[ voice/video || open ]
05 May 2011 at 10:36 pm
[ It’s getting to be later in the evening, and for once, he’s considering sleep. There are no nicotine patches to keep him occupied, and the world right now is dull, dull, dull. He needs something stimulating, and the communicator is right there... Normally, he’s not given to speaking to people unless they have information. This is no exception. ]

[ Those listening to the open feed will hear the dark voice pouring through their headset, smokey and slow with the weight of his dilemma. ]

Good evening, Marina Asylum.

Before you ask, yes, I am one of those new inmates assimilated into the fold by your monotonous overlord. However, I’m not interested in preaching my woes of incarceration. I am comfortable with the charges that have been weighed against me and regret nothing.

My name is Sherlock Holmes.

I’ve spent the day exploring your facilities. Anthrax Island, indeed. However, what I’ve seen of you brings questions to mind, those of which I would like to bring to your attention.

Marina's Criminal Survey )

[Voice] Filtered from Kaito
05 May 2011 at 08:32 pm
[Akito spent the night with Agito last night in the shelter. He has decided that while he loves his other half, he misses being around other people]

Um. I was wondering...does anybody happen to be living by themselves? I kind of don't like being on my own without other people around, and...I don't really want to go home right now. So I was wondering if anyone would mine a roommate for a little bit.

I'm not really wanting to go anywhere that On-- ...that Kaito will know about and expect me to go. [Hence why he didn't just return to Jennifer's house. Sorry mama-chan >: He really doesn't want Kaito to find him] It's complicated, neh...

((OOC: Replies may be slow))
[audio | action] OPEN
04 May 2011 at 10:30 pm
[A few rhythmic taps start over the feed-- and once they're done, a terribly bland drawl takes over]

Suffering through lock up, community labor, and "good behavior" [slight emphasis here; she behaved for her, okay] the first time around doesn't net you a pass out of chains on your next shitty stay here? [Promptly ending that is a particularly loud crack-- she's shoved the ball at the end of her restraint off her lap and crashing onto the concrete]

[...After a few beats, muffled] This is bullshit.

[She's at the ever popular hang-out spot, aka the park; stretched out and lazing on one of the low, waist height walls if you want-- or happen!-- to run across her. She's not going anywhere with that around her foot, after all]
04 May 2011 at 02:32 pm
[ she's in the education center, plunking around on the piano -- dammit, Marianne -- and trying very hard not to play anything that sounds nice. she has one of the flowers from home tucked into her hair.

during a break in her playing, she turns her communicator on and asks: ]

Can we have pizza for dinner? [ "private" settings? what are those? ]
Location: Day 113 / Education Center / Early Afternoon
001: Arrival [voice]
04 May 2011 at 12:34 pm
I understand that something this elaborate cannot possibly be considered a joke... Well then. It doesn't seem like I'll be able to do anything about this situation at the time being, not that I won't try to find out more to see if I can't do anything about this at a later point but I must question the warden of this place about this list of crimes - If I had committed the said crimes, I would know it, wouldn't I?

[have a disgruntled pause, and - is that chains you hear in the background? I think it is!]

In any case, since this seems to be a public broadcast, I suppose I ought to introduce myself: I am Light Yagami, and I come from Tokyo, Japan, a mere small part of the planet Earth.

So. [skepticism is plain in his voice to hear] What sort of worlds do people here come from, then?
03 May 2011 at 03:33 am

[There's one very baffled blue-haired demon staring into the communicator.]

Dis ain't right...

Have I been out for very long? Where's Sera? Sentience? You still here, sis?

...Who done went and moved me??

((ETA: Ack! Gotta run! I'll get to replies later.))
02 May 2011 at 07:24 pm
[one very pissed off donna noble is in the park with one very important goal of not letting anyone get some peace and quiet until she finds out what's going on.]

Oi! What the hell is going on? This supposed to be another one of them computer simulation perfect world things again? I didn’t get out of one them just to fall back in again! You lot certainly ain’t foolin’ me! And this one isn’t even slightly convincing. Didn’t even try to make me forget my memories or anything. Shoddy computer this one is.

[she blinks as she realizes she's gotten a little sidetracked, and the rage is back]

And what kind of perfect world is set in a prison? For that matter, this sentence is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard of! Killing that wasp-man? I had to! It was about to kill Agatha Christie. I'm not about to let a giant wasp kill Agatha flippin' Christie! Let me go! Doctor! Where the bloody hell are you?
02 May 2011 at 09:29 pm
Oh mom...

