Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


Layout By

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April 23rd, 2021



Losers + Jinn, J'mon, Audrey

[Around 3 a.m.]

Is anyone up?



[No Subject]

Haven't seen my roommate since this morning. Going to assume she's dead.

Speaking of the dead: is this the work of the ghosts I've heard so much about?

[Matt Murdock]

You didn't tell me Stick was here. Or that he's alive.




[Artagan, Audrey, J’mon, Jinn, Mando, Yennefer ]

When they wake up, they’ll notice a bundle of small candles stuck on their door. There’s a small note attached and scribbled on it reads: Blow me.

When they do blow on it, a light will appear. It’ll look exactly like fire, but it’s not! It’s a magical (and dream) light that won’t hurt anyone. Blow on it again and the light goes out.



[No Subject]

Well if anyone needed the question Can Ghosts Be Haunted By Ghosts? answered, the answer is yes. Super.



[No Subject]

Who's got two thumbs, is deaf, and is running out of phone battery to blast the flashlight app on?




Private to Natasha, Tony, Clint, & Pepper

As if things weren't tense enough around here, Bucky went missing again. I don't know if it's temporary like it was last time or if he's actually gone, but I figured I'd let you all know.



[No Subject]

[Karen and Foggy]

I'm sorry -

I didn't know...

Are you both okay?



[No Subject]

I need gauze and tape because the ghost in my room is an asshole.



[No Subject]

Who: Matthew Murdock and Karen Page
Where: The Hotel
When: 4/23
What: Reunited
Status: In progress.
Warnings: TBD

Right now )



[No Subject]

Here's the thing about a haunted hotel: when something goes wrong there's no fixing it. Because there's nothing wrong with the wiring or electric right now. The hotel or the ghosts or whatever just don't want it to work.

Anyway, if you're having a hard time, I'm setting up the ballroom into a place where I'll have a generator and lights rigged up with my own power source. Charge your phones, have something to drink and someone else do some cooking so I don't burn the place down trying too hard.



[No Subject]

Who: Din Djarin and Ronan Lynch
Where: The Hotel
When: 4/23
What: A thank you for a gift
Status: In progress.
Warnings: TBD

A light in the dark )



[No Subject]

Who: Nicky & Anyone
What: Nicky's arrival
When: Thursday, 23 April. After the lights have gone out.
Where: Lobby?
Rating: who knows, but probably not too bad
Status: Open to anyone

This wasn't right...where's Joe? )

[No Subject]

Who - Diana // Tony Stark.
What - Diana’s arrival and exploration.
When - 04/23/2021, quite late. The storm is over but the lights are out.
Where - Ballroom and bar, mainly.
Rating - PG-13 at worst, I’d imagine, in case of swears.
Status - Ongoing.

I been here all day. I been here all night. And boy, you got me ... walking around a hotel in the dark? )