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Posts Tagged: 'dragonlance:+dalamar+argent'

Jan. 19th, 2020



[Filtered to Richie and John Constantine]

I didn't meet many here who I counted as friends, but I don't make friends easily. I count the two of you as friends, or at least acquaintances.

I take my leave and wish you both well. My shalafi awaits back home. I don't know if I'll remember you, though I hope that I do.

Jan. 5th, 2020



I think I could get used to this luxury. Sunbathing is out for me, but at least I seem to have my magic again. Time to practice and study if nothing else.

Jan. 1st, 2020



Am I the only one not comfortable with this luxury?

As someone else mentioned, I can't make sense of the pictures for the puzzle. It may be I'm missing pieces of a popular culture.



Did anyone else look at that puzzle and think they had a stroke? Or is it just these meds.

Also I think I accidentally got myself adopted into a cult family.

Dec. 23rd, 2019



Would all of you be interested in learning the names of the informants?

Dec. 18th, 2019



So in college once, I had a roommate whose friend left a bottle of gin in our fridge. One night we got so fucked up we just drank everything else from the fridge with the gin, like, mixing it together - ketchup, mustard, the works.  Our vomit was super sad and everything also tasted and smelled like Pine-Sol for some reason.

That describes my experience in Christmas prison, for the most part. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

Dec. 12th, 2019



Does anyone need anything in particular? This is dull, working every day.

Dec. 10th, 2019



Who: Dalamar and Steve
What: Roomies
Where: Their room
When: Evening, Day 2
Status: Incomplete/threaded
Ratings/Warnings: TBA

He didn't do this very well )

Nov. 29th, 2019



At least the food is much better in this hotel. Though, I suppose there wasn't much of a comparison to what we had before.

The turkey was delicious. I fell asleep early, and that says something. Elves like me really don't need much sleep.

Nov. 23rd, 2019



I prefer wine to coffee. Anyone interested in joining me with a bottle I've just picked up?

Nov. 21st, 2019




Whoever has absconded with my ring, I would like it back.

Whoever has absconded with my ring, I would like it back.

Since everything on this primitive mobile device is taking an eternity, I'm not going to remove where I've written it twice. Consider it extra emphasis.

There will be a reward for its safe return, though it seems you've stolen my money too. Keep the money, use it to reward yourself for returning my ring. If that's not enough, I'm sure we can work something out.

You can find me in room 46. The name is Lucifer Morningstar.

Someone around here has an interesting sense of humor and a lot of free time considering the balloons and the towel. Nice touches, but perhaps you can channel that energy into finding my ring.

And I'm disappointed that I wasn't at least given a Devils jersey.

But really, I want my ring back. This is not the day

Nov. 17th, 2019


[Filtered to Team One/Orange]
If we're going to do this, we might as well go all out, right? This is better than I will take donations of everyone's little motel room soaps if you have them. I have a "craft project" and it needs time to dry.

Also, where in this town can I get clear nail polish?

[Edit: Filtered to Alexis Rose]
Hi. I hear you're the nail polish person. Or know where I could obtain some. Or just borrow some for a brief amount of time. I'll return it.

Nov. 14th, 2019



Never thought I'd feel so useless without magic.

[Constantine, Ritchiel

You two still alive and around? It seems someone was generous and turned my powers back on.



I can see Pan again instead of just feeling him there! And we can talk again. I missed doing that so much.

Have the rest of your daemons appeared as well?

Nov. 9th, 2019



Thunderstorms and geese appearing as pillows?

It's almost like our host may be a prankster.

Nov. 8th, 2019



Ghost in the ballroom.

Left behind a rather tedious diary entry about some drama between a wife, Carstairs and the wife's brother David. There was to be a duel. Do with that what you will.

Nov. 6th, 2019



Right, so, hit a bit of a snag this afternoon in the basement and suggest nobody else pop down here anytime soon unless you want to stick around. Literally. As in I'm stuck here and can't move my feet from this spot.

Related query... I hope. Anybody find a combination lying about? Three numbers.

Nov. 5th, 2019



There's a small lab in a room off the dining room - go through where the mirror used to be. Been a long while since I was in chemistry class so someone else might have better luck with what's in there than me. I cleaned up the broken mirror as best I could but still watch yourself if you head in, don't want anyone getting cut.

How's Harley II?

Nov. 3rd, 2019



I think i deleted the ghost from the computer?

How goes the furnace plan?

Oct. 22nd, 2019



Who: Dalamar, Constantine, open to Ritchie and Poe Dameron
Where: Bedroom 23
When: Now
What: Let's talk to a mage about a computer
Warnings: None yet...

So what exactly is this device and why do you care it's haunted? )