World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
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People seem to take a great deal of pleasure in posting compromising pictures of me on the internet.

this one is me.

this one is airbrushed, or I'm a teenage girl.

Just to be clear.

Anakin Skywalker (SW) [userpic]

Anonymously Posted (It's too good to resist.)

bonnie deville [userpic]

Inglorious Basterds wasn't bad. It's Tarantino, so death scenes had a tendency to be retch-inducing, but it was really interesting and Brad Pitt was actually pretty good. So if anyone's thinking of going to see it, you have my opinion on it.

Ace is gonna be four months old in just a couple of weeks. He's getting pretty good at holding himself up a little on his arms when he's on his belly, but it doesn't last long. Pretty soon he's gonna be crawling and stuff. The time flies.

This is not what I had been anticipating. How queer.

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]

... that's not quite how it happened. I'm almost sorry I watched.

Mother was not blonde.

Alright. So we need a few good beings to go into space with us. Natives of the planet Coruscant are especially needed, though anyone familiar with the planet would be of immense help.

If you don't want to travel with us, any information your provide will be paid for, and we'd be grateful to have it.

Phi/Nicks [Mythology] [userpic]

Any Aspects, Ascendeds, Enlighteneds or Deities feel like playing a little hooky?

I hear there's an excess of over-rummed fruity drinks down and empty lounge chairs in Tahiti  and, seeing as we are Servants of the Comsic Balance, we should rectify this before it becomes cataclysmic.

Edit: Party's moving to Hawai'i. Pele punch, pineapples and white sands.

I never thought I could be happy.

voice post, by an irate woman's voice

What in the name of Merlin is going on here? Where am I?

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]


I demand you bring that little girl back right this instant. If I have to come find you, sir, you will not be happy with the consequences, I assure you.

I will make the prison you've just been released from look like a Sunday afternoon in the park.


[MY Charlie]

Darling, I've left Dani in her room at your place, no worse for the wear as far as I can see. I'll be bringing your other self back to the Palace.

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]

I suppose I should apologize for my small self's entirely... stubborn outlook on life. I'd forgotten that stage myself.

Mr. Crews? I won't allow her to put your younger self in the dungeon, I promise.

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]

I'm the QUEEN!


Anne )

Lex Luthor [userpic]

I have noticed an increase in arrivals lately. I also understand that they have unique talents and abilities. Particularly, the ones who attended or know about Hogwarts. I bet they'd get on well with Clark My name is Lex Luthor. Yes, I'm a muggle. A muggle with resources. I have an interest in all things unique. I was sort of in the middle of it all back home. So, I am now going to make a business proposal.

I'd like to have a meeting with their kind. Just to ask a few questions, go over the technicalities of your skills and knowledge, show me what you can do and get a DNA sample. Just routine stuff, a few tests. Nothing big or complicated. I'm available anytime. So if you want to make a lot of cash, swing by my Luthorcorp office. You will be paid extremely well.

ooc: strikeouts are deleted/unsent parts

Well... that was rather unexpected. Have to admit that there are better things then sitting in meetings with Parliament. Mia? Where are you, my queen?

Um. . .

Iowa again.

But even less interesting.

I must have died. This is hell.

Communicator's dead, no sign of any kind of intelligent life.

I'll take the horrific ice planet again, at least it was interesting.

OOC: James is no longer going to be tagging back, due to his reunion with his father. Thanks for all the threadage! Anyone who wants to log their date, plz e-mail the mun.

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]

To all the Mothers, new and old:

An ancient pendant depicting the Greek symbol for, what else, 'mother'.

I just watched myself on television for the first time. It was... unnerving. Do you ever get used to it?

LOST spoilers )

I understand that one of you people using this device has recently brought new life into this world. Congratulations. Try not to get it killed.

Ok, what the frak is going on? I just got back to the Galactica and now I'm here?

Some mother frakking trick. Leoben, if this is you, I'm going to kill you again until you actually stay dead.

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