Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - January 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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January 21st, 2008

Backdated a bit [Jan. 21st, 2008|12:25 am]


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I couldn't have lost my powers at a worse time.

Logan )

Jean )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|12:26 am]



Another Earth? How many of these are there?

This is ridiculous.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:19 am]


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Luna )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|02:28 am]
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Well at least this time I wasn't ... nice. And married. To God.

All in all it was rather nice. I was highly amused at all of you. Pity I didn't get the naked disease, though well it's not like I have to work very hard for that.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|02:59 am]


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Private )

I'm so sorry.

Daddy, Mommy )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|03:47 am]
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Things that affected me this past week include:

-Being struck inexplicably nude.
-Leading a song and dance number with the Almighty to the tune of The Jackson Five's "ABC".
-Randomly channeling the personality of a someone who spoke in exclusively one-word sentences. Loudly.
-Randomly channeling a chatterbox so perky and hyper that, were I mortal, I would kill myself to prevent it from happening again.

Things that I retained through all this:

-The common sense not to tell the world when these particular afflictions descended upon me.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|07:49 am]
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|10:13 am]
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I guess everyone got their powers back.

[OOC: Dutch's is kinda upset/disappointed because she woke up this morning and Desire was gone}
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:02 pm]


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Shawnie )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:28 pm]
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...Daddy? Papi?

We's not feeling so good.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:54 pm]


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Karen )

Shawn )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|02:34 pm]
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If this is someone's idea of a joke, it's not very funny. A prank is all well and good, but how do you just apparate a girl into the middle of nowhere? In winter! Was the swirly thing for dramatic effect?
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|03:10 pm]
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Oh thank GOD that's over.

I never thought I'd be so happy to wake up wearing someone else's shirt.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|04:04 pm]


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Marauders )

People who know Lily Evans, not including Lily )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|04:46 pm]


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Elle )

Still older. Huh. But not naked. Woe.

However I am feeling way way way better.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|05:10 pm]
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Frank )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|05:37 pm]


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[Current Mood |distressed]

Come back! Come back!
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|05:43 pm]
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Dear Lee,

Please ignore my shameless (but completely innocent) flirting with Indiana Jones. It can't be helped. You should come over and watch a really kickass movie (or three) to find out why.

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[Jan. 21st, 2008|05:49 pm]


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I got a call from the hospital. Brodin was brought in some time ago and it doesn't look good. He's in surgery at [address] in London. I've asked Mia T to start the calling tree for family and crew. For anyone else that knows Brodin, we'll try to keep you updated.

[ooc: this is backdated to really late last night/early morning]
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|06:02 pm]
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How old is my daughter today?
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|06:03 pm]
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Private )

Okay, back to the real world now. I've been such an idiot. No more running away from things that aren't even that important. I miss my friends. I'm coming back to England.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|06:05 pm]
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Whoo, back to normal.

Why do my gums still hurt? Blah. Growing teeth in 2 seconds kinda sucks.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|06:32 pm]
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Oh dear. I. I'm so sorry.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|07:08 pm]


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I like ice cream.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|07:10 pm]


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So does someone want to tell me why it's next week? What happened to all those other days I've become so fond of?
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|07:34 pm]


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Okay. That was weird.

Somebody want to tell me what's going on?
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|08:01 pm]
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This is not Basin City... how did I get in Seattle?

Something is very wrong here...
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|08:04 pm]
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This is not Thargor's village. Thargor does not like this noisy city of New York.

Thargor broke the last computer thingy he was on. Hopefully this one will work. Or Thargor will smash it.

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[Jan. 21st, 2008|08:46 pm]


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Long day. Stop.

Even longer week. Stop.

Going to pass out now...
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|08:54 pm]


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brodin should make a full recovery. but he won't tell us what happened. i'm not sure i should know.

Jamie )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|09:31 pm]
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What the bleedin' hell is this?
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|10:20 pm]
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Okay, when I realized Gray wasn't anchored by anything I stuffed him in my little office and locked him in. He'll get out, the thing is deteriorating rapidly now that I'm not holed up in it, but...

Well. Okay. I need suggestions, because now that I'm thinking on all cylinders again the guy has a point. He didn't ask to get put back inside me for another go-round, so it isn't fair to just outright kill him. But no way in hell, no way in hell am I going to go back to that office and let somebody drive my body around ever again.

Here's the situation, for those not playing the "Jonesy's Fucked Up Head" homegame: The weirdness caused a second personality to develop in me. This personality is essentially the same as the personality of an alien that took over my body back home. He did some shit, but I'm not getting into it. It's our problem and beating the shit out of his mental representation did a lot to help me take out my immediate rage at him. Thing is, this alien didn't ask to get put back in me and hasn't hurt a soul this time around, so the thought of just outright slaughtering him makes me a little uneasy. It shouldn't be that easy to just snuff out sentient life, right? But at the same time, no way am I ever taking a back seat in my body ever again. Ever.

So. Suggestions, please. Anybody.
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|10:25 pm]
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That's better.

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[Jan. 21st, 2008|10:44 pm]
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Gwen )

Owen )
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|11:31 pm]
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You's on TV!
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|11:33 pm]
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Private )

Long night...
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[Jan. 21st, 2008|11:36 pm]

Ow. Dammit. That wasn't cool.
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