[The screen jostles, tilting up as a small thump is heard. Kneeling on the ground, long brown hair sweeps the pavement below as a young girl falls to her knees in defeat.]

I... I realize that setting up camp on private property is wrong, but I never imagined how serious the offense! [Dark eyes swirling she reels dizzily, head spinning] I don't even remember there being any pressed charges. I'm the worst. Such an idiot! The lowest of low. To think that the Sohma allowed such a hardened criminal into their home.


I'd punish me too.
03 May 2011 at 11:42 am
[A rubbing on the head with a hoof turns the video. She may or may not have just crashed into a building. As her vision returns, kinda lying on the ground, Dash reads the screen. Guess who's suddenly not a happy pony]


No, okay, no. No, no, no. Who came up with this stunt, because it is SO not funny. Seriously. I was THIS CLOSE to pulling that trick off! Who thought it'd be smart to interrupt me when I'm training?! And me, a criminal! Ordinarily I'd be amused by this, but when I was THAT CLOSE to pulling off the Sonic Rainboom again-!

[She takes off mid-way through this to 'pace' angrily in the air. This tirade goes on for a little bit before she calms down enough to actually think]

...guys? You guys are here, right? This is all just a prank, right Pinkie Pie?


....this is so not cool.
video // action kinda // open
06 April 2011 at 12:32 pm
[ Today, Teddie is merrily wandering around in his bear suit. Today, you get the giant teddy bear in your face! Even though you can't see Teddie, just him in his suit, you should be able to recognize his voice. ] All you newcomers! [ waves. ] Hi! I'm Teddie. I get that everything's really confusing, but things are really nice here. I'm sure you've all talked to someone nice already! And if you want, we can even be friends, and play games and stuff! But you gotta be nice to me, and everyone else, too.

[ pauses thoughtfully. ] Hey, Sakura! I was thinking... what about me as the cheerleading team's mascot?!

(( so Teddie got his bear suit back! he's wandering around sector 3 so you can run into him around there.

Edit: it's not his exact suit. I made a mistake. sorry for confusion!! ))
[Action | Open] Event style-ish
31 March 2011 at 08:55 am
[It's not quite the day that Jennifer was hoping for, but she's already made her invitations and plans and… Poor Maya. She didn't even have time to put her affairs in order. Stifling back anything remotely resembling sadness, Jennifer finished spreading out the blanket and putting out the picnic basket on a handy table near the playground. There's plenty of sandwiches, tea, water, and more traditional Japanese fare to go around, and they might be a small group now, but Jennifer's determined to make the most of a good day!]

[Before it rains. Sniff… Acumen, why do you do this?!]

((ooc: Jennifer's having a picnic! She's a bit sad right now, but that just makes the picnic even more imperative to keep her housemates' spirits up. Threadjacks encouraged as is anyone who needs extra threads for AC. A few people were invited or had implied invitations ICly such as Joshua, Yuki, Momiji, Kyou, and Alexis. Basically, if you know one of the housemates or just want to know what's going on, stop on by. There's more then enough food to go around.))
[Action | Open] [Library]
25 March 2011 at 12:14 am
[She's taking a break from other research and reading, so for once, she's not back in the stacks of the heavier sciences; instead, there's an unusually quiet and calm eight-year-old girl browsing the fiction section.]

[She's currently browsing around the fantasy section, with a couple romance novels tucked under on arm.]

[Feel free to disturb!]

[Yes, they are awfully thick books for a second-grader.]
005: Mixed messages [Audio // Open]
24 March 2011 at 06:28 pm
[After thinking through whether or not it was a good idea for quite a bit, she finally decides that this would be a good way to find some things out - especially with the situation between herself and Minato. It would also allow her to uncover some other possible Persona users. After all, if there are other people here from her version of Japan as well, it could be possible for such a thing to exist? Especially since they seem to come from her future, after all.]

[Audio feed clicks on, for her to get just a single question in:]

What does the word 'Persona' mean to you?

[Here's hoping this doesn't end up with too negative an outcome.]
23 March 2011 at 10:53 am
Oh this is great, I have all the parts I need! [Gleeing muchly as he scatters AT parts all across the floor of his room]

Alexis-chan~! I have all the parts to make another pair of AT for you!

