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November 27th, 2012

No evil

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I found a bunch of civilians being held hostage at the elementary school by a demon principal. Brings new meaning to detention, but now we can't get out. The principal was taken care of but he wasn't the only one. there are at least half a dozen outside. I can't get these civilians out without risking their lives. Gonna need some backup here. [address]

November 12th, 2012

Filtered to Jason Todd

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Right, I would normally aim this post at Dick, but all things considered...

I still have one of the cane's dad made and since I'm supposed to be working on the whole 'good' thing, I probably shouldn't have it. I don't trust many people to hand it over to and I don't have the equipment to melt it down...want it?

Might help you...I don't know, figure out a way to fight against Dad's if we ever return or you can just melt it down and make gold bricks out of it.

If not, I'm cool...maybe I can ask Mr. Stark to use it for target practice or something, I just don't want one of the kids to get their hands on it...it's not as wired as his main cane, but it's still dangerous.

Filtered to Storybrooke!Ruby.

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Don't you just love TV?

Filtered against evil + anti-vampire filter

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Sooo I think this is a movie I should go see. Irish boy is sexy. And the accent. Gimme have some of that!

Plus... "Put your hands up"
"But I have a gun."
"I don't care."
cracks me the hell up every time I see the commercial. So yes. I just looked up movie times on Fandango...It's playing Liberty Hall Cinema at 4:30. Who wants to come with?

no evil

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Bruce's comm link is off line. That only means two things and one of which I'm not willing to even entertain. I'm going to make the call here because I saw no sign of struggle on the monitors and say he's been sent back home.

October 25th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Sooo... Umm...

I'm looking for this guy who likes to wear his underwear over his tights. And this other guy who is probably with the first guy. The other guy looks a lot like the underwear guy, but he's more fashionable.

I'm also looking for these two cities that are missing, but you guys probably haven't seem them so I'm just going to shut up and hope you people don't think I'm totally nuts. Because I swear I'm perfectly sane. Even though I probably sound crazy. I mean, I'm asking about a guy in tights and underwear.

... and that sorta sounds weird. But if I keep typing, it's only going to sound weirder. So I'm stopping.

Filtered Against Evil

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October 24th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Why are the majority of Halloween costumes for women so 'sexy'? I'm a grown woman and my dad would still get a heart attack if he saw me in any of this stuff. And the rest seem kind of... Boring. I wish there was some kind of middle ground.

October 18th, 2012

filtered from evil

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Know what’s not a fun late night experience to have happen?

Watching TV and seeing your face twin skipping off into a lake topless while having smaller breasts than you do. How is that even possible? I have nice sized breasts and those ones were small. This place just likes to screw with me. First my mom is me and my grandma is me and my great grandma is me and now this?

Also, apparently when you’re pregnant, your breasts will increase a cup size or two. Who knew?

Filtered against Lucifer.

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You know how it's really great when you're all stitched up and healing and on that whole road to being better that everyone is so fond of?

Yeah. Not so great when a thug catches you off guard, notices that you're all bandaged up, and decides to rip those stitches out.

Have I mentioned that I really hate people? No? Oh.

I really hate people.

October 5th, 2012

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[Filtered to Rory, Adam, Jamie, Roy, Kaine, Pete L, Banner, Jacen, and now Martha]

All right, here goes. While Anatoly is gone:

Schedules )

Is everybody cool with this?

ETA: I almost forgot...do not, under any circumstances, touch River's chess board. Not kidding, guys. Don't touch it, don't move the pieces, just pretend it isn't even there. This was the one thing Anatoly asked and since he's been working with her the most, I think he probably had a good reason for it.

I'm so sorry for the overtime, but we both had to take some or else I'd have had to put John on the schedule and I think all three of us would agree, it's better if we don't. Guess this is what they mean by "that's why we make the big bucks" huh? Except...we kinda don't yet lol

I've worked it out. You're off the hook.

I don't want to discuss now, but when you get back, I'd love for you to help me set up new schedules, because this is...really hard and I could use some input. I hope all is going well at home ♥ tell your wife and the girls I send well wishes.

Holy shit, you're my hero. I'm just saying.

[ooc: added in a few minutes later]

Hey...I have like...no Kimmy time any time soon but I really do want to look at the stitches and see how they're doing so, do you think you could stop by on one of my graveyard shifts? River's usually sleeping and it's always dead that late at night.

October 4th, 2012

Filtered to Friends (you know - or at least suspect - who you are!)

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SO. Kim's busy tomorrow night so my second AWOLNATION concert ticket is totally unclaimed.

Either someone's volunteering to go, I'm making someone go with me, or I'll just go on my own.

So. Any chance I get an option one here? Anyone want to go?

September 30th, 2012

filtred no evvil badddievamps ro peoplees that dnw OHA LSO NO KIDSS

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thihs is me savin ur eyes yupp )

September 25th, 2012

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I walked out of a door in Gotham and found Kansas on the other side.

I stayed calm and didn't panic.

Five minutes later, some weirdo tried to grope me on the street. But I played nice and didn't punch him in the face. Not long after that, some kid called me "Batman's girlfriend". I patted him on the head and complimented him on his imagination, still not panicking. Then I went into a library and asked to use their phone because mine isn't working. Despite all the looks I got, I did what I needed to do.

Nobody answered any of my calls.

Because, according to a bunch of people I asked "Gotham doesn't exist."

What the hell is going on?

filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia

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Something you want to tell me Jay? "Batgirls" hm?

September 24th, 2012

Filtered agianst Lucifer & tiny psychotic women.

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I'd be careful with that girl you all found in the park.

She's tougher than she looks.

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[Filtered against Evil/Katherine/Jerry]

So, I'm off to the camp tomorrow, anyone want to give me a heads up about what I can expect? I'm going to guess there's no s'mores.

And on a more long term note, what is on offer for any work around here? I could really do with something to focus on beyond the wanting to hunt down demons and I'm guessing I can't exactly walk into a normal place and say "hey, hire me, I know I didn't graduate college but that's because I've been dead six years." Is anyone here hiring? Even without the graduating part, I'm smart, hard working and, like I said, I really need the focus.

September 21st, 2012

Filtered against the usual suspects

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...well, that was a bad idea lol

Hope you're not as hungover as I am :P Do you feel better, though, at all?

Filtered against Lucifer.

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Does it make me immature and petty if I punch some punk kid in the face for saying a comic book character dying was the best thing to ever happen to their series?

Cause I punched a punk kid in the face for saying a comic book character dying was the best thing to ever happen in their series.

September 16th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies and Jerry

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Know where you can't salt circle? In the shower.

Know where Clancy decided to just POP IN? I bet you just guessed it.

[ooc: Residents around apartment 502 may have heard screaming for a minute there!]
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