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War Is Coming Communications.



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December 11th, 2012

No evil

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So I've kinda been thinking. Everyone here has people they miss. Like, most everyone's got family or friends back home that the Seal took them away from. Or people that have passed away. Or friends and loved ones they met here that the Seal took back.

I was wondering what people might think about setting aside a day, kind of like, our own private holiday or something for the displaced. Like, to spend time with each other, and remember and honor the people who aren't here with us. Anyone else think a day like that might be nice to have?

December 9th, 2012

No evil

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Question! Can anyone here bake? More specifically, can anyone teach me how to bake?!

December 8th, 2012

Filtered against evil and Katherine

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I have no clue who all of Emma's friends are so I'm leaving this open for mostly everyone to see and if you're a friend of hers then you can respond. We need to have this baby shower and I'm looking at either December 22 or the 29. Which works better for most of you and doesn't screw with any holiday celebrations people might be wanting to have?

[Filtered to Rose]
Any chance I can reserve a room in the center for a baby shower? That engagement party will happen probably sometime after the new year, but the baby is probably a higher priority considering they can be finicky about when they're born.

[Filtered to Steph]
How are you doing? Have they released you yet? If they have are you up for watching movies on the couch?

[Filtered to Andrew]
Let me know if you need the ring anytime. I figured you might want to float up above for awhile to figure a few things out. Or just to think or be in awe of the world with everything that's happened. Just make sure to let Peter know if you do decide to go up.

[Filtered to Emma]
We need to register FL for baby things. Figure out when would be a good time for this to happen through online registry.

[Filtered to Clark]
Steph's coming over to watch movies and Xander may be as well. Thought you might like to know so you don't turn back up at your place and wonder why its full of people. And don't worry, I haven't gone out to try and get anything. Steph is bringing the movie and you have popcorn in your kitchen so we're all set.

November 30th, 2012

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[Filtered against Lucifer, his agents, anyone currently possessed by his demons, Crowley and Sam Winchester for good measure]

So, people are being possessed. We know about Darcy, but has anyone else been taken? And then there's all the demons in town anyway, innocent people with pure evil forced inside them.

I know it's not something a lot of us like to think about, but there are innocent people in there, screaming to get out, praying someone will just help them. I know because I was one of them, for a year. Physical damage to the hosts won't hurt the demon at all, and it could kill the person. And choking on your own blood while everything is broken inside you is not a nice way to die

If you get possessed, then fight. Fight and scream and kick inside your own head, resist in every way you can, lock away things you know they might use. It'll be a fight you'll lose, I'm sorry. The demon will be more powerful, but the bigger headache you can cause them in the meantime, the better the chances that we can get it out of you.

November 23rd, 2012

Filtered from Evil and Regina

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I believe I am actually tired.

Well, moving house and cooking a rather large feast for this holiday in the space of a few days. I expect it helps that I don't have many belongings.

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.I really have a lot I can be thankful for

And thank you all for


How is Lois?

Any change?

October 23rd, 2012

Filtered against all the evils

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I thought that when I was done playing catch up with school, things would get easier.

That was very silly of me.

Someone remind me that I do really want to finish college and graduate and go on to law school. I do, I do, I do. My plans for Halloween will be sleeping! and not dreaming of hell again

Filtered Against Evil--All of you! <3

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Question, a totes serious one this time around! Does anyone go to the college around here? Or has anyone heard anything about it?


I think I want to try and go back to school. It'd be something to do with my time and I totes don't wanna go back to working at a bar. What do you think?


I think we need to get some girl time in, like nowish. What do you say? We haven't hung in a while.

October 18th, 2012

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Hmm. Turns out that funny coloured drink is probably not appropriate to drink alone.

Probably something to note for next time

October 5th, 2012

Filtered to Meg

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Meg!! He's here!

I mean its complicated. He's done a lot of things in the past and its likely Emma won't let us stay with her anymore.

But he's here!

October 2nd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Jerry,

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I have my Lee, my BFF and a whole load of awesome people in the one place.

This to me says party.

This weekend. And Stefan, you're moving back in.

October 1st, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer & minors.

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I'm heading out for a couple days to take on a case with Jaina. If you guys need me for anything, give me a call or text. I'll have my phone on me. I'll also have a list of hunts available for those who might be interested.

I know we're all on Death Watch here, but there are still innocent people out there who could use our help. Until we find anything more substantial on our last Horseman, there's no reason some of us can't go out and keep more blood from spilling.

So you're really the Evil Queen from Snow White?

Because if all of that is true, I think you and I need to have a conversation.

Filtered to Belle French

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Hey, I saw she has turned up. Not gonna ask if you're okay, but is there anything I can do?

September 30th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, and Regina

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Some of you may have read the post from Belle earlier. I feel I have to put my two cents in, whether they're needed or not.

When the people here didn't trust me, and they had every right not to, I never once asked any of you to live near me. I left on my own because I knew my choices and actions affected others and may have hurt people. I have worked hard to earn at least some of that trust back and I know I owe more to some of you than I can possibly say.

With all of that being said, I am one of the biggest proponents of second chances that there can be. However, there's a new woman in town. She goes by Regina Mills, or you may know her as the Evil Queen. From Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Unhealthy fascination with apples. And this woman has been given a multitude of second chances. All she's done with them is turn around and manipulate people to hurt them all over again. She has a grudge against an eight year-old little girl and has let it turn her cold and dark and has made my life hell, along with the lives of everyone in my world.

