Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


Layout By

Powered by InsaneJournal

July 25th, 2021




Alright, ducklings. In light of all the... everything crawling around and through and under(?) the hotel, we've set up a temporary safehouse in the ballroom. It's central and easier to guard than most rooms.

If you go through the mystery doors and recover someone injured or become injured yourself, we'll have medical stations set up.

Medics, healers, anyone else who wants to lend a hand: I know I will be eternally grateful for your assistance. Everyone else: if you must go exploring, please, please do so armed and with a friend. Seems dangerous down there.



[No Subject]

WHO: Pree and Dieter
WHERE: Ballroom
WHEN: Shortly after the library door opened
WHAT: Blinded by the light
STATUS: in progress

finding a familiar voice )



[No Subject]

WHO: xian + peggy
WHERE: down in the maze
WHEN: saturday, july 24
WHAT: an attempted rescue
STATUS: on-going
WARNINGS: pg13 (violence, spiders)

There's always the choice to stay here )



[No Subject]

WHO: Fox & Wesley Gibson
WHERE: the lobby, then down into the maze
WHEN: Sunday, July 25th
WHAT: hungry like the wolf
STATUS: closed/in progress
WARNINGS: probably some blood & violence

i'm on the hunt i'm after you, mouth is alive, with juices like wine, and i'm hungry like the wolf )



[No Subject]

I'm so sick of rats.



[No Subject]

Who: Peggy & Zemo.
Where: The gym.
When: Backdated, before the plot.
What: Sparring and chatting.
Status: Completed.
Warnings: Dark subject discussion.

I hope this means you'll come by sometime for tea. )