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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[May. 24th, 2009|12:35 pm]

So, now I'm bored again. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. Laughing at the guys who fall asleep during Nate's training sessions only keeps boredom at bay so long, though. Even keeping track of which one of us was talking/yelling/whatever at the time and making it into a competition has gotten old.

Oh well. I like this better than how it was last month. I have a few presents to give out, thanks to that little adventure.
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[May. 10th, 2009|10:02 am]

So life is back to normal again. Normal for us, anyway. Which is to say, not really.

But we're home again, and safe, so there's that.

I'm still not used to getting presents. It's so weird to me. I don't mind giving them, since I always find the perfect gift, but getting them? Not so much.

I also need ideas for my next shoot with Penthouse. I'm due to start that in a week or two. Now that everyone's sexed out, maybe we'll get some really creative answers.
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[Apr. 15th, 2009|10:21 am]

I finally finished my usual aerobic routine in one go. I'm so proud of that, right now, it's probably slightly insane. I mean, I used to do two of those a day.

But I guess I was laid up for a while. And it felt nice to move again. The kids are finally settling into a sleeping/eating pattern, though, of course, they don't match. But that's okay. I don't think anybody's ever had so much willing help.

Seeing Cable holding a tiny tiny baby and grumbling about how he won't eat is something that is both hilarious on principle, and makes all the feminine squishy bits in me contract at once.

That might have been too much information. Oh well.

So! Now that I am back in the saddle, so to speak, Shigure, we need to get tea together. Wade, how's next month for the baseball game? Anyone else I owe some time to? I can't stay away longer than the bottle reserve I've built up, but that still give me a solid four hours most of the time.
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[Apr. 8th, 2009|02:55 pm]
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It's April, and yanno what that means?


And guess who has season tickets? This guy.

♫Take me out to the ball game..♫

It's great to have a team as cursed as I am.
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[Apr. 3rd, 2009|11:17 am]
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Bubbles? BUBBLES?!
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[Apr. 2nd, 2009|07:57 am]
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Private )

I need to think about something that isn't baby related. I'm able to move around normally again now, and I have Hank's blessing to get some exercise. Maybe I'll saddle the kids up and go for a walk? Or even better, leave Nate a couple bottles and take a breather in another part of the country for a couple hours or so. That would probably be helpful, in the long run.
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[Mar. 27th, 2009|10:50 pm]
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I just made something blow up.

But not like I normally do. I didn't even mean to do it.

I just kind of. . . looked at it. Which sucks, because it was the coffee pot.

What the hell is up with the random mutations?
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[Mar. 25th, 2009|11:20 am]
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I can see my toes!

So, now there are two additional Summerses to fuck with. Philip and Moira were born Sunday, I think, and have since pretty much just cried and pooped.

But they're cute while they do it, so I think I'll forgive them.
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[Mar. 13th, 2009|11:27 am]

I am so done with this. I'm going to need someone to help me cut the damn kids out. This just sucks total ass, and I'm done with falling and not being able to see my toes.

And I swear to God Wade if you mock me I will learn necromancy just so I can pull your soul out of your body and store it in an empty mayonnaise jar.
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[Feb. 15th, 2009|08:58 am]
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I have to admit, when Nate does stuff, he doesn't fuck around.

Yesterday was actually enjoyable. It's possibly the first time ever.

you've got a lot to make up for, nate.
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[Feb. 13th, 2009|11:07 am]
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Attention students and alumni of Taunton (still not sure if I'm spelling that correctly, happens when I can't see what I'm doing) My name is Iggy, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to join the ranks of the higher-educated.

Really all I want to know is: what do you like about the place? What don't you like? I'm kind of new to the whole 'school' thing, so any advice etc. that you have would be great.
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[Feb. 11th, 2009|10:23 am]
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Okay, so there's a male version of me here.

Who's an asshole. Go figure. It makes sense, though.

Welcome to the madness alternate me.

Anyone care to go out for ice cream? I need to spend some time away from my husband for a bit.
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[Jan. 31st, 2009|07:15 pm]
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If anyone needs me, I'm going to be out of communication for the next day or two.