I'm not a resident of the Complex and I don't get a final say. But my son spends time with the friends he's made there. Some of the people I care about live there. There has to be some other option. I'm open to suggestions. Other than throwing her in a pit somewhere. We have to prove that we're better than that. Epiphany, would the people of your apartment building object to her living there? Or is there an inexpensive place where I could put her up until she can provide for herself?

I'm not against giving her a chance. I'm just against giving her a chance to be anywhere near the people I care about. I will keep them all here with me, I swear to

For the record, Seal, I'm not amused right now. Everyone at once??


So. Rumor around town is, you're here.

Let's get a few things straight, shall we?

1) Henry isn't yours. Here, he's mine. Legally mine. And after all you've done? You're not coming near him
2) Graham. You're not touching him again. Belle, either. They're done being your prisoners.
3) You live your life and I'll live mine. But don't you dare hurt those I lov care about. I'm not an innocent newborn anymore. And I'm not in your world now. I've been here longer. You're in mine.


Is that why you wanted me to look you up? Your daughter?

September 27th, 2012

filtered from evil and jerry the vamp

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so i was talking to elena earlier and she thnks that the possessin talk might have been specfically for people? like if you were possessd then wht you said might have some meaning to you? i thnk cause she thinks her abomintion one was about her and collectng vampires bt does anyone else think theirs was about them too? and if so then how so?

also rose i feel you shuold know that andrew keeps texting peter whle he’s supposed to be eating cookies and wtching whatever the hell it is that we’re watching.

and booth, is it possible to do camp with a broken hand?

Filtered to Group Six

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Drinks after the training session tomorrow night? There Marian I can be social when I have to be

September 26th, 2012

Filtered from evil and Jerry

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i know a lot of people were possessed by death yesterday the other day i think it was yesterday

i was wondering if we’ve figured out what exactly he was trying to tell us?

i mean i got the jist of the fact that we need to work together and that he doesn’t want lucy to know what he’s up to because it’ll turn out bad for everyone

i have no idea what lucifer’s prize is? i’m guessing he isn’t after like the jumbo prize you win at a carnival because if he is he can have the pink elephant i have. i’ll happily sacrifice that thing.

he said we know how to contact him? i’m guessing this is a native thing? unless we’re supposed to do a seance. i guess we could do a seance. does anyone know how to do a seance?

there was more to it than that, but i was wondering if anyone had any clue?

i think we got sidetracked by everyone leaving whether good or bad or i missed it. its really possible that i missed the conversation tho.

edit: list of everything said compiled by roy

edit #2:

dear death,

in case you do read this thing
which i'm pretty sure you said you don't
but that's neither here nor there because emma and i figured we should at least try
can we please have your ring?

lois lane

Filtered Against Evil

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I avoid Facebook for years and here I am. Creating Filters on the internet against Evil.

So this is really the apocalypse? Angels of wrath, flaming swords, hell-fire and doom? Are we honestly saying this is the end times? Why are we here then?

And how is it my phone still gets reception?

I've heard from a reliable source that you're here. Please tell me they weren't lying to make me smile.

Filtered to Group Six Camp Grounp

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As some of you guys know, I had to leave before we even made it to camp. I heard you've had a rough time of it because of my decisions, and I would like to apologize. I didn't mean for him to lecture you, nor did I mean to go this long without informing you guys of what had happened.

A friend of mine was having a crisis and I made the choice to return home to be with him, rather then continue on and force him to endure this alone. You can think what you want of my priorities, but I see no reason to learn to fight, if I can't be there for the only reasons I'm fighting. My friends will always come first, especially when they're in pain and hurting.

I hope you guys enjoy your time there, and learn lots!

(And I probably just sounded like an utter bitch in that. I really am sorry, I'm just very tired).

[Filtered to Bobby]

Yes, I am more then aware I fucked up. I should have texted you and I didn't. I screwed up in my desperation to return home and it didn't occur to me.

And before you ask, yes, I think this stuff is important, but so are those close to me. I don't have a lot of people to care about, and without them...there's no reason to care about fighting or defending myself. They are what give me the strength to keep going and if I have to, I will always choose them.

I would like to actually attend a session, but I understand if you're not willing to have me after my vanishing act earlier and my words now. I'm sorry to have wasted your time, sir, and I thank you, for all that you do for us...even those of us who don't seem like we give a damn.

[Filtered to Damon]

That rain check available, love? I could use a drink after what I've done.

September 25th, 2012

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[Filtered against Evil]

To ask why is foolish. I am eternal. I am Death and this world must continue


Okay, that was just creepy. No, no, I am done with being a fucking puppet for things, do you hear me? Done

September 24th, 2012

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[Filtered against Evil/Katherine/Jerry]

So, I'm off to the camp tomorrow, anyone want to give me a heads up about what I can expect? I'm going to guess there's no s'mores.

And on a more long term note, what is on offer for any work around here? I could really do with something to focus on beyond the wanting to hunt down demons and I'm guessing I can't exactly walk into a normal place and say "hey, hire me, I know I didn't graduate college but that's because I've been dead six years." Is anyone here hiring? Even without the graduating part, I'm smart, hard working and, like I said, I really need the focus.
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