War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



August 4th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, Dark

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It took ten years, princess training, another dimension, and a music box. But I remember.

I apologize to anyone I may have been distant with recently. It wasn't my intention. I've simply had a difficult time the last few weeks is all. I think I'm okay now.


Do you think I could come over for a bit? I think I owe Jelena an apology for not believing her.

August 3rd, 2012

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I'm getting really tired of this bullshit.

filtered to the Russians

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So are you guys cheering for Russia or America in the Olympics?

July 17th, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Katherine

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Now that I've finally gotten my head around most of this stuff

Even though I've been here a few days, I've been wrapping my head around everything about this place. It's certainly crazy. But for those of you who don't know me, hi, I'm Jeremy, Elena's brother.

That said, anyone know of a good store to go to that has good art supplies for sketching and drawing?

July 15th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Mr. Dark, and Gaia

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So I heard they have like, lessons for self-defense and stuff here? Can I get in on that? Because, y'know... not looking to get kidnapped again anytime soon.

How are you holding up, honey? You want to come over? My friend Kim and I were gonna do a movie night.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Gaia, Dark, and Katherine

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Sometimes, I really enjoy the internet. Particularly when they get things right.

July 12th, 2012

friend filter

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In case Anatoly or I are needed, the best way to reach either of us is through the boards or phone as we are going to be out of the area until I believe Monday. We are still here and unharmed so just focus on staying safe in all of this.

[Friends are: Anya, Brittany, Darcy A., Dick, Elphaba, Trumpers, Ruby and Helena.]

July 9th, 2012

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[Darcy A.]

I hope you are well wherever you are and that you were not found as well. I would have asked sooner but Anatoly again thought it best to keep me from the computer.

So you are aware, Helena was shot but is still alive. Emily is safe, though.


Asking how you are is insanity at this point so just stay safe in all of this and be careful.


Are you safe?


При всем, что происходило, вы и Pooka в порядке?

[With everything that has been going on, are you and Pooka alright? ]

June 14th, 2012

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[Darcy A.]

I just got the wine and card from mothers day. Thank you.


As I said I would, we have returned from Moscow and Greece, so if you would like to get some tea sometime to talk, I am able to.


Девочки есть кое-что для тебя теперь, когда мы вернулись. Они бы остановиться прямо сейчас, но в настоящее время потеряла сознание от истощения.

[The girls have something for you now that we're back. They would stop by right now but are presently passed out from exhaustion. ]

June 12th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Extra Evil, and Extra Evil's Significant Others

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While I am grateful the situation seems to be remedied, I want it known that I do not appreciate whoever tainted the water with vodka. The blood was irritating but recognizable as blood, obviously. Vodka tends to look like water. My dog is small and alcohol in any quantity can harm him. The culprit is, quite frankly, cruel, and responsible for an intoxicated mutt.

Глупые боги.

[Stupid gods]

[Filtered to Svetlana]

Вы весело? Я надеюсь на это! Я скучаю по тебе и девочек и Pooka выглядит ужасно скучно.

Кроме того? Я только использовал переводчик половину. :)

[Are you having fun? I hope so! I miss you and the girls and Pooka looks terribly bored.

Also? I only used the translator for half of that.]

[Filtered to Piotr]

I do not see any more plastic people wandering around. Is it over? Are you safe?

May 22nd, 2012

Filtered to Anya

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I know it's been a while since we've spoken, but I wanted to see how you were settling in and if you needed help with anything.


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I'm thinking a party is in order. A big stupid ridiculous party of no brain usage fun.

May 5th, 2012

Filters Against Evil, Moriarty, Katherine, and Emma

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I am uncertain whether to view the film with this supposed "me" in it. I am told it is about me but...who would make a movie about me of all people? All I did was put on a pretty dress and learn an awful lot of Romanov history. And find a dog. And two men who are, quite possibly, mad.

Still. It might give me some clues be interesting. I really do not know.