Elaine )
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|10:49 pm]

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Are there any women who have been pregnant before?

Can you give me any tips for not killing everyone you meet? Why must people manhandle me in public? It makes my skin crawl.

I nearly lost my temper with a mother with two babies in tow! She should know better!

I think I shall stay inside until the baby is born.

Also, I cannot find my shoes AGAIN.

I...need to have this child now.
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[Jan. 26th, 2009|09:39 am]
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That was so weird.

I would take pregnancy over puberty anytime. Good God.
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[Jan. 21st, 2009|06:14 pm]
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And you guys thought I was crazy? Sh'yeah right.

Sure, I have the occasional zany adventure, but I don't do the whole time travel thing. Well, not intentionally, unless Weaz messes up one of the gadget dohickeys. Then I hide all of his food. It's a lot more interesting than it sounds 'cause he tends to freak out without his cheese puffs. It's almost as fun as playing hide and go seek with Blind Al.

Anyways, the point is, using my awesome skills of deductive reason, I have come to the revelation that I am awesome. And I'm my normal loveable self that keeps you comin' back for more. And that's usually when I steal from you. S'long as I'm getting paid to do it. Otherwise you're safe. Unless I'm bored. Then you'll probably get pantsed.

Now back to your feature presentation!

Domino )
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[Jan. 18th, 2009|11:09 am]

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What the flonq am I doing here? This looks like Old Earthtime!

It's got to be one of the Chaosbringer's plots, for sure.

Man, I don't recognize anything!
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|03:53 am]

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It was recommended that I advertise my services on these boards, especially since my current occupation is rather failing to keep me amused.

I am Mrs Emma Peel, one half of the elite Ministry task-force known as the Avengers. I'm trained in almost every conceivable martial art, am an excellent fencer, as well as a superb marksman, and I can speak numerous languages to some competent degree of fluency.
I also look damned good in a leather catsuit, and can break someone's legs from twenty feet away whilst whistling innocently.

Any takers?
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[Jan. 15th, 2009|02:06 pm]

There is cake.

My life is full of wonder.

It's chocolate.

I actually made something edible!
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[Jan. 13th, 2009|12:02 am]

private )

Hey, anyone know a non-alcoholic beer that doesn't taste like swill? I've had all of them, and they're all pretty terrible.

I need some kind of superliver that will keep the alcohol in my bloodstream, where it belongs.
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*timed to Friday night* [Jan. 10th, 2009|03:43 pm]

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[Jan. 5th, 2009|02:16 pm]

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Trying to keep calm...hormones not helping.

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[Jan. 5th, 2009|02:55 am]

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Here's a question for you. A philosophical question. A question, in fact, for the ages.

Ages, gentle reader.


So let's say that you're in a pool or a hot tub with a lady. She's wearing a one piece, you're wearing trunks. Or if you're a lady, you're in the one piece and he's in the trunks. Or if you're a gay lady, two one pieces, and a gay dude, two trunkses. You're really focusing too much on the clothing.

So you're in this hot tub/pool environment, and you start smooching. Then you start smooching a bit heavier, and you move onto something that allows you to sit, and she's on your lap.

Now, my question, friends, is this: when you're both soaking wet, is it still dry humping?
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[Jan. 1st, 2009|11:34 pm]
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Anybody notice that there are too many damn high holies running around here? As if the one true god wasn't bad enough. Fuck.
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[Dec. 24th, 2008|10:19 pm]

So, I got presents for. . . everyone.

At least everyone I've met.

They will be delivered as I get around to it. Before the New Year definitely.

For Emma )

For Wade )

For Shigure )

For Bruce )

For Doug )

For Brenda Annne )

For Lorna and Alex )

For Nate )
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|10:08 pm]
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George confused. What was that swirly, swirly wing thingy? Ape would know, but can't find Ape.
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[Dec. 20th, 2008|09:07 pm]
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I like Christmas. And I'm excited. I think Lorna and Alex are contagious. It's nice. Like the black overtones of all the drama have finally gone away, and everyone's at peace.

