World In Her Hands
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Charles Crews )

Just got back from the grocery store. Hot damn, these Reeses Cup things are fantastic. My life has obviously not been complete until now.

I haven't had the joy of Valentine's Day for a long time.

Who wants to share it with me?

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]

For all that my ex-husband played with guns, he never taught me to shoot them.

Or how to drive. We had other uses for the cars.

Antigone Grace - Queen of Troy [userpic]


I demand you bring that little girl back right this instant. If I have to come find you, sir, you will not be happy with the consequences, I assure you.

I will make the prison you've just been released from look like a Sunday afternoon in the park.


[MY Charlie]

Darling, I've left Dani in her room at your place, no worse for the wear as far as I can see. I'll be bringing your other self back to the Palace.


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