[info]buggery in [info]07refugees

LJ turning against its own defenders?

Does anyone have a screenshot of or remember who posted the top-level content in this thread? As you can see from the responses, the commenter had been defending LJ's actions on the basis that 'fan art depicting UNDERAGED characters in explicit sexual situations is child porn and possibly obscene under US law.'

I doubt it was this comment the user was suspended over, but the fact that someone ostensibly arguing that LJ's inconsistent and baseless 'policy' 'clarifications' are laudable and required in order to comply with the law could themselves be found guilty of a TOS violation, nearly simultaneously with the comment, is surprising.

Depending on the circumstances of the suspension, perhaps this example might even be the wake-up call other LJ users need to get them to to realise that ambiguous and arbitrary policies are a danger to all users, not just some theoretically expendable fringe of fandom.

ETA: Now cross-posted to the fandomtossed community on greatestjournal, here, and the innocence_jihad community on livejournal, here. Thanks to [info]brownbetty for the technical assist.


I think that anyone who comments on these threads or gets involved in any discussions or arguments in public communities or posts leaves themselves open to the opposition crawling around his or her journal/gallery/username on other sites.

Remember, suspensions only happen after a report is made - which means when someone doesn't like someone else's point of view an easy way to shut them down is to report them for something.

Oh, and harassment is a suspend-able offense, too.
LJ Abuse is supposedly close to a week behind on taking action against reported abuse, though. So it seems unlikely that someone could have gotten them banned for a harassment-type accusation since that post went up. And LJ ABuse has tended to be hands-off when it comes to complaints of harassment anyway, with the exception of a few cases where they've aided and abetted harassers.
Oh, they're a week behind. That explains a bit with the two current TOS-warnings.


Astraea_Trepe from LJ

If they're a week behind, then people are being warned for things before having a chance to understand the new policy. Seems unfair.
Wow, interesting. About the only way that would be any kind of justice was if that turned out to be the troll in pornish_pixies' dungeon.
LJ Abuse would also have to stop accepting Abuse reports from them, if it really is one troll as other have speculated. Really, though, I'm not a three-strikes rule for crying wolf with abuse reports is a bad idea. If someone misuses the system and is a habitual offender, it's in everyone's best interest to ban them from making more reports.
I'm pretty sure that they will investigate any "credible" report, regardless of how many any one complainer makes. I don't know where it was said, but I seem to remember seeing that.
They consider all reports credible, even ones which are ludicrous on their face.

I know they *don't* use a three-strikes or even a 'habitual wolf-crier' for people who make false abuse reports maliciously -- I'm saying they ought to.

Of course for that to work, we'd have to be able to trust LJ Abuse to differentiate between someone making maliciously false reports, and someone sincerely reporting things they believe are objectionable but which Abuse decides are okay after investigating. The idea of them trying to make that sort of judgment call is more than a little unsettling.
They could be shooting themselves in the foot with that... "we want you to report crimes you find on LJ, but only 3 per week. Other crimes will have to be reported by other people" sounds like a very dangerous legal position to take.

contact the parent author of the thread

Re: contact the parent author of the thread

See, I thought of that and then forgot to do it. ::facepalms:: I've now asked.

maybe a troll

Re: maybe a troll

The suspended user I referenced in this post is definitely not the same as the suspended user(s) in the thread you link to; those comments had already been hidden due to suspension before I ever saw the now-hidden comment whose author I'm asking about.

Good thought, though.

Re: maybe a troll

I think it is the same guy, actually, I recall seeing him replying to both threads. He was a self-admitted troll who also admitted that the journal he was using had been stolen from someone else. Deeply obnoxious person, all told.

Re: maybe a troll

Stealing a journal is a bannable offence, certainly.

I'm still pretty sure the user you're talking about was suspended before I responded to the comment of the now-suspended user I'm talking about, though.

I take it you don't remember the username?

Re: maybe a troll

Both comments were by the same person... I remember them. The guy had a horrible animated icon of a face vomiting and was a horrible troll.

If he's also a journal thief he deserved the ban stick. Some people do...

Re: maybe a troll

I think it was something like "lsboytoy" but not precisely that. I just remember that, when I saw him again on the page after I'd argued with him, I had a "gah, what an ass" reaction and rolled my eyes. He had a reply on page 22, and only 1 reply has been bahleeted on that page, so I'm guessing it was his.

Re: maybe a troll

Correction: hilsboytoy.

Since I can't seem to edit the post, I'll put this here:

As all good and right-thinking people ought.

(If you like the icon, shareable captioned and blank versions are free for the taking.)
Why waste the energy? It's clearly mindless. I told it that the Abuse Team's job is not, in fact, to enforce their own random whims and decrees, and its response was to ask 'have you seen the picture in question?'


(Flexor @ Livejournal)

Like I keep reminding people: Wizards come of age one year early - at 17.

This is the sort of thing that you can argue over ad infinitum, and in the mean time the real dangerous stuff keeps happening.


serenanna on LJ here. The user you're looking for is hilsboytoy. He is an admitted troll, and on that journal he admitting to hijacking it just to troll after the owner was an idiot and posted their password somewhere public. I've been taking it to heart to check user profiles of everyone that peeks my interest.

For once, the abuse team acted right, but then again, he practically handed them his head on a platter. Doesn't mean he doesn't have a sock-puppet account though that could be trolling Pornish. One rule of the net, aside from number 34 that there is porn of it somewhere, is that in cases of WTF happening, except sock-puppetry.
Gah I know him! Asshole! I had a little quarell with him yesterday...

I'm so glad he is suspended!!
Hmm, after having a look at the actual journal belonging to culturedgoat at LJ, I have to wonder if that isn't simply another stolen journal. The most recent posts date back to last fall and say the journal will be inactive while its owner is out of the country for an extended period...
I don't think it's a stolen journal or sockpuppet. I've seen this commenter around before the recent stuff, and in one of my arguments with him he admitted only knowing UK and Japanese culture and laws.

He also seems to insinuate that he has some sort of inside knowledge - like a friend on the Abuse Team or who is on staff with LJ, I think.
Account type: Basic Account
Date created: 2002-02-15 08:36:38
Date updated: 2006-10-08 12:28:06, 44 weeks ago
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From: burr86
Date: Mon Jul 23 01:18:07 2007

Pressing issues indeed! Thanks for the laugh. :)

To: burr86
From: culturedgoat
Date: Tue Aug 7 16:55:15 2007

Hey man - I know what it's like to be in a situation where you can't do right for doing wrong. Don't let the mean people get you down. They've already made their minds up, and neither God nor man nor JK Rowling is going to change it. Know that there are some people here who are on your side, rooting for you, who understand that these tribulations have been born out of good intentions.

To quote the good Doctor, Hunter S. Thompson: Don't take any guff from these swine.

I've never liked the dark stuff, but that's the only beer they have here. Here's one on me.

So that takes care of the "defense" that Burr is out somewhere in darkest Africa where there's no internet cafes, right?
I don't follow you.

Abe sent a vgift back in July -- and since customers who posted their birthdays in a certain biz post were allegedly going to get vgifts from LJ staff, it's entirely possible something like that is all the connection that exists between the two LJs.

A user doesn't have to have internet access in order for another user to send them a vgift.
Oops, my mistake, I read it backwards. I thought it said Burr had sent it to CulturedGoat.