Welcome to Westview

June 2024



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January 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

Locked from Link

Is it weird in this society for the girl to propose? And does doing it on Valentine's Day put more pressure on the person? I mean we pretty much know we're always going to be together and we've talked about that part and were even married when the cute animals gave us our desires and it was great, but...you know. Real's a little different.


Hey you. Wanna do something this week?



[No Subject]

Alright. I'm done. With this place, with imposters, with weird magic messing with us. All of it. I want off the train.

Can I sleep in your room?



Event: Singles Mixer (FORWARD DATED)


The Single's Mixer

Eliot Waugh presents: Westview's 1st Annual Single's Mixer. Find love, a fling, or a friend for the forseeable trapped in Westview future.

how to participate
- comment w/ your character's name in subject line & details about them in the comment (sexuality. what they're wearing. maybe their vibe for the night. are they even there for the mixer or did they decide to help in some way?)

- other characters can approach/interact (tag the comment - meme style! go for prose or bracket actions).

-the nightclub is only for the private event of the mixer tonight (1/31). no flashing lights, very low music is playing, drinks both alcoholic and non and snackable food are available at no cost to those attending.

- if anything slips into nsfw territory, please tag that in the subject line.

- finally, this is posted early in order to allow for plenty of interactions! let's make this the biggest event thread YET 💜