War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


November 4th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Bobby is Major Payne, basically.

Tell me I'm not the only one that knows the reference? You all see it, right? Only he's not whipping people's asses into a cool ass drill team. Am I right?

Draco and I got yelled at earlier, I think if he had the power to make us drop and do 50 he would.


This shit is hard. I think I might be too dumb for it if I didn't have my best bud Draco here with me.


I'm bad at camp, whoops.

October 29th, 2012

Filtered to Shaina

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Come keep me company tonight in the med bay. I need yo

October 26th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Ferret Boy! I gave you time, now I get to pick.

We're going as Bonnie and Clyde. When you free to go get the costumes with me?

Oh yeah, anyone else who is having trouble with Halloween Costumes, I'm fucking awesome and I will help you because I am amazing like that. So have at it.

October 25th, 2012

Filtered against current baddies.

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Holy crap, I want to go out tonight. For the first time in a while, I'm totally wired. I'm closing the med bay tonight, guys, it's been so slow the past few days and I really don't see it being a huge problem, so go ahead and close up shop, we'll open again tomorrow morning. If anyone needs it, just drop a line on the board and someone will come in.

Shaina — except instead of shopping, pub crawling. It's been a while.

Anybody else wanna come?

You coming? Also, are you going to come with me to Rose's Halloween party? Please, please, please?

[ooc: added a few minutes later]

I'm working a double tomorrow, spend time with Amy. You're welcome ;)

October 23rd, 2012

Go away evil bitches 'cause I don't want you here :p

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So, what are the Halloween plans around here? Do we do anything or do I need to find some teenager or college party to crash with my hot self?

Kimmy, bitch, do you have to work on Halloween, I can't remember if you said you did. 'Cause if you do you suck.

Ferret Boy, consider this me officially making plans for you. Whatever I'm doing for Halloween you're doing. We're dressing up and doing something fun.

October 15th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Kimmy is slowly trying to give me awesome music that I missed out on. Other people should do that here too. I've heard LMFAO, Lonely Island, Ke$ha...and that's what I remember off the top of my head.

Send me more. Movies too. It helps with the whole not working or being in college thing!

I missed out on too much cool shit!

[Ferret Boy]

You are 18, right? I forget.

Also you're totally going to get stuck with me at camp, it'll be a blast. You can help me study 'cause I suuuuuck at it myself.


I'm going to do the camp thing. I just thought you'd like a heads up. No idea when I'm doing it 'cause cute McInstructor man hasn't put my name on a list yet, but I'm going to go with Ferret boy.

no evil

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Camp sign ups, you know the drill. Demons 101 and beyond group 8 sign up here. Give me a name, and beer bribes are optional but appreciated. Camp is not scheduled until after Halloween because I don't feel like being bitten by Rose.

Group 8 roster for November 1st-7th:
Percy Blakeney
Marguerite Blakeney
Charley Brewster

October 14th, 2012

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...rain check...? Something kind of important came up; I'm really sorry.

I'm staying the night at Nate's. Zeus should be good til morning...if you could just make sure he's got enough water before you go to bed and let him out in the morning, I would be forever grateful. Don't forget his leash, he'll run off, but you don't actually have to go outside...if you use the back door, his leash is long enough that you can stand inside the doorway and he'll go down, do his thing, and come back up.

October 8th, 2012

Filtered against evil/Katherine/Jerry

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I have heard that second chances are offered here, but with the things I've read lately, it does not give me much hope. I have enough doubts of my own worthiness of such a thing, and the reactions I have seen...they are not entirely comforting. I do not know what Katherine has done, aside from what little I have pieced together, but out of specific context, it does not sound so entirely different from my own wrong-doings. It does not set well with me to think I would be offered a second chance, only to have people speak of me the way people speak of her.

October 7th, 2012

Nate and Kimmy

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evil is not permiteted to SEE THIS POST

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to Shaina

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Hey! You wanna go to Lexi's party?

October 6th, 2012

Filtered to Shaina

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Hey Shaina, guess what?

...I wish I wasn't too tired for that to actually be true, but I thought you'd be amused anyway. Also I'm overtired. I think it's funnier when I haven't slept but, let's face it, it's you we're talking about here lol

October 1st, 2012

Filtered against evil, Jerry, and Katherine

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I've had a day or so to settle in--Darcy, I really don't know how to thank you properly for what you've done already even if you are a Muggle--and attempt to process what has happened. It's still all a bit overwhelming, but I believe, circumstances considered, that is to be expected.

I'm still not sure what to think of the fictional bit... It's odd to think, any part of my life being in print like that. Consumed for entertainment. Turned into movies... It is a rather unnerving thing to hear. And would have been nice to not have thrown at me the first day I arrived

I've been told that many people here are given second chances, a chance to start over, clear their slates from whatever they have done in their own home worlds. I'm not sure I am as deserving of that chance as some people...but if I can have that chance? I fully intend to make the best of it.

When will you be set to arrive back from the camp you were attending?

Filtered to Shaina

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A few things:

1.) I vote we move into the two-bedroom Mark's planning on giving up.
2.) ...that said, if you bring home some dude, gimme a heads up so I can go to Nate's for the night. Unless you bring over Jailbait, then it's my job as bestie to kick him out ;)
3.) My next day off, I'm taking you to get a tattoo so you don't have to wear the amulet. It serves the same purpose and it's actually kind of bad ass. I have mine on my shoulder if you wanna see first.
4.) Maybe if I just give you links, you won't get too curious and wikiwalk through Youtube and find us Check these out. Thought you might like 'em.
5.) Please flirt with whoever you want except for Have fun last night? ;)

September 30th, 2012

Filtered against Baddies & Jerry

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So. Paintball needs to happen. Tonight. Because darktimes paintball is awesome.

So, people are in, yes? And if yes, who all is in, exactly?

ALSO! Kiiiim. The concert is in a couple days. You still in? It's cool if you'd rather skip since you just got your bestie and all. Totally understandable. And it's an awesome band so I'm sure there'd be someone else willing to be my plus one.

filtred no evvil badddievamps ro peoplees that dnw OHA LSO NO KIDSS

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thihs is me savin ur eyes yupp )

September 29th, 2012

Filtered to friends minus Shaina

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Guys...let me tell her, okay? Tiptoe if you have to.

[Shaina added back into the friends filter]
In other news...uh, if I can get my hands on two hangover potions, what say we all go out tonight? You know you wanna!

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Testing 1234

So, am I just on a really good trip and that's why I don't remember coming here? Or was I kidnapped 'cause I can get down with the kidnapping thing, it's kind of kinky.

Kimmy, you here? Tell me you didn't leave me in Kansas. Because while I am a total bitch I do not deserve to be left in Kansas all by myself coming off of some sort of trip. I swear I felt like a big ass truck hit me. It was a fiery crash death. Weird, huh? And I must have partied too hard or something because my clothes are looking jank. You've got my bag right?
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