Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


Layout By

Powered by InsaneJournal

July 12th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: John Constantine and Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Where: Room 319
When: After This
What: A favour for a friend
Status: Closed/On-going
Warnings: Nah, other than 'it's Constanine'

Opening Pandora's Box )



[No Subject]

I kinda miss fencing. Any swordmen here? Or swords women? I should really keep up with it.




I hear you're the man to see about those earrings.



[No Subject]

Now that the rooms beyond bedrooms and the kitchen are open again, might I suggest you all invest a few moments in perusing the library so I don't have to see you all whine again the next time you have literally no idea how to entertain yourselves without flashing lights and bright buttons to be pushing?

Also, I'd like to see that Apothecary now.

[No Subject]

I've run out of the books I had kept in my room.
Does anyone else have any they might let me borrow while the library is locked?



[No Subject]

Who: Mikasa and Yelena
Where: the basement, near the arcade
When: July 12th
What: They randomly meet
Status: Closed/Complete
Warnings: None

Great minds think alike )



[No Subject]

Who: Jamie and Draco
Where: the lobby
When: afternoon 12th July
What: random encounter
Status: Closed/Complete
Warnings: None

Magic is awesome )



[No Subject]

Who: Steve & Peggy.
Where: Room 213
When: 6/12.
What: Talkin'.
Status: Completed.
Warnings: Dark subject conversation.

It was complicated. )



[No Subject]

[Filtered, private to Levi]

It's been a while and I don't want to get rusty. While I don't understand all of the magic behind it, there was talk of flying.

Care to race me on our ODM gear?




Did you get in touch with John Constantine?

He's making a ring since piercings don't last on me.