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June 2024




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Posts Tagged: '%21open'

Mar. 29th, 2024



[No Subject]


Mar. 28th, 2024



[No Subject]

..I got a clown suit and I dunno why:(



[No Subject]

There's at least half a dozen of you in town, and yet not a single outbreak or mass bloodbath. I'm both impressed at the restraint, and confused by what your waiting for.

Mar. 27th, 2024



[No Subject]

Its not my fault-

They just showed up, pretty basket and all

how the feck was I supposed to no to a pretty little-

Feeling a thousand percent today, lads. Lets see what they day brings, aye?



[No Subject]

Well what d'ya know, this place is fun after all.



[No Subject]

So who wants to go a bar



[No Subject]

Whoever gave me a Quidditch set just wanted to watch me make a single dad cry. And on his birthday, too



[No Subject]

Well ain't this just killer diller? All things considered I thought the uniform was as good as gone. Real comforting to have it again. Wear it again. It'd be swell to have the rest of my gear but I guess I understand if that stays gone. I can always improvise a garrote if I need to.



[No Subject]

While I WAS perfectly anxious and miserable being worried about what may have happened to her well without my Millicent, one must admit that one feels better when reuinted with their pets, as silly as it sounds.

However, she smelled my coat and was not best pleased about what she smelled there.

I may have to change clothes before and after going to the cat cafe in future...



[No Subject]

I...think I just got a dog.

Was given a dog?

Either way, I have a dog now. Says his name is Bats.

That's a thing.

Mar. 26th, 2024



[No Subject]

Just going to consider this an early birthday present. Who wants to go for a ride?



[No Subject]

This is most wonderful gift. How does one thank a sentient bipedal creature? Should I leave bees out?



[No Subject]


I'm gonna take all of your villians and boop them. Also probably shoot them.



[No Subject]

Well, it might not be useful but it still has good memories attached.



[No Subject]

My friend Tara was at the door this morning! Isn't that incredible? I do hope she and Astarion get along.

Mar. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

I may or may not be on a sugar high from Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. Damn, they're good. 🙃ðŸĪŠðŸ˜ðŸ˜›ðŸŦ

Mar. 21st, 2024



[No Subject]

I found one of the golden eggs at the adult Easter egg hunt last week. Thank you to whoever donated the money. I'm going to use it to buy a few things for my apartment. It's time I started doing some decorating and making it feel more like a home instead of just a place to live. Anyone have decorating tips or suggestions?

[Filter: Regulus Black]

Next time you come over don't forget to take the food 'gift cards' that were in my eggs from the Easter egg hunt.

Mar. 16th, 2024



[No Subject]

Well. Thanks to that memory thing it's a little late to plan anything spectacular for myself but...

How many March birthdays do we have?

Mar. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

I think...that was all my fault. I'm so sorry. I just...wanted to do something nice for a friend. She was just so happy without some of her memories. I didn't think the magic would get so out of control. Chaos tricked me. Or perhaps, I'm losing my touch.



[No Subject]

So Quentin and I are doing the adult Easter egg hunt. Anyone else planning on taking part? Seems fun and there's two eggs with money. That's incentive. Though I think after I will treat myself to some chocolate. A nice big bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs.