one of those days.....I really miss my brother...



[No Subject]

Guess what Stiles? I found a toy trunk in my room this morning. It has a lot of my old toys in it...the ones from home.

[Private to Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Melissa (Auntie Mel) and Noah Stilinski]

Will you come play with me? Just for a little while?