I even have enough to tune Agito's AT some more...though I doubt I could make another Regalia. [Hums]

Anyway, we can start whenever you like~

((OOC: Action open to housemates if they want))
[filtered from Euphie] [video-->action] backdated to early morning!
16 March 2011 at 04:42 pm
[ video ON, and Suzaku hesitates for a moment ]

Good morning, everyone. As most of you I think know, I'm Suzaku Kururugi -- and I teach the sex ed classes here. I... well, since Acumen's decision a couple of days ago, I've been wanting to hold a -- special class.

[ tiny pause ] So, today's class will be a little bit more -- practically-oriented. Um. If you don't feel comfortable with that, of course you don't have to come...

[ dissolving into flustered now. ]

--Anyway, everyone's welcome. You don't have to be taking the class normally.

[ tiny pause ] Thank you.

((ooc: Suzaku will be in the classroom, ready to answer any questions, or you can talk to him over the network! ALSO KAREN IS HERE in a special guest teacher capacity. /o/ So she may threadjack? Sound good, baby? ♥ Top thread is for you~))
09 March 2011 at 03:31 pm
[He's found a place to sit on the beach where he doesn't have to touch the sand, a cup of tea in his hand as he watches the waves of the ocean. The dolphins in particular have caught his attention. He wonders if there are fish in the water, or if they're merely fed. One way or another, they're just as trapped as the people here.]

So this is where we'll live out the rest of our days. Ironic how benevolent our warden seems to be with our lifestyles, considering. [some prison.]

[He takes a mild sip of his tea. It's weak, and he doesn't care much for it, but he'll settle for just about anything right now. The dark circles under his eyes and the haggard, worn state of his appearance suggests that he hasn't slept much at all. Too busy reviewing trial tapes, most likely. He's feeling rather despondent about the whole thing.]

Would you do it all over again, if you could? [absently]
08 March 2011 at 08:12 pm
[Sakura waves at the screen with her pompoms. Yes, pompoms.] Hello! It's been a while since I last asked so - [shifts and smiles]

Would anyone like to join the cheerleading team? We don't meet every day - just three times a week! You get to cheer for Yuuri-san and Suzaku-san at the baseball games too. And you can wear the cheerleading uniform! [like the one she's wearing]

All you have to do is ask me or Josak-san and we'll let you join. [you can even approach her in person down at the baseball field. She's not doing baton work today, just cheers and some easy gymnastics. It's nice to do something distracting. :) ]
08 March 2011 at 04:59 pm
Um... hello everyone!

[It's taken Conan a little while to pull himself together enough to post this -- his first reaction at arriving was a mix of sheer incredulity at his 'crimes', and slowly growing anger at the malfunctional AI which brought him here.

Also at the chain and ball attached to his ankle. He's a detective, not a criminal. He chases and catches the bad guys! By what stretch of the imagination does he have any reason for being in here??

But he's a little calmer now, and able to pull up the trusty kiddie act to cover his real emotions.

Could someone help me? I'm not really sure what's going on, and this place is very strange! Is everyone here really criminals?
ITP: Derp out process
05 March 2011 at 01:04 am

[So, its been a few days in the prison already, what's our favourite keybearer up to?


Exploring the place, of course! There are a lot of wonderful things to do around here. That, and he's been bored ever since his restraint was well, released.

You can now see a Sora poking around most of the Residential sectors, if he notices you, he'll wave at you energetically and approach you!]

Hi there! Nice day, isn't it?
[Action/Voice, open]
04 March 2011 at 11:23 pm
[It's late afternoon. In the park, one can find Akito sitting in the shade, messing with AT parts and idly tuning Agito's AT. His other half is behind him, lying on his back, arms under his head and apparently having a nap.

The light is a little worried that he hasn't exactly been doing much lately. People would've arrived and left, and he had no idea...it's odd. And not like him. So he's going to change that! He flicks open a voice channel]

Neh, it's been too long since I've actually checked this, or been out. I'm sorry if I've worried anyone by being so quiet.

There must be so many new people too that I haven't met. I'm Akito, Akito Wanijima. I look forward to seeing you all around sometime!

[Then, almost as an afterthought. Going on about random things out loud? Yup] I think I need to ask Acumen for more AT parts...I'm kind of running out. Agito uses so many of them... [Sigh. His other was his world, but he was so demanding on his AT...]