War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


September 22nd, 2011

Filtered against evil

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So it seems a plan is being worked out for the twin killer. Frankly I support all plans to that effect and am for the first time grateful Cersei isn't here with me.

That said, what about the other one. He's equally dangerous. This nonsense about not being able to kill them is ridiculous. Are we just supposed to let more die?


How are you settling in? It's not the most perfect of situations you'll agree but perhaps we can do something about that.

[Princess Daenerys]

If you would Princess, might you come to my rooms. I wouldn't ask only I would feel more confident in keeping you safe from these madmen if you were to stay there

September 16th, 2011

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What is this? Money, do you want money? That's how this works isn't it. You get money and the chance to brag about besting Lord Lannister when really you probably used subterfuge to get me here.

Is this another rebellion? I don't know what more you people want, you're treated well, anything else you take up with Kings Landing and hope not to burn at the pleasure of our illustrious King.

I will not be held captive.
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