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Posts Tagged: 'hera'

Jul. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Hera]


[Filter: Hermione]

I'm afraid we might have to delay the trip a little, something came up. I promise to explain soon, please forgive me, sister?

[Filter: Troilus]

Are you busy?

Jun. 22nd, 2012




[Filter: Private]

I'm done jabbing at the Czar today. I wonder, though, if Selene will visit him tonight.

[Filter: Family (all relations including in-laws)]

It's nice to be home, I suppose. We'll see how long it is before the Czar sends me off, though. At least I've never minded the travel. Part of me hopes I'll get to go to Babylon. I wonder if I can get citizenship there as well. I'd love a set of husbands to maintain.

Eve, is your engagement still on? Or have you reconsidered being someone's pet wife?



[No Subject]

[Filter: Iriyian high ranks]

The Emperor of Ryugu-jo and I are negotiating. While, I would much rather fight Niflheim head-on without any aid, it would be foolish to think that could work, especially with Camelot who may interfere on behalf of Niflheim.

Your opinions?

[Filter: Eve]

Are you well?

Jun. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Iriy; high ranks]

Camelot has given no signs of getting involved. Do we know where Babylon stands? There will be no choice but to put a final end to this. Till either me or her is dead

They will move soon, our winters are harsh and we know how to move better in those conditions. However, whatever- whenever - it happens, our response must be swift and decisive.

Drawing them in and then cutting the supply lines when they're too far in. Then we kill them all.

[Filter: Medb]

You should stop this before there is no way back.

Jun. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Theseus...someone left the butter on the counter again...oh wait. That might have been me. Nevermind

I think I finally found the right fabric for these curtains. I have a visit to make I tested quite a few before I found it, though. I might have made a mess...

Jun. 14th, 2012


drunk hera is drunk.

[The following is visible for a short period of time, from around 1AM to 8AM, as she later gets up and realizes that drunk!posts are ridiculous and damaging to her image. She's never been known to make good decisions while inebriated -- not that she can actually remember Dionysus and his date rape at this point in time.

Yet that she got this drunk in the first place is a point of wonder. There can be no doubt that the events of the day (or, to the more particular, the day before) have shaken her to the core.]

I t never
gets easy ;.ad



Jun. 13th, 2012




So being in a hospital was fun but Daddy's all better now. Replace 'Daddy' with whatever I am to you. And apparently my other son is Helios.

My children > yours

What else has been going on here?

Jun. 12th, 2012




[Filter: Helen]

You know I love you more than words could ever say, don't you? Thanks. For being here. I will make it up to you. Starting with getting some proper food for you delivered in here. And we'll take a trip, ok? I swear to whatever God there is I'll make you feel loved cared for beyond reason and that's only the goddamn tip of things.

You are a good wife, Helen. In your own way, you are a good wife.

Can you get me more pudding?

[Filter: Hermione]

I think you need to speak with your mother at last, darling. After everything that's happened, life's way too messed up for you to be scared of meeting with her.

[Filter: Public]

Sorry if I scared any folks. Should be all good soon.

Jun. 5th, 2012




So, funny story -- I got called into the guidance counselors office, and he was all "Caradoc, your attendance record is atrocious, and even though your grades are within the awesomest percentile, we're thinking about holding you back." So I was all, "Bitch, you don't know me, you don't know my life! I come from the mean streets of Acadia Parish, and I don't need this bullshiz! Peace out, homeslice!" then I pulled out some pictures of him being all creepy peeping on the cheerleaders, gave him the look, and he closed his folder and said I get to go on and become a sophomore, yay!

I left, but before I did, I walked over to his table, and I flipped that bitch. 'Cause people gotta know, you don't try getting all intimidating on Caradoc Leigh Boudreaux without some collateral damage. And then I got some cookies, before lunch. That's right, I'm bad like that.

Now I just gotta con someone into taking me to visit Uncle JuJu, and all will be right in my world~

Jun. 4th, 2012


[No Subject]

Moving a business is a clusterfuck of paperwork and a pain in my ass. It's finally done though so thank the fuck for that. Abernathy Securities is open for business here in the great city of New York. Anyway, anyone looking for work, I could use an assistant.

