War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


October 30th, 2012

No evil

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Carved my pumpkins tonight, pretty good practice for heat vision actually.

October 27th, 2012

Filtered to Kon

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Hey, guess what?

I didn't really buy the whole "I'm going to bed because I'm tired thing", so you should probably start working on a better excuse for next time. Also? Even though I don't really know where you are right now, I'm still coming to see you. That means that we can either do this the easy way, or I can run around like a maniac until I find you.

Your choice.

October 26th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Woke up this morning to my hand itching under this damn cast. Three more weeks of this thing is going to kill me.

At work today, I read the first page of Twilight. Where did I go wrong in my life to make me even read that damn page...dear god was it terrible.

I came home from work and Krypto was rolling around in my laundry. How the hell does he even get into my apartment?

Can I just fly to the moon now?


Would you like to take Stephanie Brown to Rose's dance tomorrow? She'd love to go with you!

[Filtered to Steph]

So, are you taking Xander to the Halloween party? Because if movie night went as well as you said I think you should.

Filtered Against Evil

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You're not a talking human sized mutant turtle. You're just a regular turtle who has superpowers. Which were given to you by the turtle gods. And you can't use your shapeshifting powers on yourself. You have to be a turtle forever.

Choose wisely.  )

October 25th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Sooo... Umm...

I'm looking for this guy who likes to wear his underwear over his tights. And this other guy who is probably with the first guy. The other guy looks a lot like the underwear guy, but he's more fashionable.

I'm also looking for these two cities that are missing, but you guys probably haven't seem them so I'm just going to shut up and hope you people don't think I'm totally nuts. Because I swear I'm perfectly sane. Even though I probably sound crazy. I mean, I'm asking about a guy in tights and underwear.

... and that sorta sounds weird. But if I keep typing, it's only going to sound weirder. So I'm stopping.

April 9th, 2012

Text to Kon

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» Hey.
» I know you're probably not okay so I'm not even going to ask because that would be dumb.
» Do you want me to bring you anything? I'll get you anything you want.

April 8th, 2012

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[Filtered to Connor]
I'm bored. Today is boring. Lets fix it with burgers?

You said you'd tell me about that other Superboy? I had another dream about him last night.

April 7th, 2012

Filtered to involved parties & close friends

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...I'm really, really sorry. Galen and I...we thought we could handle it by ourselves; the moon. We thought if we just blocked out the moonlight, I would be okay, like it worked back home. He didn't count on not being able to turn his back for a few seconds and I didn't count on the pull from Mako Island home being this strong with it being in a whole other universe. We screwed up and I can't apologize enough.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone, even though I know I did. It's never been that bad for me except that one time when I nearly killed Zane but okay well, there was the other time when we nearly killed Lewis but that wasn't just m...if I'd known it'd have escalated like that, I would've made him tie me down or something...or asked for help. I'm really sorry.

I guess this means letting you guys decide what to do with me next month, huh?

Galen )

Jedi guy who helped )

Ron )

April 6th, 2012

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Does anyone know where that beautiful song is coming from? I have to find it's source, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard...

[ooc: Bats got Sirened XD]

Filtered against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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I have a piece of chicken that I've had in here for three years

I kinda want to call that lady up and tell her that there is a fifty percent chance of her cloned dog turning out evil. But on the other hand, I don't think she'd really care.

April 3rd, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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... I was like five minutes away from permanently moving to Tanzania. That was not cool.

April 1st, 2012

filtered against evil and moriarty

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So..what is it you are supposed to do when it feels like you're missing something you're supposed to know but don't remember? Does that even make sense? I don't know. Whatever. It's weird. Nevermind.

Who's this Molokov guy some people are posting against anyway?

March 31st, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer, Moriarty and Katherine

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This is all I have to say.

Except there is also this. Which someone should buy me.

March 30th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer, Moriarty and Katherine

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I just ran into a wall with my face. Do you know why I ran into a wall with my face? I ran into a wall with my FACE because a wall was not supposed to be there in the first place.

That leads us straight into the Question of the Day:

Why does Kansas suck so much?

Why am I here? And where are all the important things and why can't I call anyone and why is everyone missing and why is everyone staring at me and why is the year wrong and howdoIleaveIcanleaveright?
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