[info]sylumgator in [info]07refugees


Hi, been reading the "why I am here" and just had some thoughts.

In post 18685 http://blasphemy-blue.insanejournal.com/ commented 'and never let Livejournal isolate us again.'

I think that was what always bugged me about LJ. I was given "codes" early on, and one I filled out. Never posted. Never felt really welcome there. Joined a yahoogroups list that was heavily into LJing. So I reactivated (read: started using) my 2nd account set up over there. But still, LJ felt like a clique. "all the cool people are on LJ" and that just bugged the crap out of me. And JF doesn't appeal to me, cause the "fen". I do a lot of FYI about my RL. Welcome or not, that puts me off.

Maybe IJ is just still small enough, but it feels more comfortable. I tried GJ; it always took to long to load and stuff. Plus. GJ has it's own problems (loading/downtime/Missing icons...) I know part of it is Squeaky. He's very friendly, and sent me personal thanks early on for supporting the site. That meant a lot to me.

I did come over during the strikethrough. I was not personally affected, but know some folks who were. IJ was mentioned somewhere...Stewardess, maybe, as a good, cheap alternative. And after filling out 1 trouble ticket about a weird screen, I used another code, and it works fine.

I moved my unused comms here, too. TheGenGate and AtlantisGenGate. For Gen Stargate stuff. Got a couple members. Not concerned. *GG* Thinking about a seperate journal, too, for just my writing. Should have thought about that before Squeaky raised his rates *gasp!* :-))

Hope that was enough rambles for you guys. I'm hot and tired and kinda grumpy.


Smootchies you back!

If a certain Gator were to get your coauthor a perm account, you think we could convince her to move her cute little butt over here?

I found all your comms. Allie has some catching up to do! And Allie just signed up for a new one here. Trying to support IJ comms.

I am mainly putting my fic, when I get back to it, here. Will link back over here at LJ. And check my friends there. Gotta have the quizzes. *GG*
Currently her main problem is lack of time I think. she says she barely has time to keep up with LJ, but since I am posting our fic over here I'm sure we could talk her into it.

You're a very generous gator *tossesa burrito*. *huggles*

I just posted to the promo comm about my four asylums and I love that bit on the front page with the most recent asylums created and most recent asylum posts. I already got a member from that!