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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Aug. 27th, 2012|07:36 pm]
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I'm posting to say hello to the new arrivals. I'm Steve Rogers, and I'm currently a patrol officer with the NYPD.

As Tony pointed out, there have been a lot of bewildered posts over the last few days, and I just wanted to say that if you need help getting your feet on the ground, finding a place to stay, and the like, please let me know.
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[Jul. 26th, 2012|04:24 pm]
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Wise men say only fools rush in.
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[Jun. 24th, 2012|11:43 am]
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Everyone settled and enjoying live in Oz? Awesome. Now quit relaxing, we've got work to do.

Suit up, and I mean everyone. Old and new. We can't wait for Goldilocks to show up, there's clean up on aisle 3.

Get to Stark Tower in NYC as soon as you can manage. Within a few hours. C'mon, you assholes are superheroes. And that includes you, Bats.
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[Jun. 16th, 2012|11:10 am]
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A lot of new arrivals lately. I admit I sometimes wonder if maybe this place isn't trying to get ready for something.

But considering the general make up of the people it steals, I couldn't begin to guess what the heck it could be.
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[Jun. 5th, 2012|06:00 pm]
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I'm sorry to bother you all, but can anyone talk me through the steps to open a new page on a telephone internet browser? I need to use one of those search engines to find a telephone number.
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[Apr. 1st, 2012|03:28 pm]

It doesn't surprise me how when things get quiet here, we all assume something is about to go horribly wrong. It's my experience that's often the case.

Most likely it'll just be something ridiculous again like everyone turns into a cartoon or something though. So that's comforting.
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[Mar. 27th, 2012|01:14 pm]
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Been too quiet lately, I don't trust it.
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[Mar. 4th, 2012|12:16 pm]

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Augh. I hate being sick.
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[Feb. 26th, 2012|09:17 pm]

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I wouldn't call this an everyday occurrence. I do have commitments to return to.

Any information would be appreciated.
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[Feb. 25th, 2012|09:08 pm]

I think it's time to pick up a hobby to stave off ennui. Any suggestions?
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[Feb. 7th, 2012|07:25 pm]
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I need somewhere to fly, preferably without being shot down. Could someone suggest some reasonably safe airspace?
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Locked from Aaron Hotchner [Jan. 14th, 2012|07:28 pm]
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I need help from someone on how to act ... I don't know. The way the wife of an MI-5 agent's supposed to act, however that is? Apparently some woman who's Aaron's superior thinks I act "immaturely" and might "affect my husband's chances for promotion".

Though I want it on record that I didn't actually throw anything at the stupid bitch's head when she turned away from me. Rather proud of myself for that.
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[Jan. 10th, 2012|09:41 pm]
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Oh no, you do NOT just sweep a man up out of the blue to go play Dorothy Friggin' Gale before he's had his morning coffee.
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[Jan. 7th, 2012|10:33 pm]

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I really need to learn how to make New Years resolutions I can keep.
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[Dec. 22nd, 2011|05:07 pm]
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Under the tree with a note attached to Merrill. )
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[Nov. 2nd, 2011|09:46 pm]
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I have a TARDIS of my own now. Thank you, Sexy.

And no, before anyone asks, no one is coming along for a trip.
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[Oct. 28th, 2011|09:44 pm]
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London is only my adopted city, but if you think to harm it than you are grossly mistaken.

This is your only warning.
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[Oct. 20th, 2011|05:50 pm]
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Help, somepony? I don't know what's going on!

Please... if it's okay with anypony?
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[Oct. 11th, 2011|07:51 pm]
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All right, I replaced bugger all. So I need some place to live.

Any suggestions? I mean I could live anywhere right? Or anyone need a roommate by way of a mouthy redhead? Not that I don't love Chiswick but it rains too bloody much.
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[Oct. 9th, 2011|01:23 pm]
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Kitty, I know you have good intentions, but for the last time, the answer is no.

I don't even know what speed dating is!
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[Sep. 26th, 2011|06:17 pm]
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The new job is suiting me well. It's honestly refreshing to be teaching again. Feels like a lifetime since the last time, which if you get technical about it it was. Several, in fact.

I'm tempted, though, to find this Nameless Pub everyone seems to mention. I could use some interaction among adults for a change. Also, Kitty, we need to go shopping for dresses.
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[Sep. 21st, 2011|02:00 pm]

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{edit} I may as well Fall, for all the fucking 'good' I'm doing.
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[Sep. 10th, 2011|12:15 am]

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I thought I was rid of these accursed things.
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[Sep. 8th, 2011|07:20 am]

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I really need to remember that flying whilst distracted is a stupid idea. Trees do not do good things to my face, even when I'm shifted.

