Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


Layout By

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April 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

I keep forgetting to say something about it, so I'm sure that someone's noticed by now... but there's aerial equipment in the gym! And I think it's actually my equipment from home?

If anyone wants lessons there are silks, hoops, and a stationary trapeze in there. I always recommend starting with the hoop. But if you have dance or acrobatics experience we can go straight to the silks.

[No Subject]

How does everyone usually celebrate their birthday?
Or even how do you try to cheer yourself up when you're having a bad month?



[No Subject]

Hey Jo! Happy Birthday!
I made some cake. It's not pretty, but I think it tastes good.

It occurred to me that I actually... have no idea when my birthday is here, seeing as my world's month system doesn't translate to this one at all.



[Finn & Luke]

Master Skywalker, I was wondering if you had time to meet with Finn?



Network post

I remember this place- I thought it was just an odd...

I know it's a waste of time to ask how this is possible. But is this normal? Do people leave and come back often?



[No Subject]

WHO: Jughead & Rose
WHEN: April 5, afternoon
WHERE: At the lake
WHAT: Swimming (and not getting eaten)!

maybe i should go in first? )



[No Subject]

another wonderful night of no sleep. who wants to drink with me?


should i just say fuck it and not give a shit if people know what i am?



[No Subject]

Is anyone receiving this? I am not sure where I am or how I arrived here - what system is this?



[No Subject]

Huh. Well. Not where I was trying to get to, but who am I to say no to an all-expenses-paid trip to a haunted hotel on an unnervingly creepy island. Unnervingly creepy islands are beginning to become a mainstay in my existence, after all. Why not?

Rhetorical. Don't answer that.

Where's the--nevermind. Found the bar.




[No Subject]

WHO: Phasma and Noah Stilinski
WHAT: Just chatting
WHEN: Wednesday, April 7th. Evening
WHERE: Noah's Room
STATUS: In-Progress, Closed
WARNING: Uhhhhh... None? Probably.

if only everything could be so straightforward. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Finn and Luke
WHEN: April 7th
WHERE: The Greenhouse
STATUS: Completed

either way the story went, he was still a Legendary man. )