World In Her Hands
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Hey, Dean? Can I to you? I um, need to ask you something. Kind of important.

Flawless verbal scores on every test and this guy makes me babble like an idiot. Ugh.

Dean, do you know if Sam and Jessica need extra tickets for graduation? The faculty get tickets also, but I don't think I'll need this many.

Also? You should probably come by my apartment. This is going to sound ridiculous, but I think I have a ghost.

*OOC: This was totally posted on Sam's ACTUAL birthday, yup. I swear*

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Birthday Sammy!!!

Mont Blanc, baby.

(found here:

Jess- and Mom, Dad and Dean...Don't have alot of time but I'm going on an emergency job in Michigan. Call you when I get there, okay?

Jess )

Jessica )

Dean )

Jessica Moore [userpic]

That show gets more and more disconcerting as it goes on. Keeps bringing up memories that need to stay buried.

Sam? Dean? You guys okay?

Kristin Collins Winchester [userpic]

Ohhh, this isn't right.

Ghost? Demon? Vamp- no. Djinn? Seriously... there hasn't been a monster worth hunting in ages. Where is everyone? Where am I?


Where are you?! PICK UP THE PHONE, DAMMIT.

Please,please. No,no,no. Not now. Not ever..ohGOD.

Yesterday, I got my credentials reinstated at Stanford may or may not have hacked their system to do so, but..., which means all of my degrees are still valid...even if the subject matter hasn't been invented yet. I can deal with this. I also got my teaching position reinstated, which is good because none of my bank information came with me, either.

It's a little bit weird, to be alone all the time. I mean, when you're used to living on a submarine and you can almost never catch a moment's privacy; being by yourself is unsettling. I didn't think it was possible, but I might even actually miss the commander. Scary.

Dean? You had mentioned something about wanting to go out for coffee. Did you still want to?

When I find out *who* is responsible for this...

Heads. Will. Roll.

I mean it! This computer is so ancient, it still runs Windows for God's sake! No self respecting hacker person would use it in their right mind! None of my passwords work, the PAL is useless, no one seems to have ever HEARD of the UEO and according to this map, San Francisco's still attatched to California? Either this is a horrible joke or I owe someone money on a bet about time travel.

Lucas? Where are you?

Whoa. Hey, time somebody spikes the coffee supply with the happy go weirdo juice? Remind me not to drink it?

I feel like I was somebody else for a week. And that there was a part of my mind that was missing...some big powerful force wasn't there, and it actually made me happy.

Yeah, not drinking anything but water for awhile. Or Mountain Dew. At least I know that's bottled and safe.

And while I'm at it, where the fuck did everybody go? Tess and all her entourage, a whole shitload of those people from Neptune, all of them. Did God just clean house and not tell anyone what the hell was going on or what? Jesus, Gigi. You could have warned a guy that he was losing a surrogate sister.

Dean and Sam Winchester. Get your asses home for Sunday dinner. Your sister and your mother miss you and need to see your ugly mugs.

Jessica and Anita, Winchesters in all but name, your presence is required also.

I found some old home movies that Sam made with some beat-to-hell VHS recorder, and we're gonna watch them.

This just in. Gigi is a fuckin' badass!

That is all.

...and how is the most beautiful wife to be on the planet?

Jess? I've got a bottle of wine with our names on it...and a cabin with a huge fireplace rented for the weekend.

bonnie deville [userpic]

Nursey's gone again.

John. )

Mary Campbell sold her son to Satan for love. [userpic]

Sometimes I forget that it's 2009, it seems so strange to me.

My head...ow.

Okay, so...I thought I'd died..again, but...I'm pretty sure that was my actual heart hammering in my ears just before. Woke up in the middle of crossing Main Street and suddenly realized, "Wow, I'm walking!" Oncoming traffic doesn't like it when you just...stop walking.

Local paper says it's 2009, and I'm in Lawrence, still. Great. Nothing like returning to the scene of the crime. And it's not like I can just waltz into my home anymore. Shit. The librarian here's been giving me funny looks, though. Maybe I knew her, when I was alive. I don't remember.

Ay, this again?

Okay. I guess I'm reporting for duty all over again. Who called for a muse?

It's just one of those days to lay around shoeless with a glass of wine.

I just got a call...a guy I know needs backup on a case in New Jersey.

New Jersey. Fantastic. The armpit of America. Hey, I heard they were looking for a new state slogan. I suggest, "New Jersey: You Can Tell By The Smell"

Dean, dude, you'd better come with, since it'd be like a pilgramage to Mecca for you. We can stop at the shrine in Sayreville then you can sacrifice a head gasket in Asbury Park. Hopefully this will please "the Boss" and you can keep rocking out in his name.

Better round up all the loose change I can find, come to think of it. Toll roads suck ass.

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