Melora, Gaius, if either of you laugh at me, I'm freezing you both to the floor.
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[Sep. 6th, 2011|08:27 am]

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Faba's gone. Again. I knew she'd never be able to stay around.

...I'm almost glad she's gone. Does that make me a bad sister?
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[Aug. 25th, 2011|09:02 pm]
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Kitty, you were right. This is impossibly hard work. Is anyone up for a drink or a movie or something that isn't entitled wives of politicians complaining about the help? Don't get me wrong, they're paying very well for it, but I'm about to go stark raving here.

I never realized how much I'd miss
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[Aug. 25th, 2011|09:46 pm]
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Sadako, I owe you something. Chocolate? Dinner? Jewelry? Something.
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[Aug. 18th, 2011|04:36 pm]
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Strange, but not entirely unwelcome or unexpected. Can't figure out for the life of me how this sort of thing always winds up happening. It seems like there's a few new arrivals. Don't worry, I've read enough to get the gist.

I don't suppose Scott or Emma or Charles are here somewhere?
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[May. 23rd, 2009|11:25 am]
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This weekend is a beautiful one! The kind I would have spent on a sunny place curled up when I was more-- furry.

Today, however, I think I will treat my lovely wife to some of those diligence croissants I learned how to make from Natasha. It's a lovely day for baking, and for just being.
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[May. 14th, 2009|11:24 pm]
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Scott )

Finally out of the clinic. I am never, ever losing my head like that again.

At least Henry's clinic has better food than normal hospitals. You should put that in your Google information, by the way.
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[Apr. 9th, 2009|10:00 am]
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Scott )
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[Apr. 3rd, 2009|11:10 am]
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What do you call a guy with a rabbit up his butt?


Random one liners are an addiction. If you or a loved one are suffering from oneliner withdrawal, we can help. Please reply to this post, if not for yourself, then for someone you love.
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[Apr. 2nd, 2009|11:49 am]

I am all set to take my teacher's exam. I'm going to be teaching in Italy for a while, I think, probably history and psychology.

After that, we'll see.
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[Mar. 29th, 2009|09:01 am]
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Pyrokinesis. Of all the fucking powers to have. . .

I nearly had a heart attack! Not to mention the smoke damage that will now have to be fixed.

Arg. I didn't need another power, really.
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|07:54 am]
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Today is a day for cheesecake. I've been in the mood to make one all week. I just finally found the time to do it.

Is there anyone who would like one? When I cook I tend to do big batches, since it uses about the same amount of energy, and I'm used to feeding large crowds mostly comprised of people who could put away a whole cheesecake by themselves (and have done so gleefully).
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[Mar. 1st, 2009|09:00 am]

In my former life, I had all the necessary accreditation to be a teacher. I still have this knowledge, and hope to use it in a more formal setting. But my current life doesn't include these necessary papers. I don't suppose there is anyway to skip going back to college? Some way to test out or something?

If there are any people who are too old to attend the Taunton Academy, but still require help mastering their powers, I would be happy to teach you in an informal, one on one setting until such time as I am able to actually teach at a school somewhere (and after, I suppose, though my time will be more limited).

Scott )
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[Feb. 18th, 2009|01:12 pm]

Arg. Life is getting a little crazier than I particularly like.

But at least it's still a harmless crazy. I can deal with harmless crazy.

Maybe I'll take a week off, see how things go. Bruce, John, Scott, think you guys can manage? I'll be within reach if you need me.
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[Jan. 29th, 2009|09:38 am]
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I'm glad that everyone is back to their normal age and staying that way.

Hank, you'll have to tell me about your daughter.

How are all the new arrivals holding up after their firt bout of the insanity? Marco, you seemed to have a particularly interesting future. Are you alright? Would you like to get coffee again?

Nathan )
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[Jan. 18th, 2009|05:42 pm]
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I don't know what to think or say about any of this.

Except that it was hard enough dealing with a younger stubborn child with ample help. Now I've got two teenagers that keep trying to kill each other, and no help.

Well, Catherine helps a little, but since Christopher arrived. . . not so much.

But I'm enjoying it, in an odd way. Possibly knowing it will end in a week or so is what's helping with that.
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[Jan. 5th, 2009|10:00 am]

Ah, coffee, is there anything that you and I together can't accomplish?

Beside banishing cosmic entities. That one's tricky even with coffee.

In other news, my spring line is ready for production! Which gives me about a month before I have to do anything other than work on my special projects.

Maybe I'll redecorate the house? The starry night in my bedroom has got to go. Anyone feel like rewiring my bedroom? Or at least changing hundreds of Christmas lights to multicolor ones?
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