The babies are moving around a lot, and their minds are growing so fast! I don't know how I'm going to wait three more months to meet my babies. Especially if they keep growing. It wears me out to go to the kitchen from our bedroom, anymore.
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|05:35 pm]

So I've blown a lot of money this week to shoot people I knew back home.

You'd think that would sate the indescribable need to beat someone's skull into the ground.

I think the hormones are doing something weird. Because I was totally sane and rational while I was shooting Wade and Logan.

Some people aren't just cut out for this sort of thing, I think.
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[Dec. 12th, 2008|10:51 pm]

Wade, I'll give you fifty dollars per bullet if you'll let me shoot you for an hour.
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[Dec. 1st, 2008|08:01 am]

Hee. I have the best husband ever.

I didn't realize that you could do so many different things with telepathy.
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[Nov. 26th, 2008|11:02 am]

Selina Monique isn't bad. But Johnathan Thomas is.

We need to rename our boy, I think.
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|10:44 pm]
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[Current Mood |irritated]

Goddammit, I was going to post about something, but I forgot what it was.
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[Nov. 21st, 2008|11:15 am]

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Edward's teacher-face asked the class what the stuuuuudents want to be when they grow up-up. Edward said she wanted to be a bounty hunter but teacher said that there are not lots and lots of bountyheads in this wooooorld so Edward would not have lots and lots of worky-work.


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[Nov. 16th, 2008|03:21 pm]

If God had intended for me to knit, he'd have given me knitting related powers.

Why did I think this was a good idea?

I blame hormones.
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|02:44 pm]

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[Current Mood |confused]

Looks like a hooker.

Smells like a hooker.

Feels like a hooker.

Could be a chick or a dude. Maybe both? I don't know. My knowledge of ladyboys is pretty limited.

Anyone know why I just woke up next to what looks like an tranny?
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[Nov. 11th, 2008|10:20 am]


Just arg.

Why is it not tomorrow yet?
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[Oct. 30th, 2008|08:43 am]

So, getting the aminocentisis done next week.

Just a little bit nervous. God knows what genetic abnormalities either of us bring to the mix. I hope nothing too terrible comes up.

Should be able to feel the babies moving in the next month or so. I think I will probably die of relief.

Also, my future mother-in-law is here now. It's kind of odd, but not bad. Now I know some of why Nate's so crazy (But in a good way!).

Shigure, we should hang out and have tea. I could use the time outside, and the stress relief. I should have thought of visiting you earlier.
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[Oct. 27th, 2008|01:16 pm]

So, I can't fight, train, or even spend a lot of time at the shooting range.

This cuts out about half of my favorite things.

I can't paint, use harsh chemicals, or ingest Nate's cofee, so redecorating the house so it looks less derelict is going to have to wait as well.

I do have my halloween costume, again. While I'm looking forward to the parties, I'll be pretty much left hanging in the stuff to do department until mid November.

Maybe I can unleash a terrible flu virus that only targets teachers that share my aptitudes on Taunton?

Of course, pissing off my boss should be avoided.

If I spend one more day doing nothing but catching up on my reading I'm going to go crazy.

And then my doctor will yell at me for being stressed out.

Maybe I could knit? Sew? Are there any activities that don't incur a lot of stress or use too many calories?
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[Oct. 24th, 2008|01:18 pm]

I don't think I've ever been yelled at by a doctor before.

Wait, no, I have. But I don't think I've ever listened when a doctor yelled at me before.

So, I won't be taking any more work as a mercenary until I'm done breastfeeding.

That's going to be an interesting adjustment.
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[Oct. 20th, 2008|01:54 pm]
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Life is so very strange. Sometimes, I have no idea what to make of it.

I have time now, to be contemplative. Which, I have discovered, when paired with pregnancy and someone being parked on the main console all day, means that I now have enough cookies to end world hunger.

Or at least make an entire kindergarten class act crazy for a day.

Beside Shigure, Bruce, and Emma (your cookies should arrive shortly), anybody want some?

The craving for oatmeal raisin cookies died with the first one.

When did I turn into a woman, exactly?
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