[Dec. 12th, 2009|04:27 pm] |
Is our birthsday today. We's five! You's all invited to our party! We's going to the dinosaurs museum!
Uncle Greg! We's want you to comes to our birthsday party! Daddy says you maybe might be too busy, but we knows you's not too busy for birthsday cake! |
[Mar. 15th, 2008|01:22 pm] |
gEt ReADy 4 FuN!! |
[Mar. 9th, 2008|12:58 pm] |
Told ya so Gus. |
[Mar. 4th, 2008|10:31 pm] |
Well, you don't say!
That's one way to arrive in style! |
[Mar. 2nd, 2008|09:29 pm] |
[Mar. 1st, 2008|10:33 pm] |
What inna world is it with little boys an' dogs?
I just dont get it. An' I'ma be in so much trouble if'n the landlord sees it. |
[Feb. 28th, 2008|04:36 pm] |
Okay...so ignoring it didn't work.
Guess I really am stuck like this.
Edit: Papi, can I kidnap the girls to go get some ice cream? |
[Feb. 28th, 2008|12:56 pm] |
Hope y'get fat f'eatin' alla whipped cream, Ma.
'm bored. They canceled school 'cause there's no power. |
[Feb. 26th, 2008|07:27 pm] |
'm gon' have a pony soon! Honeysuckle's gon' have a colt!! |
[Feb. 26th, 2008|04:04 pm] |
Schro's gone, and we's can't find him anywheres. |
[Feb. 26th, 2008|03:56 pm] |
I'm so ready for summer. |
[Feb. 22nd, 2008|05:17 pm] |
We's all moved away from Papaw's. Reckon the city's ok. I got m'own room now, that's cool. 's all cowboy stuff. Mama worked real hard onnit, sh'said.
Oh!!! An' sh'got me a gamin' system! An' all these cool games. Ma's th'best. |
[Feb. 17th, 2008|02:52 pm] |
Is good to be back in California! |
[Feb. 17th, 2008|01:11 pm] |
I'm bored. Somebody pway wif me! |
[Feb. 14th, 2008|06:07 pm] |
Allright, ladies and gentlemen.
Who wants to be my Valentine this year? |
[Feb. 12th, 2008|07:41 pm] |
Mister Cowboy Man? Drew's Pawpaw?
Can we's come visit? Drew wanted to see a DeeVeeDee we's had. Daddy and Papi said to ask you, since it's yours house. |
[Feb. 12th, 2008|08:48 pm] |
Fucking Hell, what...This isn't Em city. Where the Fuck am I? Toby? Shit. Shit.
I'm out. I'm fucking out. Jesus. |
[Feb. 12th, 2008|05:55 pm] |
I'm b'ginning t'think I don't like girls much.
Least not th'ones at school. |
[Feb. 11th, 2008|11:06 pm] |
Mah Papaw got real mad at mah Mama t'day. Was real scary.
Howdy, m'names Drew Del Mar Twist, an' I'ma real genuine cowboy, jus' like mah Papaw. |
[Feb. 11th, 2008|07:29 pm] |
Well then. I reckon I ought to tell y'all I just joined uh. . this place.
I awready know w'a's goin' on, no need to be explainin'. Name's Alma, Alma Junior, to be exact.
[OOC: This was posted after the log took place, mun got bored XD.] |
[Feb. 7th, 2008|10:45 pm] |
God damn wolf gutted one a'my sheep and th'rain soaked m'matches. Fuckin' pisser of a day. |
[Feb. 6th, 2008|10:16 pm] |
They think Karen has preeclamsia. |
[Feb. 6th, 2008|07:45 pm] |
Out of marshmallows.
Someone play with us! |
[Feb. 3rd, 2008|03:11 am] |
I don't know if I can top the dramatics of my last post, but I would like the update those who were/are concerned;
I'm bored in a hospital with a headache/concussion, a rather managled broken arm and a sexy limp due to a sprained ankle. I've replaced Sir Bob Geldof and have signed far too many things while here.
Captain Jack, my Captain Jack, are you alright? I've still not heard from you. New Captain Jack, the one who I sadly only met while in a concussive state (I'm still in it, but ssh, I'm better), a pleasure, I'm Jack Dent, or Sir Jack Dent, depending on how formal we get. Ray, Greg tells me you are alright, and that is delightful to know, also congrats on the wedding! Reina and Sofia, I'm meeting you tomorrow, tra la la! Gregory knows how I feel and has already shooed me away for the evening...Oh! My Captain Jack (I am sort of tittering over calling you that. I know you aren't mine, don't fret and get all worried. I'm not obessive, just flamboyantly fabulous), I'd very much like, once I'm no longer in hospital, another little trip. With a third, if you wouldn't mind.
I wish there was more to do in the hospital besides badger you all, but here we are. C'est la vie, such is life. |
[Feb. 2nd, 2008|09:47 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | apocalyptic plot, greg house, jack dent, james wilson (2), jason todd, karen davis, peter allen, raymond wood, reina and sofia wood, shawn spencer, zell dincht | ] |
So, good news, bad news, better news.
Bad news- Apparently my mother fell of the face of the Earth.
Good news, part one- That means she didn't die a horrible death in the destruction of the city.
Good news, part two- my asshat of a father is also gone.
Which means I don't have to fucking pretend I care who knows the better news. As of 2:30 this afternoon, I am officially Reina and Sofia's father. I think it had something to do with Ray, too. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was signing.
Once the world's not ending anymore, everyone (that doesn't manage to piss me off before then) gets a round on me. Us. 'Gotta do something with my half of the money. |
[Feb. 2nd, 2008|02:13 pm] |
Karen is still doing well, still don't know why she's still unconscious, tho. They think it might be some swelling in her brain that is too minimal to show up on an MRI, but they aren't sure.
Baby's still doing good. |
[Feb. 2nd, 2008|01:58 pm] |
*Muttering in Spanish, some cursing, breaking items.* |
[Feb. 1st, 2008|10:44 pm] |
[OOC: Posted while en route to Tritter's Evil Lair, in the log]
Somebody tell ours Daddy and Papi the bad man has us and we's can't get away cause him's got a gun and him's angry and we's need help. We's in a cop car him's took from the hopsital, at... 283 |
[Jan. 29th, 2008|11:52 pm] |
Papi gots lots of presents on the TV tonight!
Is it Christmas again?
We's want presents! |
[Jan. 26th, 2008|01:27 am] |
I want food. Lots of it. Pineapple, saboritos (or however the fuck it's spelled), pizza, with lots of stuff on it.
I'm hungry.
Who wants to go eat? |
[Jan. 25th, 2008|10:44 pm] |
Sorry girls, but you're gonna have to wait a while for that little girl cousin. This little cousin is a boy. |
[Jan. 24th, 2008|08:48 pm] |
Papi, we buyed you something cause Daddy wears one and we thinks you should too!
Lookie, Lookie, Papi! |
[Jan. 21st, 2008|11:31 pm] |
You's on TV! |
[Jan. 21st, 2008|08:46 pm] |
Long day. Stop.
Even longer week. Stop.
Going to pass out now... |
[Jan. 21st, 2008|01:28 pm] |
...Daddy? Papi?
We's not feeling so good. |