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War Is Coming Communications.



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September 18th, 2013

No Evil

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I have been away from the boards for a bit to do some thinking on matters, and I see we are preparing for a fight. I have skills with a blade and old fashioned pistols, and I am fluent in Latin. Where can I help the most?

ETA: As was pointed out by Gigi, my fluency in Latin may be of some importance. If there are those would like help with Latin, I am free to help anyone in need.


Since you and I volunteered and we did not get chosen I had hoped this could be the end for both of us, but I fear it is just the start. Are you going to fight? I am not sure what I am going to do to help, but I want to help. I would rather help with friends, though.


It seems as though the timing of things are horrible, but I was wondering if you might have some time to spare soon. I would like to see you again, before everything goes horribly awry.

September 16th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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Apparently the way to get a slightly deranged genius detective off the floor is to quite literally force tea down his throat.

I feel John would be vindicated with this knowledge. Tea literally saves lives.

All that being said, this is where I stand. I'm no good at the fighting, other than the ability to defend myself. But financially, my family is well off. And we should likely start stocking up on supplies. Stock piling food and water, reinforcing the building, having extra holy water and amulets ready at a moment's notice.

I think we all know what's coming is coming soon. We just don't know what to prepare for. But if anyone would like to assist with the organization side of things, I'll gladly take helpers. It's about all I can do

September 15th, 2013

Filtered to Armand

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[OOC: Let us pretend it was shortly after this occurred, yes?]

Armand my dear lad, you and I need to have a talk.

September 12th, 2013

No Evil, No Death

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While I am glad my friends who volunteered were not chosen, and I know there are those who are glad I myself was not chosen, my thoughts are with Captain Becker and Robin of Locksley, as well as their friends and families. Though I have not introduced myself before if there is anything I can do I am at your service.


Now that Death has made his decision and I was not chosen, perhaps we can mend this breach between us? I do not like fighting with you.


I quite enjoyed the time we spent together yesterday evening. I would like to spend more time with you, if that is at all possible. Are you free tonight?

Filtered Against Evil and Company

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Maybe its a good thing I'm alone here.

No crew means nobody to worry about but at the same time I'm feeling more alone than ever.

No crew means not having to live in fear of losing the handful that actually care. Maybe I deserve to be alone after all.

(ooc: Parker's just picking up on things and just needs to be reassured people do care, she's just feeling alone at the moment)

September 11th, 2013

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My brother-in-law suggested you were flirting with me. Is he correct in his assumptions?


I see you too have volunteered. How are your friends coping with your decision?

[Texts To Claudia]

>> I believe I am doing this properly.
>> Are you able to read these texts?

September 10th, 2013

Filtered From Evil

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I went and changed my appearance, thanks to the encouragement from old and new friends alike. I believe I like this shorter hair style, though the electric razor they used was a bit disconcerting, as was the...styling product, I believe it was called, that was put into my hair. But I look close enough to what I had envisioned. I think this will definitely suffice.

September 9th, 2013

Filtered against Evil. And Lucifer. And Death.

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It isn't someone's death that Death is seeking. He's seeking someone's life.

I believe he wants to switch places with someone. Whether it's temporary or permanent I don't know.

Filtered Against Evil

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I have decided to make a change in my appearance. I do not see many young men with hair as long as mine, and I would like to get it cut. I saw that my facetwin, I believe is the term used, that he had cut his hair shorter at some point. I am debating getting my hair to look the same. This is the style I am considering. Does anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

September 10th, 2013

Hidden from the sight of Lucifer and his Ilk

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I do not lower myself to human trappings easily.

And yet my message, it seemed, was lost in the translating. I am informed some of you were brave enough to wish to speak to me.

Speak. Those of you that will.

September 9th, 2013

Adios Diablo and compadres!

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So we end up with a lot of time-dispalced folks here who kinda go "holy crap how do I use this thing?" at a lot of the technology and really guys don't even ask how this idea did not come to me sooner, but I'm going to be putting together a Tech 101 class. Connorrrr do you wanna help? Or you know other tech peeps too. There's several of us and all. Clearly, Connor is just my favorite (but not really ily all).

Anyway yes. This is on my agenda and I'm just kinda trying to put together a list of hot-button items we should probably go over. There's the obvious of computers/cell phones/mp3 players, things of that nature but hey if there's anything else people think should be thrown into the mix, feel free to toss them at me. Or if there's anything you time-dispalced folks are/were particularly confused at, let me know and we can add it in too.

Rose, is there somewhere in your center we could use or should I scope out another place?

Ideas/thoughts/suggestions/Claudia-you're-slow's? And who wants in on this class? It shouldn't take long for me to put together.

September 4th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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The Health Inspector came!

He said everything in the kitchen was up to standard and hyg...hy...the word that means everything's passed and I can stay open.

Somewhere I think my father is disappointed in me

September 3rd, 2013

No Evil

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I have started to get accustomed to this time and place, and while I am still working things out I do not like being idle. I have attended some of the classes and they are fascinating, but I would like to try and find employment somewhere. Are there any suggestions for someone who is still getting used to this time and place? I do not want to bring undue attention to myself.

[Carolyn, Allison and anyone who wants help with French]

If you are available, I am free today and I would like to have some conversations with you in French, to help the both of you. And I have questions about certain English words I have come across in my readings. If you can meet me at the inn around five I will be there enjoying the company of Eponine and Enjorlas.


I saw your play again on Sunday, before I went to the gathering on the roof. You are even more magnificent before a crowd than you were in the dress rehearsal. I left the bouquet of roses in your dressing room before I left. I hope you enjoyed them.

August 20th, 2013


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[ooc: This takes place after today's dress rehearsal is finished. I just wanted to make the post before I forgot since I'm swamped today.]

I did something you will not approve of. I attended your dress rehearsal today. The costume designer let me in and I watched from the very back so you would not see me. I know you did not want me to see the play, but my curiosity won out. I think I know now why you did not want me to see it. I understand why you did it, and I still love you regardless, even though I now know the burden you carried for so long. You did what you did to survive, to keep us alive, and I am grateful. Nothing could ever make me think less of you, dear sister. I still love you greatly, and I always will. And I am sorry if I hurt you by disobeying your wishes. I do not wish to cause you any pain, but I had to see.

August 18th, 2013

Filtered against Evil

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It's the time again. For anyone who is interested, we will be opening on Thursday with our new show and running for the next few weekends.

[Peter V.]

Are you feeling any better than you were when I've visited?


Yes, you have a good grasp of the computer. And while I know you support me, there really is no need to come to this particular performance. It's the story of our lives, of the beginning of the Pimpernel. Truthfully, you already know it. So don't fret on the matter, dear brother. There are certain things


I feel more anxious than I have in a long time, though I imagine it has something to do with the fact I still do not know what to answer once the talent agents show up on Wednesday. That and I worry Armand will decide to show up.

August 14th, 2013

No Evil

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I believe I am finally comfortable with this machine. The wonders of this age do not cease to amaze me. Apparently my sister had something called a program that allowed me to use this computer, I believe it is called. These words are unfamiliar so I beg your forgiveness if I make a mistake.

I met some of you the other day with the horses, but I am very bad at remembering names. My name is Armand St. Just. I am the brother to Marguerite and brother-in-law to Percy. My French is better than my English, but I have been told few of you speak fluent French so I will try to converse in English.

Marguerite, did I do well?
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