I'm Henry, used to be called Ares. You see a tiny grumpy seven year old running around, that's Alice. Yes, she's always like that. No, it doesn't bother me.

Jun. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filter: Heimdall]


[Filter: Hera]

Mama? Are you okay?

Jun. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

Please tell me that you're around and breathing.

How are you both?

Sometime after I can speak properly and walk, I suggest we all get drunk.

Please tell me you didn't see it.

Oh NEW YORK. I have always loved you but never more than right now.



[No Subject]

Aidan? You're back right? You're not dead anymore? Please. I'm bringing you a plant or flowers or something. I don't know. Maybe I'll bring you a cactus for making me worry I'm sure your... Which means you're going to tell me where you are so I can deliver it in person.

On another note. I went to apologize for my sudden absence and apparently I wasn't absent? Also my apartment is redecorated? I don't...understand. How was I in two places in once? I thought that was physically impossible.

May. 31st, 2012



. 02 .

Dad ...nah.

OLD MAN. You a zombie yet? Everyone else is and you're too chirpy to do otherwise.

Since everyone's so calm, how common is being beamed up to the Enterprise?



[No Subject]

This is becoming repetitive.



the princess and the hound ♀

[filter; menelaus]
... Daddy?

[filter; euterpe]
Are you okay?

[filter; hera]
Please Don't leave me now that we're not in Rome. Please.

[filter; public]
I don't ever want to leave home again.

May. 24th, 2012


the eleventh ✽

[filter; greeks]
To my sisters: I wish you the best of luck. You are Zeus' daughters. Be strong, be courageous. And if death should claim you, remember it is not permanent.

To the rest, I offer the same advice. Be well.

May. 22nd, 2012



post, the fourteenth

[filter; hypnos + family, castor, pollux]
I know it's probably silly, but my husband here is fighting two others, and I know he's not my real husby, he's not Hypnos, but I'm scared. And I'm worried for Charon, and for Nyx, and everyone I know in there, but with Geb... We have two kidlets, and they keep asking for him, and I dunno how long we're gonna be here but... I'm sorry, I'm being stupid. I can't stop crying I don't want to be alone.

[filter; geb]
I'm coming to see you, as soon as I can. I'm sorry it took so long.

[filter; hermes]
I want to visit my husband, please.



[No Subject]

[Filter: Agravaine]

I'm fighting twins and should make jokes about nailing them. Fighting your brother, huh?

[Filter: Blackwells]

Well, I know this whole thing is just... peachy.

May. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

[ filter; gladiators ]

Those who do not have previous experience wielding either a sword or spear - my name is Gabriel, look for me in the training yard and I will work with you to help as best I can. I will not let you go into this fearful and unprepared. Or doubting yourselves. For the rest; good luck, God bless you... and may the odds be ever in your favor.

[ filter; calliope ]

I pray that neither of my opponents are your family - be it true or in this time? I simply would not be able to do that to you while you watch. And are you safe?

[ filter; angels ]

Should one of us fall

[ filter; public ]

I really wanted to see Battleship. First thing I'm going to do after sitting in church for a few hours praying when we get back is see that movie. With the largest popcorn and every sugary/sour gummie candy they have. What about everyone else?

Perhaps something to look forward to will help.


I will not kill my sister.

I'm glad you're my brother in this life.

May. 17th, 2012


[No Subject]

[filter; apollo, artemis, gabriel, leviathan] [ooc; she goes by the name 'lena' since she does not know who she is yet /o/]

I would like to get to know my current set of siblings. And so many of you there are~ It appears I am fated to be part of large broods.

[filter; hermione] [who shall henceforth be included in all filters pertaining to hera's progeny.]

My darling. Accompany your mother to the baths?

[filter; pat
[filter; drake]

Are you all right?

