War Is Coming Communications.

November 27th, 2010

November 27th, 2010

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What the bloody hell is going on? I was literally just getting into a carriage. I'm in my last year, this isn't funny. I've NEWTs in front of me, that's something that I'm not going to miss. I've got to make sure I don't fall behind. I've got to be the top. Scorpius might surpass me.

This has got to be some elaborate dream or something. Or maybe a prank. If this is a prank I'm going to hex someone into last year. Aunt Ginny did teach me that bat boogey hex, you know... I swear if it was James I'm going to drag him by his ear to his mum and let her have at him.

This is completely and utterly ridiculous! I don't have time for this. I know I didn't touch some bloody portkey or anything of that sort either. Who would take a portkey to Kansas anyway? Computers aren't exactly the most interesting means of communication either. Lucky I was given this suggestion, maybe the idiot culprit will admit to it and I can get back! I still don't know how the hell they got me out of Hogwarts in the first place!

filtered to Martha

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Alright, I'm up for a prank now and then, but this is really weird. Guys? Can you explain this? And slowly?

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Panem. The Hunger Games. If those words mean anything to you, tell me now. If this is a game, if you have him, I swear I'll-

I need a doctor.

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[Virgil and NO ONE ELSE]
I HAVE A PROJECT ITS BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm freaking out.

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The complex dinner was pretty much amazing.

Thanks to everyone who put it together.

Gonna go hide in a corner and food coma for a month? Do you still call it food coma?

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Who do I talk to about getting some kind of ID, maybe a driver's license? It seemed like a good idea to have while job hunting.

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Harry's here! I found him hiding in an alleyway! Suddenly things are so much better.

{ooc Forgive Hermione, Harry, she's just...overly happy at having her biffle here}

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I have found the 'welcome post,' to this place. It is most interesting.

My name is Padmé Amidala. I am the senator of Naboo, and I request to speak to whomever is in charge of this city, or at least the Complex. It is vital I get back to the senate as quickly as possible.

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Glad we're done with holidays for a while, but getting back on track with the world is a pain.

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I'm going to get out of practice for brewing potions here.

I can't say that I like it here as of thus far.

I can fix anything, though!

[Filtered to Mum's Adam]
My name is Rose.... Hermione is my mum... You're seeing my mother. I'm sorry, but my parents belong together. Maybe the two of you get along, but she and my dad love one another even if the two of them pretend.

They're both...in denial a lot of the time.

I'd appreciate it if you'd stop seeing her. Or I'm going to hex you.

[Filtered to Dad's Wife Steph]
Forgive me for being frank, but my dad loves my mum. He has some lapses in judgement and can be dense at times, especially at the age he is, but he loves mum.

Unfortunately, him being married to you gets even more in the way of that.

I think that the two of you need to separate. I'd appreciate it. I'm sure you can understand true love. And the fact that my brother and I need to be born and...everything!

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I can't believe I defeated Voldemort only to get sent here. This isn't fair.

I want to just sleep for eternity.

Ron and Hermione belong together. What the hell is wrong with them?

I feel like I should say something poignant, but I'm coming up empty. I guess I used all those rallying words I had on the last war I was in.

So, uh, hi. My name's Harry.

I just really want to go home. Or for my best friends to start making sense again.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Greetings to everyone from New York City!


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Buffy what are you doing
You're not with him anymore
Probably won't be again
God I finally find a normal human guy and he is way older than me
Someone needs to take my computer away
Why am I using this as an excuse to tal

Hey. Um, I'm sorry Willow thought you were...you know...

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I DOntt thin ki likee holdayys anymor/.
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