[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

Another note/welcome

Due to [info]squeaky's last post in [info]announcements telling us that GreatestJournal users are being directed to create new accounts here because of server strain there, I'm going to open the asylum up to talking about GJ issues as well. I expect that it will still mostly be about LJ simply because the problems going on there are just so insane and there's already a huge base of us from there, but GJ's technical problems are becoming increasingly overwhelming.

So, if you're coming over from GJ, welcome to our corner of the internet. If you have any questions or problems feel free to comment or email me and I'll do what I can to get you sorted out. Remember to use the tags list when you post, and I'll just go and add some for GJ now.


You're more than welcome to friend me! I've not posted anything in my personal journal yet, though when I do, it will probably be much gushing about my games, and also about music and books (I'm a Brit transplanted to Chicago, and as I don't have a driver's license in this country, I take the bus everywhere -- so I have lots of time to read). In fact, I should be posting something soon about one of my rp couples, because I can't keep myself from gushing over them. But for now, it's past my bedtime, so I shall friend your journal and hopefully talk with you soon!