Welcome to Westview

June 2024



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February 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

How is your emotional voice? I often forget the tangle of physical things such as this creation, forgive me.



[No Subject]

Is there anyone that could aid me in traveling outside of Westview? I need to gather some supplies for something I'm working on.

Preferably someone abled with a blade. I shouldn't bother Geralt since he and Jaskier Maybe Lambert wo



[No Subject]

Well, Easter stuff is in the stores already. It's like they do it sooner every year.

Up to trouble? Wanna hang out?

[Spider Gang]
Everyone doing good? Have a nice calm Valentine's Day?



[No Subject]

Loki and I stayed in on Valentine's Day. It was nice to have a calm little holiday at home.

I did debate surprising him with just going to the courthouse and getting married but...I want his family present.

Busy tomorrow?



[No Subject]

Apparently guarding the flat isn't 'worthy' enough to be considered a job. But I'm qualified for nothing.



[No Subject]

The weather is becoming nicer. If anyone would like to partake in meditation in the town center, I'd like to organize something. The benefits are wonderful if you've never tried it.



[No Subject]

I don't think this place needs a hero like Superman. Maybe I can

Is there a newspaper here for Westview? I think I'd like to apply.



[No Subject]

I've now seen the phenomenon of a face twin, as I've heard. Edgin will look wonderful when he gets older. I do hope time will be as kind to me.

Nevermind time and aging, I've finished my current works. If anyone needs a blade - new or repaired, I have the time.



[No Subject]

Peter & Wade
2/17 | Westview, Main Street | High

Since it doesn't feel right to hang out with the other Spiders, Peter figures he at least know one other hero his age he can be social with.
Wade's mouth

cut. )