[info]stewardess in [info]07refugees

LiveJournal deletes scans_daily

While the chain of events is not all together clear, it seems Livejournal deleted the entire community of scans_daily after one, possibly two, complaints from an intellectual property owner.

Best write up is at Christoper Bird's website, who was banninated by LJ for posting a detailed review of Deathly Hallows a couple of days before its publication date. Ruining the book for everyone!

Why this is made of fail: LJ deleted suspended the entire comm, although there was a complaint about only one entry on an issue of The X Factor. On the other hand, if I was an unpaid volunteer, I wouldn't put too much time into investigating shit either. Total destruction is always Livejournal's default response to abuse complaints because they won't pay people to perform customer service.

Edit: the mods of scans_daily created a comm at IJ, [info]scans_daily, during the events of strikethrough '07. It's alive and well here (and no doubt in other locations) since LJ killed it. A mod posted information here:



It will probably be sizable, and not go away anytime soon. I actually expect the comm to be restored, with perhaps some modifications to posting rules.
In a way, it would be kind of an interesting experiment if it were offline for a few months. A lot of people on MGK's blog are saying "show me evidence that S_D has an effect on comics sales!" So if it vanished for several months, maybe said evidence would actually be forthcoming.

But the Internet abhors a vacuum even more than nature does, and even if S_D itself didn't come back in its current or similar form, something else would fill its place pretty quickly.