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Time:03:34 pm
Who: Jyoti and Mickey
Where: Jyoti’s shop/house
When: Late morning

Mickey had a full day ahead of him, even after a shorter night’s sleep than he would have liked. It was one thing to be exhausted, but thoughts had drug him from dreams again and again and in the end it was a fitful night at best. He was doing like he always did putting his head down and focusing on work and not wondering where Lily was or if December would ever speak to him again. She certainly wouldn’t consider him a possible interest that was for sure, and he wasn’t even sure if she’d want to stay the kind of friends that actually spoke to one another or just the ones that knew each other. He wasn’t thinking on it now though, focusing on work instead, making appointments for fixing things around the dome, but knowing he had a stop to make first. Zania was owed something for her bar for being so good to him, which meant he was determined to do a good job.

Armed with drawings and ideas, he pedaled his way towards Jyoti’s shop, knowing it’d be an interesting experience as it always was with the woman, but despite her nature, she did good work and could be relied on for that. Leaving his bike outside he let himself into the studio, looking around. “Jyoti?”

Tradesmen (and women) )
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Subject:Buying in bulk
Time:12:09 am
Who: Jyoti and Skylar
Where: The greenhouse
When: Late morning

and calling bullshit )
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Subject:Making Plans
Time:10:32 pm
Who: Gin and Jyoti
Where: Central Park
When: Late Morning

Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to be in the park, Jyoti was thinking. More accurately, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to be getting high in broad daylight in the park. Accuracy didn’t make her care any more, granted, but at least she could recognize the potential risks in her behavior. Still, Jyoti was pretty confident that this was going to be just fine.

After all, the whole dome seemed weird today; tense over something that hadn’t happened yet, too tense for such gorgeous weather. She hadn’t seen a single cop since leaving her house and workshop, letting a batch of fresh panes cool for the day as she basked in the contrast between the weather and the sheen of sweat on her skin. And if there were no uniforms around? Jyoti was going to keep on doing what she was doing, which right now entailed sitting under a tree in the park, puffing on a glass chilam pipe and blowing expert smoke rings with a self-satisfied smile.

Gin had just spent the evening with her best friend, drinking down a fair bit of wine and listening to some things that she wasn't exactly sure she was ready to accept as being real. True, sure. Lia wouldn't lie to her. And if Lia believed it, Gin knew it couldn't be false. Even if she wasn't yet prepared to assimilate it into her life. Werewolves? Werewolves?? Still, there was the whole Mary Jane aspect she'd been chasing for her own art. Something she was sure erstwhile single-mom Lia wouldn't have approved.

Talking a bit bigger than her britches )
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