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September 23rd, 2012

Filtered Against Evil/Jerry

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There is legit a ghost with a hangover in my apartment right now. Its both the cutest and lamest thing ever.

He says my mocking and loud typing is not helpful.

I say different.



With the screwing around. I'd be cool and all if I didn't think you were super into Andrew.



We're gonna have a deep and meaningful talk. You should make coffee.


I'm meddling. Wanna help?!


You. Me. Shopping, classy fancy coffees and girl talk. I'm adopting you. No you don't get a say

September 22nd, 2012

Filtered against Evil

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I just realised you probably all think I'm a bit odd based off my first post on this thing so...hello I'm Belle, and I've settled in a little bit now and understand whats going on.

Sorry if I came off a bit batty but I did leave my world in a bit of a confusing state and I left someone behind there that I miss quite a hell of a lot.

As there's another Belle here I'll go by Belle French. Its my Dad's name...sort of.

I do have to ask though, the camps? Are they really free? Booth said they were free but things just generally aren't is all. There's always a price.

[Group Six]

So aside from the surprisingly free camp.

Anyone got a clue how we get to it?

September 21st, 2012

Filtered from evil and Jerry

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All I wanted to do was take a nice, relaxing bubble bath. After going through the damn dump for five hours for a story that led absolutely nowhere was it really too much to ask to get an hour to lay back and enjoy bubbles?

Because apparently it was.

I didn't even get to enjoy stepping into the damn bath because Krypto decided he got to jump in and make a huge mess all over the damn tile. Also not fun? Super dog shaking all of his water off onto you. Now I'm soaked and so are all of the towels and the bathrobe and pretty much everything ever.

I do not care how much he gives me his puppy dog eyes he is not staying here tonight.


September 20th, 2012

filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia

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Right then, new faces mean time for more camp. I'm certain now there is enough of you to create a group six for Bobby's Demon Camp. Typically he will only train you if you are 18 or older. Bobby will teach you everything you need to know from basic Latin to traps, shooting, and survival skills. He has an open date coming up this week on the 25th and it will go until the first of October. I can drive people to South Dakota or you can arrange your own transportation. Up to you really.

Group six September 25th-October 1st leaves on the 25th at 6pm for rides meet in the lobby
Jack Harkness (if this date works say yes or you can wait for group seven if you like.Rose says you're taking this one?)
Sherlock freaking Robert/Sherlock? best everHolmes
Andrew Wells
Peter Vincent
Guy of Gisborne
General Mustang
Meg Masters
Edward Elric

Group 7 October 7th-13th
Peter parker
Natasha Romanoff
Charlie McGee
Rachel Pirzad
Amy Peterson
Jane Rizzoli

September 19th, 2012

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ETA: [Filtered against evil/Katherine/Jerry]

Guess 'Rest in Peace' doesn't have the same meaning that it used to any more. So. Apocalypse. Anyone want to catch me up on everything I've missed over the past few years? I'm suspecting Winchesters will have information, they around?

And then someone point me at the nearest tattoo parlor.
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