Until I make a decision, would anyone recommend any other films? I have heard immersing myself in the language is a good way to speak English well.

May 4th, 2012

Filtered against baddies, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Feelin' good this Friday afternoon... — my new obsession. Not necessarily the song, but the band. And the album. Even though it's like eleven years old, whatever, don't judge me lol

It was good to get outside again. I took Zeus to the dog park, and I'm pretty sure now it has to be a thing. He gave me so much shit when it was time to leave. It's like having a ch Fuck. I got got a few photos out of it, too.

Anybody interested in helping me give him a bath, though? He found a rockin' mud puddle to roll in and he's getting really big. I'm not entirely sure doing this on my own is going to result in anything other than me getting a dirty shower and him making a mess of my apartment lol

Kon, we need to go shooting again soon. It's been too long. If you're, like, allowed or whatever, now, I don't know how bro code works

May 3rd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, Katherine (I've seen others filtering against them))

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Even though being up so early can be annoying and a pain at least when classes are involved I do love getting a chance to find a nice spot and sketch the sunrise. In this case on the roof of this complex.

Getting to business, I was wondering who to speak to about procuring an identity here for jobs. I don't want to do anything fancy, maybe work at one of the stores here, perhaps even a farm store if one is nearby. As much as I love it, I can't sit around all day and sketch things followed by working out in the gym. So any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.

And for those who don't know me, I am Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin, though if that is too hard to call me you can call me Peter. Most of my American friends do at Xavier's School.

May 2nd, 2012

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I trust you are well now?

[Darcy A.]

Did Scorpius make it?


Дик возвращается в нормальное русло, и пусть девочки и я иду. Как я уже сказал, это было прекрасно, ничего не произошло. Я верю вещи успокоения в лазарете сейчас, Мор был побежден?


Я прошу прощения за не проверяет на вас, как только все началось с outbreka болезни. Ты в порядке?


Dick is back to normal and let the girls and I go. As I said, it was fine, nothing happened. I trust things are calming down in the infirmary now that Pestilence has been defeated?


I am sorry for not checking in on you once everything started with the outbreka of illness. Are you all right?]

April 20th, 2012

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I think I am finally beginning to understand this communication system. You all lead such interesting lives! Far more amazing than my own The typing properly took a bit but it is easier than trying to understand why the boxes are called windows when they don't show outside and why the bit in the middle is a mouse when it does not resemble a rodent at all.

I am enjoying the internet thing at least. I find this google to be extremely helpful both in translation and in learning of this time period. So much has changed that I'm afraid I'll never understand it all. I do not really enjoy feeling so helpless

Thank you again, Mr. Grayson and Mrs. Sergievsky. Without your help, I fear I would still be quite lost. I am sure Pooka would thank you, too, were he able.

October 21st, 2010

Filtered against baddies.

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All righty, ladies and gents. I've got armed combat practice scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, right over at [address]. Should you want to shoot things without having Booth hunt you down for murder, this would be the appropriate place to go.

For all you fresh meat out there: I'm Xander and I'm the guy who's gonna be teaching you how to use all those fun shooty things. They come in handy when those pesky baddies decide to swing into the city and try to possess you/eat your brains/make you spontaneously combust from happiness. Although! I'm gonna go ahead and point out that we're not allowed to shoot anything but rock salt at those black-eyed demons. Someone out there would probably kick my ass for not telling you all, so that bit of info is definitely going out there right now. I won't let you in my class if you plan on shooting demons with regular ol' bullets. That's not how I roll.

July 3rd, 2010

filteres against the 'locals' and evil people

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I know a lot of you are wondering what is going on, whats being done, and some of you probably want to do something about it.

I don't have any answers for you, and I'm at a bit of a loss of what to do next. So, suggestions, comments or ideas. All welcome.

June 9th, 2010

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Who's up for a nice friendly game of Monopoly?
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