Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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August 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

I don't understand why people aren't enjoying this more. It's reason to meet someone new. Get to know them. That being said, I think my paired partner is pretty awesome. She didn't stab me when she had every reason and opportunity.

Count your small blessings!


Who are you connected with?
Are you managing this chaos alright?


Y'know. I don't mind meeting new people, but it might of been a real blast getting shacked up with you.


Hey roomie. This be the bullshit I was talking the hotel gets up to.
You surviving?



[No Subject]

Who: Eddie and Jinn
Where: Eddie's room
When: After this
What: Awkward probably
Status: Closed/Ongoing
Warnings: none yet

Spring Fling )



[No Subject]

I think it's been brilliant, being attached to somebody. Like a sleepover. Haven't slept near anybody since my dad died so it's been good, yeah. Somebody in the room and all.

Longer I'm here, the more I miss my friends back home. Hal, mostly, I reckon. I miss Annie too but it's different about Hal. Been working out why.

Anyway I don't know why I'm telling all this. Just feel a little bit of a mope today, probably.



[No Subject]

Since we're still dealing with this fun forced pairing, I'll try to distract a few people.

If you can heal people, either through medical or magical terms, and would like to volunteer a few hours in the afternoon, let me know. While I don't expect injuries, when doing training, there can be a few bruises.

Also I've noticed that we celebrate a lot of American holidays, but we're hardly all American. If there are special holidays in your country/world, please let me know. I would like to incorporate them into the school calendar.

[Students] (((ooc: anyone under 20 who wants to answer if welcome)))

Here's a list of the classes and teachers.

History, Math, Science, Ethics and English will be mandatory for anyone under 16. English will not be mandatory for anyone who's first language isn't English.

You can pick your classes for the Tuesday/Thursday schedule and the 2pm to 5pm. No training is required. You can pick and choose what you want to do.

If everything goes well, we will start next Monday, unless we're still stuck to other people.

Tom, I've included you so you can see a little what the curriculum is and what we'll be doing.



[No Subject]

Who: Loki and St. John.
Where: Patio.
When: Monday afternoon.
What: Grilling lunch and petting a platypus.
Status: Incomplete.
Warnings: Low.

Despite the initial reactions, and threatening of violence they seemed to find their way into routine. )



[No Subject]

I keep forgetting I can't just wander through walls right now and I'm making life just the worst for my poor partner in crime.

Again. Very sorry, Conrad.



[No Subject]

[Clint + Claire]

What do we think about getting a drink together when this is finally over?