Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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May 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Armitage & Finn.
Where: The lobby.
When: 5/6, afternoon.
What: Another awkward run-in.
Status: Completed.
Warnings: Drug use, smoochin'.

I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him. )



[No Subject]

As far as inter-dimensional kidnappings go, this one is surprisingly pleasant for the first five minutes.

Titans, sound off?



[No Subject]

Who: Johnny and OPEN
Where: The Lobby
When: 5/6, 2:45PM
What: A very confused arrival
Status: In Progress, Open
Warnings: Language

I can't believe I lost. )



beacon hills + friends

I made tacos and spanish rice! If anyone wants any, come and get it.



[No Subject]

Who: Thor and Diana
Where: The movie theater
When: 5/6, late evening
What: Watching a movie/spending time together/Acknowledging their feelings
Status: Complete
Warnings: About the same amount of PDA as a PG-13 movie

Movie night! )



[No Subject]

Dear person named Marinette who may or may not make macaroons or macarons i dont actually know the difference:

Can you make churros?

Subquestion: Will you make churros?