[filter; blackwells + chiara]

Is everyone safe? Are any of you - I can't even write it

May. 16th, 2012



tre ♛

I always have appreciated Roman clothing, even what little I'm wearing.

May. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]


Vestal Virgin? Seriously? I... what? My brain...




May. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

I'm going to kill that bitch. I seriously fucking am.



[No Subject]

Lena, what in the world is going on here? And I'm asking you because I'm hoping to God you, of all people, still retain some degree of sanity.

This isn't the Rome I know.




...I am pretty sure we all have paper journals again and that we aren't in NYC anymore. I am also pretty sure I should be wearing more than I am because I did not go to bed in a...subligaria.

Someone tell me I'm dreaming. Or that I'm not. Because this can't be Zurvan and it feels like Rome. I remember who I am. I know who I am. ...and I have a daughter. I know that. One blood-related to me and she's

Fuck it all, it's another game.

May. 13th, 2012


[Filter: Private]

heidi klum & mama klum )

This isn't what I wanted.

I miss you more than I can bear to say.

May. 10th, 2012



post, the twelfth

I read the other day that Maurice Sendak passed away, and I wasn't sure how to take that. He was one of my favorite writers, I still have a copy of Where the Wild Things Are from when I was little floating around here somewhere, it's a book I always felt would be worth reading to any kidlets that I might have someday, and now if those days ever come I feel like it'll mean that much more to be able to share something I loved with them.

It's easy to think about how he hopefully lived a long and fulfilling life, but at the same time it's weird to think about death being permanent considering what we've seen and dealt with here. I suppose it's different for actual people, the ones who aren't like us, but it's still something that made me stop and think.

Anyway, if anyone's interested the bakery where I work decided to make some Where the Wild Things Are cookies, and I think that's pretty cool.

May. 9th, 2012


[Filter: Emilia]

[after the first comment in this thread]

Darling, I very badly need a place to stay tonight, if it isn't an imposition.
Tags: ,

[No Subject]

[filter; visible to all greeks]

It feels as though it's time to do a headcount again. Children, brothers, sisters - who is here? My daughters - it's been far too long since we've had dinner together so pencil me in for Thursday evening. I look a fright but I hope you'll put up with me, nonetheless

[filter; blackwells]

If someone could explain to me why Reza and Dante thought it necessary each to bestow a black eye on me, I would appreciate it greatly.

May. 6th, 2012


[No Subject]

Helen. I -

[filter; helen]

So, last week was fucking weird. Don't know how it was for you. But come over, please? I Ti-Voed a bunch of shit movies of stuff getting blown up.

[filter; public]

It seems there are a lot more Italians around these days. I entirely approve. Sometimes, my name is Celestino.



o n e

Aloha everyone! My name is Kallista Martin, I just settled into my new apartment this weekend ~ I'm originally from Oahu and relocated to your lovely city to open up a brand new office on Academy Street. I'm a sex therapist and matchmaker. We're accepting appointments and our hours are 9am to 6pm. Additionally, if anyone is looking for a job we could use a front desk receptionist! Must be 18 or older; please reply to this post if interested.

If you have any questions; about myself, the practice, or anything pertaining to relationships and all the issues that come with them ~ feel free to go ahead and ask! It's what I'm here for, after all.

And! I've actually got a question for you ~ what's your favorite romance/love song? This is mine.

May. 5th, 2012



thirteenth princess ♀

[Filter: Helen]

[Filter: Hera]
Could we do lunch again sometime?

[Filter: Menelaus, visible to Pheme]
Blueberry pancakes, remember.

[Filter: Public]
I don't want to do that again.

May. 6th, 2012


[No Subject]

I am just saying. No one ever said I had any fucking class. But I fucking love this city~

[filter; reza | visible to all blackwell women]

Caaaaaan we go punch Patrick now? I'll hold him down, you hit him with all your girly-strength.

May. 4th, 2012


q u i n c e

This made me laugh sososo much. I plugged in my name and he sang it back to me, but obviously it doesn't work with my real name. I think they have a database of popular names? I tried Diego's name and it didn't work. SADFACEEE.

