War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


October 2nd, 2012

Filtered to Shaina

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Hey...have you ever heard of a guy named Zac Efron...?

September 30th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Jerry, Katherine, and Regina

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Some of you may have read the post from Belle earlier. I feel I have to put my two cents in, whether they're needed or not.

When the people here didn't trust me, and they had every right not to, I never once asked any of you to live near me. I left on my own because I knew my choices and actions affected others and may have hurt people. I have worked hard to earn at least some of that trust back and I know I owe more to some of you than I can possibly say.

With all of that being said, I am one of the biggest proponents of second chances that there can be. However, there's a new woman in town. She goes by Regina Mills, or you may know her as the Evil Queen. From Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Unhealthy fascination with apples. And this woman has been given a multitude of second chances. All she's done with them is turn around and manipulate people to hurt them all over again. She has a grudge against an eight year-old little girl and has let it turn her cold and dark and has made my life hell, along with the lives of everyone in my world.

I'm not a resident of the Complex and I don't get a final say. But my son spends time with the friends he's made there. Some of the people I care about live there. There has to be some other option. I'm open to suggestions. Other than throwing her in a pit somewhere. We have to prove that we're better than that. Epiphany, would the people of your apartment building object to her living there? Or is there an inexpensive place where I could put her up until she can provide for herself?

I'm not against giving her a chance. I'm just against giving her a chance to be anywhere near the people I care about. I will keep them all here with me, I swear to

For the record, Seal, I'm not amused right now. Everyone at once??


So. Rumor around town is, you're here.

Let's get a few things straight, shall we?

1) Henry isn't yours. Here, he's mine. Legally mine. And after all you've done? You're not coming near him
2) Graham. You're not touching him again. Belle, either. They're done being your prisoners.
3) You live your life and I'll live mine. But don't you dare hurt those I lov care about. I'm not an innocent newborn anymore. And I'm not in your world now. I've been here longer. You're in mine.


Is that why you wanted me to look you up? Your daughter?

Filtered against Baddies & Jerry

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So. Paintball needs to happen. Tonight. Because darktimes paintball is awesome.

So, people are in, yes? And if yes, who all is in, exactly?

ALSO! Kiiiim. The concert is in a couple days. You still in? It's cool if you'd rather skip since you just got your bestie and all. Totally understandable. And it's an awesome band so I'm sure there'd be someone else willing to be my plus one.

September 29th, 2012

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Testing 1234

So, am I just on a really good trip and that's why I don't remember coming here? Or was I kidnapped 'cause I can get down with the kidnapping thing, it's kind of kinky.

Kimmy, you here? Tell me you didn't leave me in Kansas. Because while I am a total bitch I do not deserve to be left in Kansas all by myself coming off of some sort of trip. I swear I felt like a big ass truck hit me. It was a fiery crash death. Weird, huh? And I must have partied too hard or something because my clothes are looking jank. You've got my bag right?

Added: filter against evil

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Ned...? Please, for the love of all things holy, tell me this is part of the spiritual path you forgot to mention... And bring me some pants. I'm at some internet cafe. When did we get an internet cafe? Where've I been? Geez.
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