Apr. 16th, 2019


Who: Kai & Scotty
Where: The Lounge
When: Late morning

A shock of pink )

Dec. 24th, 2018


Who: Abra, Kate, Kai, Ivy, and Dylan
When: Morning
Where: Room #4

Wake up, bitches. )

Dec. 2nd, 2018


Who: Scotty and Kai
When: Morning, shortly before the storm
Where: Heading into town because SOME PEOPLE can't calm their shit

How do I get myself into these things? )

Nov. 8th, 2018


Who: Kai and OPEN
When: Anytime after 5AM
Where: Second floor lounge

The door was closed and the room was dark.

All at once Kai was awake and in the grips of sheer panic, fueled by terror and too scared even to scream. When she was in control of her body, she bolted. She ran for the door and wrenched it open, nearly falling over in the process. She hadn't expected to open that easily. Her worst fear was that it would be locked and she'd be back in the princess room. Neither of those things were true. Light from the lounge spilled into her room. The Mount Zenith room. She wasn't alone. She wasn't locked in. It was okay.

Well, as okay as things could be here.

For what felt like hours she stood in the doorway, still gripping the doorknob and breathing hard. She focused on each individual part of her body, starting with her toes, and consciously forced them to unclench. She worked her way up her feet, her legs, all the way up to her forehead. Deep breaths.

Propping the door open with a pillow she kept near her door, she managed to let go of the door, and was relieved that it didn't slam shut and lock. The clock on her desk read a few minutes after 5 AM. Kai hurried to her bed, yanked her comforter off, grabbed her pillow, and headed into the lounge. She went to one of the couches, the one with the yellow throw pillows, wrapped herself in her comforter, and stretched out in the couch. She could not help but audibly sigh in relief. "So much better," she mumbled, turning herself into a burrito in her giant white down comforter and snuggling into the cushions. She was back to sleep before the smile of relief had faded from her lips.