Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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March 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Don’t suppose anyone has a recipe for num banh chok they feel inclined to share?

Crack your back and see if it releases any leftover chemical induced empathy. Then we need to talk.

[Audrey, Jughead, Scott]
Thank you for taking care of my daughter.




I think Salim is gonewent home.

[No Subject]

I guess I didn't expect people to leave just as suddenly as others appear.
Is this common?



[No Subject]

WHO: Ciri and Yen
WHEN: 3/23
WHERE: Ciri's new room assignment
STATUS: In Progress

Dreams of different worlds plagued the slumbering mind of the princess turned Witcher-in-training.  )



[No Subject]

WHO: Finn and Poe
WHEN: 3/21
WHERE: Room 101, Finn's Room.
STATUS: In Progress

That's one hell of a pilot! )



[No Subject]

Who: Abigail Hobbs and open!
Where: Outside, wooded area
When:Backdated to March 19th
What: Giving in to temptation and making a wish
Status: Ongoing, open.
Warnings:Wish gets twisted, gore.

Twisted wish )



[No Subject]

Who: Stephen Strange & Loki
Where: Their room.
When: 3/24.
What: Dealing with the Casket of Ancient Winters.
Status: Completed.
Warnings: Nah.

❄️ )



[No Subject]

Who: Theo and Senku
Where: Senku's room at first, then just outside the hotel
What: Science!
When: Now
Warnings: None

It's time for some fun science )