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Jun. 16th, 2019



This is for my Dad. John Mitchell. I'm strong because of you, where ever you are.

lyrics )

May. 24th, 2019


accidental voice post


Apr. 17th, 2019


Open CB

[The fear is very real in her voice, the pounding on the door, and gurgled growled breathing was muffled, but loud enough to hear.]

I don't know if anybody is listening. I don't know if anybody is close... But I'm in the medbay. And there are Walkers.

[Her breathing can be heard.]

I don't know how many there are. But I can hope that they're confined to this floor. If anyone comes up, come up armed.

[Soft little sobs come over clear.]

I'm sorry... You have to hit them in the head. Kill the brain.

Apr. 2nd, 2019


Voice post

[This is new... Am I doing this correctly?]

(OoC: Dan is speaking Norse. Specifically, Brenna, Bryn and Astrid's dialect)

Mar. 20th, 2019


Ooops CB

[The cb crackled on as the first few notes of this song were being plucked on the accustic guitar, far enough from the player and the singer that it couldn't have been done intentionally. The violin followed in shortly.]

When the world that we're livin in's crazy )

Mar. 15th, 2019


Accidental voice post

[bitten-off shriek]

Jesus fucking christ, what now?

[pause for a few minutes]

No... No, no, no...

[another pause, only for a minute this time. And the voice is much clearer and closer now]

Oh my god, I look like my sister... Is this thing broadc-

Feb. 16th, 2019


-Alert message sent to everyone's phone-

(backdated to Obi-wan's Radio transmission)

Alright ladies and gentlemen, we have a ship coming in for a crash landing. I've got the ships in danger of getting crashed into moved... And standing ready to assist however possible. I don't know if it's just the pilot, or if anyone else is on board, but whoever is is going to probably need some medical assistance. And quick.

He was suffering from a system's failure. And that's never good.

If your willing and able I could sure use a hand.

Feb. 15th, 2019



Someone found some purple stuff )

Feb. 14th, 2019


Radio transmission

[static]own station, this is [static]sting landing bay location for emergency landin[static]

Transmitting identification codes now.

Unknown station, I repeat, this is the Drag[static]anding bay location for emergency landing [static]

[OoC: There is a G9 Rigger a few thousand km away from the station, broadcasting this. The bursts of static are getting longer each time]

Jan. 22nd, 2019


Accidental CB Broadcast

[Dan is up checking on Kat's animals, which means he's listening to music and singing along as usual. Today on Dan FM are The Ghost of Tom Joad, Running To Stand Still, Hurt, Brain Damage and Effigy. It cuts off after that]

Jan. 6th, 2019


Accidental CB

[OoC: This is spoken very softly, almost under his breath. In the background, you can hear snow crunching and patting sounds, as Bill is making a snowman in one of the corridors]

"He th-thrusts his f-f-fuh-hists... H-he thrusts h-his f-fists uh-ah-against the p-p-puh-puh-posts... f-fuck"

[stompy snow-crunching for about 30 seconds]

"He thru-husts his f-f-f-fuh-fuh-f-fists ag-guh-guh-gainst the p-p-posts ah-hand s-s-s-still ih-ins-s-sists h-he s-s-sees th-the guh-hosts."

"H-he th-th-thrust-"

[The post cuts off here]

Dec. 28th, 2018


oops CB(backdated)

(backdated to this thread.
[There would be a little electrical pop that would turn everyone's cb on (unless the phone was off) and the tailend of a little squeal could be heard. Followed by a little noise that was halfway between a sob and a giggle.]

Yes! Yes yes yes yes!

[There was a little shuffling]

You've just made me the happiest woman in the whole universe.

[A male voice, for those who know Miguel would know it as him.]

Good because I'm never happier than when I'm with you. I need to put this on your finger, though. Can I get your hand, please?

[Then the same fizzle pop that turned the cbs on would turn them off again.]

Nov. 20th, 2018


Open CB

[There is a clear distinct pained cry, and forced labored breath when the phone is dragged closer. Her voice is hushed, and broken with soft little cries.]

Help me please. I don't know where I am. I've been stabbed.

Nov. 17th, 2018


Accidental CB broadcast

[Dan's making a low moan, deep in his throat, that eventually becomes a word]

nnnnNo! Nooo... leaving? No, noo...

[he falls quiet after muttering similar things for about a minute and then snores a little before the radio cuts off]

Nov. 16th, 2018



I'm going to break this cherry, because I'm in the spirit damnit. Anyone that doesn't want to hear Christmas music then turn off your radios now.

Blue Christmas )

Oct. 31st, 2018


Accidental CB radio post

[Dan sounds like he's far away and a bit staticky]

-hat the fuck?

What the fuck is happening no- oh... That ain't right.

Phone, where's my phone... There!

[static, followed by Dan's laughter. It's a lot more nervous than it is amused]

Oh, shit. I'm fucked.

Oct. 11th, 2018


voice post

-ello. I am Astrid. Am I doing this correctly?
Tags: , ,

Oct. 3rd, 2018


Open CB

[he sounds distant, like he's wandered from the phone]

Hello? Is anyone there? Hagrid?

[softer, mumbled]

This doesn't look like the forest...

Oct. 1st, 2018


Accidental voice post

"-at the shock, Tommy?! I told you t-"

"No. No, it's okay. Are you okay? I'm okay"

"Of course you're okay, it was electricity, bit-head. And I'm okay. I'll just check Lyla wasn't fried."

"Hello, Miguel. You appear to be an adult again, welcome back. Using the arbitrary dating system in use on the station, it's October 1st, 2018 an-"

"What. The. Shock."

"It's when?"

"Hello, Tommy Sully. You have grown older also. It's October 1st, 2018."

"Oh, crap."

"I will let Sarah know what has happened. Although Miguel's phone is broadcasting this entire conversation over the network, so she may already know."


"I'm going to throttle you, Sully! No, I'll put you out an airlock. You said this was theoretical!"

"Oh, come on, this is no worse than the time when we di-"

[the phone cuts off at this point]

Sep. 2nd, 2018


voice post

-ahahaha Rawm, stop stop, no, I just... I just, I stood up and my legs didn't, that's all. I swear... Ah, no, sparks're tickly...

[OoC: Tommy's speech is a bit slurred and not really like himself at all]

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