War Is Coming Communications.

November 28th, 2010

November 28th, 2010


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I'd ask if you'd really just gone off and asked Steph to break it off with me, but I don't need to since I've seen it myself. Funny thing about people when they're upset. They forget to do the simplest of things.

Like turn off their laptops.


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I took Dean's computer and phone away so if he stops responding that's why. I'm going to stay here until I'm certain he's asleep and won't try to get them back. I'm worried about him, this isn't just overindulging and being stupid

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[Filtered against baddies and against Jack Skellington]

If anyone happens to see Jack Skellington wandering around aimlessly? Please take him somewhere safe, then tell me so I can come get him. He's having some sort of breakdown thing, and isn't himself at all. Also, if he says things that don't make sense at all, just play along. I find it's easier that way.

I'm going to scream I'm losing my mind I need a leash I'm so close to putting a spell on him to keep him in place. Wait, bad idea

[Filtered to Jack Skellington]

Jack, if you come home, I've got Zero here waiting to play! I've now hidden your computer where you can't get at it!

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Filtered to Mum/Hermione

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I'm sorry.

Though, I have to say your boyfriend is pissed right now and I can't help but wonder what it is you see in him.

It wasn't right of me to come here and start making demands without knowing everything that was going on. And before the drunk one Adam can tell you, he and I had words. I was being daft.

I'm still not going to apologize to him

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We need to start New Directions lite over here. We have a few people from home now. It'll be fun! I am so bored of this place, I need something to do besides homework. And if I'm tired enough after practice, maybe I won't dream at night.

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Someone asked about this earlier and I figured I'd put this out.

If anyone needs identification, let me know. Driver's licences, birth certificates, etc. I'm in the giving mood, so I won't charge for it this time around. Consider it early Christmas presents.

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I think I'm coming down with something, so I'm stocking up on soup and I'm locking myself in my room if anyone needs me.

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Dean )

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There's an Agent who died last week in my office, he's got this chair. It's comfortable and leather and all kinds of expensive, it's just sitting there. Being all unused. Is it wrong of me to want to take it?

Got a hockey game tonight, for anyone interested in going or whatever.

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A handful of days later and I feel like I'm still stuffed from Thanksgiving. I'm thinking about turning our spare bedroom into a gym, just so I can work off all the weight I probably put on between dinner and leftovers.

Did that potion work out for you all right?

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What would you rather have, a doctor who ignores you while you die, or a doctor who ignores you while you get better?

filtered to Buffy

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A drivers license?

Filtered to Hermione!

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Bella is sick. Can you make her a Pepperup potion?

Filtered to Dean

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I'm gonna be at Dempsy's Pub downtown in an hour and you're going to meet me.

We're gonna have a talk you and me.

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Ccouchs friendly I cnt sem to find th

wht was I alooking for gin?

[ooc: drunk John is drunk.]

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My car. Buffy..My car. So many dents.

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I'm not sure I like this plan of sitting around and waiting for Lucifer to come and kill us. I know you said that there haven't been any good leads to follow, Ron, but there must be something I can do to help?

I don't do well with sitting around, being useless.

filtered against evil intentioned

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I have a license now! So I can vote! And, also, I can drive even though I don't really know how, and I kind of fear cars since they're large and dangerous, and I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of power so, you know, open road get ready to feel my...uh...rubbery wrath? Somehow I feel like that wasn't very bad-ass

In other news I know there are some other witches/wizards around here so I wanted to know if any of you wanted to get together and try some spells sometime? I'm getting the feeling we all use magic really differently and there's a lot we could learn from each other. I think it might be interesting? Plus helpful for the fighting of evil?


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Hello, I understand you make those potions to cure hangovers? I'd like to request that you don't sell any to anyone with the last name Winchester for a week. I think some lesson-learning is needed.

comm link to Clark

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"Hey Clark? Steph and I are hitting the streets on this Hermione thing. What'dya say? Come along?"

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Online inebriation is becoming a sport around here.

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Does anyone know where Hermione Granger works?

[ooc; Harry won't be responding after he spoke to Azazel because he'll already be gone!]

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You know, Mr. Yellow Eyes, you're really building up quite the reputation for yourself around here.


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First of all, I'm sorry I never thanked you for your part in rescuing me. I'm afraid manners got lost in trying to just forget the entire experience but thank you.

You might have seen, it happened again. Azazel has Hermione Granger. Can you try to track her the way you did me?

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It really is enough drunken antics. We saw it. We all saw it. Now its time to get back down to business.

[Winchester filter]
What do we know?

Text to Steph!

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You haven't seen Harry anywhere, have you?
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