I have no idea what they're sorry for, but lshsljsl

Cinco de Mayo tomorrow! I am excite. ♥




[Filter: Blackwell family]

Keep this man far away from me and my children. He goes by Connor Waldgrave but he's Loki. Don't let him know where I live, details of my life - anything that could come back and bite me.

No, I'm not going to fucking go into details about what is going on. Just please fucking do it and don't ask stupid questions.

[Filter: Private]

I don't care if I'm betraying him, he's lost his goddamn mind and I will not let my children get involved in this.

May. 3rd, 2012


[Filter: Jim]

Jim, darling, a word.

This is Lena Blackwell, by the by.
Tags: ,

May. 2nd, 2012



uno ♛

I find all the interesting places. I know some of you here, don't I?

Apr. 24th, 2012



. 02 .

I dislike being kidnapped, maze or not, in group or not. I suppose none of you wackjobs has a proper explanation for this matter?

With my luck, you would claim to be a 'miracle' or a 'god' of some sort.

Good to see nothing changes.

I find myself in need of company for a formal dinner, male or female. Those who I do know here, I'll make an effort to be a proper date. Maybe with some alcohol in the mix, someone will cough up whatever's going on.

Carry on.

Apr. 22nd, 2012



post, the eleventh

I love Sunday's. Work isn't open so I get to spend the whole day being lazy and doing whatever I like. I know it's funny, 'cause I work at a bakery, but today I'm spending my day trying out some new recipes from work so I can get them perfect.

First, I've made some Nutella waffle cookies. And for dinner tonight, I'll be making banana-strawberry-Nutella crepes, 'cause I think it's time to try something different than pancakes for a fun and special dinner.

If anyone wants some let me know, they're super-easy to make so I made tons.



[No Subject]

Fine, I'm alive. Happy? Yeah, I don't give a fuck.

Touch my ribs again and I'm shooting you.

Apr. 16th, 2012



the fifteenth ♥

[filter; samael]
Um Samael? I have something I should tell you, but it might be dangerous for me. But I should still tell you.

[filter; public]
I wish school was over now.

Apr. 12th, 2012


[No Subject]

Is it too much to ask for someone sane

[Filter: Katie]

Your father

[Filter: Denver]

I'm so sorry for leaving you alone, honey. Are you okay?

[Filter: Drake]

Let's go for drinks. If you mention anything remotely related to a previous life, I will dump any and all contents over your head.



fifth chase.

[filter; blackwells]
There's no time like the present, yeah? I don't think this is much of a secret, considered I've been outed. This reincarnation business isn't that new to me -- I've been through it twice before.

I'm Greek. Pan, to be precise.

[filter; public]
I'm playing at Birdland tomorrow at 7pm if anyone likes jazz. Full band and all that jazz.

Apr. 9th, 2012


first ♛

I am going to say with a certainty that I know some of you who frequent this. I d;jhlsls


Apr. 8th, 2012


[No Subject]

Children, speak to me. Tell me how you fare.

Bring back Zurvan. At least there, a man could die in peace.

Apr. 6th, 2012


[No Subject]

There is a castle on a cloud. )

Apr. 2nd, 2012



princess picky ♀


[Hermione had been fortunate enough not to wake up in her jammies, having been working diligently on an assignment that was due the coming day. Of course, there'd be no getting to that, no school to speak of as she opened her eyes to see the open sky. She was alone, uncomfortable, and some animal skittered past her feet upon sitting up.

But she was too full of pride to ask for help.

I woke up on rocks. Not on the grass two feet away -- the rocks.


[No Subject]

[text to Patrick]


[text to Emilia/text to Maud]

Please let me know where you are, and that you are safe.

[Blackwell filter]

I find myself in the rather unenviable situation of having grass stains in less than desirable places. Would anyone be so kind as to explain the situation? I would find it so helpful. ♥

[call to Katie]

Katie? Please tell me immediately if you are all right. I don't -- I don't know where I am right now, but if there's any way I can get to you, I will.