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War Is Coming Communications.


December 7th, 2011

Anti-Evil Filter

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I know this has been mentioned before, and probably explained by someone who did a much better job than me, but we've gotten some new people since then, and it seems like it should be said again - as a warning to those who are new, and a reminder to the rest of us.

By now you probably all know Lucifer is out and trying to end the world. Obviously, we should steer clear. Problem with that is that he likes to harass us - he doesn't just wait for us to run up to him and do something stupid. He likes to harass us on the internet, as I'm sure a lot of people saw the other night... That's why anti-evil filters on these posts are important. It's probably not terribly dangerous, since it's just talking on a computer, but, still - it's a way he can screw with us, and one we can prevent, so we might as well do what we can. He doesn't need any more information or advantages over us.

But more importantly, he can go into people's dreams. I don't know if he can actually hurt you there or not, but he can definitely use your weaknesses against you and kriff your thoughts up enough that you... stop being rational, I guess. It's happened a few times already - most recently to Allana. I don't know what he did to her, but she

We don't know who he'll go after next, or have any way to know when he'll do it - or even if it can be prevented, really. So, I guess, just... be on your guard. Don't give him anything he can use against you, if you can help it - and if you see him, try to remember that he's just trying to get to you. Don't let him get what he wants.

December 6th, 2011

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Hey man...you up for a road trip?


Still interested in road trippin' it up to NYC?

[OOC: added in a bit later]


Hey, Ma I'm goin' outta town for a little bit. I need to get out of here for a little while. Probably won't be more than a week. Just figured I oughta let you know.

November 27th, 2011

Filtered to Terry

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Oh shit, son Hey man...is that...uh. Harley Quinn? Maybe? Also, are you all right? I half-watched that thing and then I decided that drunk comic book history isn't that funny and I should probably make sure you don't feel like fucking somebody's shit up or anything.

November 23rd, 2011

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Here again, really world? Really? I liked Gotham. Things were good! Even I was good!  And its all different here now, Watchtower ain't there no more, Or it is but its just kinda a building now, everyones gone huh?

Did the Complex blow up yet? Are we at capital A yet?!

November 8th, 2011

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Scatman, Audioscience, FiFi Trixibell and one celebrity even named his kid after Superman and called him Kal-El Cage.

I'm glad I'm not a celebrity.

November 6th, 2011

Filtered against evil fuckers

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fff mixng taco blell and dead guy ale wree a bad decisn.

November 5th, 2011

Filtered against evil, Ava & Jason

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What the fuck! I got kicked in the motherfuckin' shin by an anklebiter screaming at me in another language in the kitchen just now. What the hell?!

filtered against baddies

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I tried to tell an elevator to go up at the mall this morning and it didn't listen. Haha 21st century technology. I'm doing it wrong. That's what I get for zoning during History class. It's going to be a long apocalypse. I forgot almost everything is manual here compare to voice activated and Infrared. I tried to get a taco for breakfast and the cashier didn't know what to make of my cash card. Paper money. I'll need to get some of that I guess. I'm still tacoless and sad now.

This might sound like a weird question but uh, I know we can't get home. Can we at least check up on home? Or anything? I have my mom and my little brother I'm supposed to be looking after...

November 4th, 2011

Filtered Against the Usual Suspects

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Easy bake cookies are not as easy bake as their name implies.

So, um. People of the 5th floor? I apologize. From what I've read on the internet, the smell will eventually go away. Sorry.

Anyone have any fabreeze?

November 1st, 2011

Filtered to Andy

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So this whole fictional thing...

I don't even have words.

October 29th, 2011

filtered against baddies

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What the hell happened to Gotham?

Someone please tell me the date on this thing is wrong.
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