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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Sep. 19th, 2009|01:48 pm]

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[Sep. 9th, 2009|07:38 pm]
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I do believe my water has broken.

And the contractions are getting quite close together, I think it's time to take me to the hospital.

[ooc: why yes I know I'm 3 or 4 months late on this, but PFFT]
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[May. 24th, 2009|11:51 pm]

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Apparently I have the plague. And my guild just got their asses handed to them in a 25 man we've cleared about a million times. Great. And let's not even talk about my Counterstrike clan.

Ugh. At least I have people to change the sheets on the bed and run me a bath. Sorry for stealing your bed so long, Teja.

so fucking sleepy.
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[May. 18th, 2009|06:42 pm]

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ugh. sick. no brains. even youtube is too intellectual for me.

alex, come help your pitiful wife. I need to get my shit in order for our presentation next week.

dont want your bosses mad at you.
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[May. 13th, 2009|06:44 pm]
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Listen up. Gaz Membrane is mine. If any of you so much as look at her in that way, I will kill you.

I'm lookin' at you, speedy.
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[May. 12th, 2009|11:57 am]


Wanda )
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[May. 11th, 2009|08:56 pm]

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Thank goodness the sex is over. I mean, not over, obviously, but the incessant need to have sex is gone, which is good, because I prefer my sex to not be a frantic need. A desperate urge is about the most I can tolerate.

Even I know this is TMI, so don't bitch if you read what's under here )

Congratulations Jean and Bruce. I hope you guys both stay safe and healthy. Everybody's knocked up except me. Not that I'm complaining.
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[May. 11th, 2009|07:39 pm]

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[Apr. 20th, 2009|07:26 pm]

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It is NOT MY FAULT the stupid is following me here.
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[Apr. 16th, 2009|09:26 pm]

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Private )

Wanda )
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[Apr. 6th, 2009|08:25 am]

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No more mintyness. The babies seem like the ones who are most disappointed.

Though I have to admit, smelling like a person again is kind of weird. But I'm sure I'll get used to it again.

I probably still taste good covered in chocolate.
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[Mar. 24th, 2009|02:11 pm]

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So it's all over now, right?

I don't see any more panicking in the streets.

EDIT: So, this calls for Guitar Hero and beer. Sam, Dean, Ed, I'm looking at you guys.
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[Mar. 10th, 2009|03:39 pm]

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Goddamn it.
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[Jan. 27th, 2009|07:03 pm]



Wanda )
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[Jan. 19th, 2009|02:33 pm]

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What is the meaning of this?
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|10:27 am]
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|08:24 pm]

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Wanda )

Lorna )

Anya )

Luna )

There are too many women in my life.

Dominic )
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|05:49 pm]
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Dominic and Pietro )
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|05:44 pm]

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Dominic )

Private )
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[Oct. 17th, 2008|01:15 pm]

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Dominic )
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[Oct. 13th, 2008|03:35 pm]
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O Dumnezeu..

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[Sep. 26th, 2008|01:43 pm]

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Wanda )
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[Sep. 25th, 2008|09:35 pm]
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[Current Mood |blank]


That was uncomfortable. Don't think I'll be doing that again.
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[Sep. 25th, 2008|11:16 pm]
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Billy, if I magically got enough money to get a bigger place, would you move in with me?
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[Aug. 23rd, 2008|08:33 pm]


Wanda )
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|10:49 am]

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(OOC: The invitations to Alex and Lorna's wedding have been sent out. Everyone even vaguely related to either of them, including Emma and all her children, and even Dominic got an invitation. Also invited are the Winchesters and their families, Pulse and Akima, Carrie Kelly and a date, one is e-mailed to Doug Ramsey, Kimber and whoever she decides to bring with her, Edward and X-factor and. . . if you've threaded with Lorna or Alex, or have an excuse to come, you're invited.)

Next time I get married, I'm having a printer do the invites. Handwritting a billion invites is a pain in the ass.

Alex, you're not allowed to have anymore family show up. Seriously. None.

Pulse )
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[Jul. 31st, 2008|10:57 am]
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dad get me away fast please they're blinding me
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[Jul. 25th, 2008|01:52 am]

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Wanda, Dominic )
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[Jul. 20th, 2008|10:51 pm]
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Wanda? Where are you? Come back to bed.
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[Jul. 19th, 2008|10:57 pm]
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Lockjaw? Lockjaw, can you hear me? Get me out of here, I hate this filthy planet with it's filthy humans. The underestimation of women...of me! I can gut your emotions and destroy them leaving you an empty shell with less effort than it takes to anger Gorgon.

I am an Heir and yet they question what Inhumans are and try to lock me away?Silly stupid humans.

Lockjaw, this is an order.
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[Jul. 19th, 2008|01:16 pm]

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I seem to have misplaced myself. Wonder if my powers hiccuped somehow.

Pietro Maximoff reporting for duty. Can someone point me in the direction of the Avengers? Unless there's something evil afoot. In that case, I'm going to be busy saving civilians.
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[Jun. 15th, 2008|06:53 am]

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I am such a huge dork. It's incredible how much clumsiness I contain.

It must be my secondary mutation, or something. Extreme dorkiness.
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[Jun. 6th, 2008|09:30 pm]
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Pietro, is this shirt yours or mine?
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[May. 28th, 2008|10:51 pm]

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It's amazing what your brain will come up with to keep you awake when you really need the sleep.

Wish there was a way to tell my parents about all the craziness of the past few months. I guess homesickness has finally hit.

Oh well. Nothing tea and internet absorption can't solve!
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[May. 25th, 2008|06:35 pm]

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Think I'm going to be a little busy today.

Wanda and Luna, are you safe?
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[May. 20th, 2008|02:12 pm]
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Ah, so there are idiots in all times periods? Good to know.
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[May. 20th, 2008|01:36 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]

It seems I've replaced a holy man.
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[May. 19th, 2008|11:22 pm]

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Dear idiots in the past,

My sister is a witch. I'm not. Really.

Could you please stop trying to get into my cell? I'm getting really bored keeping you out.

Seriously, this angry mob thing is not what's it's cracked up to be. I wish the window were bigger.

Also, Alex, if you could be a good boyfriend and spring me from the joint, that'd be cool. Bars are sadly just as good at holding me in as keeping the others out.

Alex )
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[Apr. 28th, 2008|06:07 pm]

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Luna )

Dominic )

All things considered, the heroes of this world are useless and the villains idiots. I'm surprised cities aren't destroyed more often.
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[Apr. 28th, 2008|01:06 pm]
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Other me. Plan's set up.

Just waiting for you to sign off on the particulars.

Oh Claire...my Claire. How I adore your dark hair. And don't you look so pretty in polka dots today?
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