December 10th, 2007

[info]worstangel in [info]07refugees

Moving journals and communities

I am unsure if this has been pimped before, but the lovely [info]sherlock has two brilliant posts regarding how to move your journals and communities to IJ.
Post 1
Post Two
Tags: ,

[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

I was once known as [info]vampiress_diva @ gj. Has anyone notice the URL is not working now? I think gj is dead. Oh well.

[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

Anime/Manga/Video games

I have created an anime, manga, and video-game specific directory for this site, in light of the new group of migrants from Greatestjournal and the policy/ownership changes on Livejournal. I know there is [info]fandomdirectory already, but anime groups seem to be dispersed on the website and I'm hoping we can bring them all together in a Japanese media specific community.

The community is [info]anime_directory, and there are posts up for submissions. Please link this to your friends and let us know about the anime asylums throughout the website.

Thank you in advance~! ^_^

[info]sherlock in [info]07refugees

Icon limit and journal creation reinstated at GJ.

Yet still no communication with the GJdebacle this weekend. Shocker.

[info]greenwitch in [info]07refugees

A plea for asylums...

I have a plea to the new members of InsaneJournal (since wow, this community is over 1200 watchers now...)

If you're thinking about creating an asylum here for a topic of your interests, please check to see if one is available first. As pointed out in this totally awesome newbie tutorial by [info]das_dingsi, even though we've had a flood of new members coming over here we are still far, far, FAR below the population of LiveJournal or even GreatestJournal. To have so many communities dedicated to the same topics is going to cause fandoms and interest groups to be spread out very thin if there's 5 general asylums dedicated to one TV show, or interest group of people.

And if you do create an asylum? Fill out the interest lists as soon as you possibly can, and remember to include the name of your asylum on the interest list. Otherwise no one will be able to find you, even if you promote it on [info]asylum_promo.

And lastly, if you're looking for a specific fandom, [info]fandomdirectory is there and it is *awesome*. Don't forget to submit your newly created fandom asylums to it, and if you find an asylum that isn't there but you aren't the maintainer, you do NOT have to be the maintainer to submit it to be included. Anyone can do so.

[info]das_dingsi in [info]07refugees

Re: GreatestJournal Refugees...

I noticed we have 2 (TWO) asylums for GJers to find each other: [info]findgjers and [info]gjmeetup. The first was created on 12/09, the second on 12/10.

None of them has GJ or GreatestJournal listed as an interest -- actually, there are no listed interests at all. One of the maintainers set up a welcome post, so I left a comment. The other, I don't know.

Again, please don't forget to list relevant interests, so users are able to find you via the interest search. Not only is it a great help for networking, it would also avoid redundancy.

To all the GJ RolePlayers: IJ STILL HAS COMMENT ROT. This means your comments might disappear without notice. (Eta: I don't mean the problem of comments sometimes not showing up right after you posted them; this can be solved simply by commenting again: both comments show up, delete the redundant one. What I mean is that weeks or months after posting, comments or whole comment threads are gone.)

It won't be fixed until the next code update goes live. I've written about this before ("Known Site Issues"). I know it sucks; at the moment there's always at least one downside no matter which journaling service you choose. :(


Dear [info]07refugees mod (*waves @ [info]keieeeye*): Would it be possible to update the profile page, and perhaps create a sticky post on top of the page (some journal styles, e.g. Unearthed, allow for that) with the most important rules, necessary information, and asylum links? (I'll gladly help if needed.)

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

Russian Blogger Faces Jail

Found via [info]escapee_of_lj, a translation of a Russian article about a Russian blogger who is being criminally charged for something he wrote on LJ.

[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

Comment lag

Don't freak out if you post a comment and it doesn't appear right away - Squeaky added a second webserver and they're still coming into sync. The comment is there, you just need to wait a few minutes and refresh.

ETA, a whole few seconds later: Never mind, he thinks he's found the problem and fixed it. :)