April 2011




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Week 35 - Wednesday

Characters: Derek Miller and Holly Sharpe
Location: The boys' room
Summary: Derek comforts Holly. Really.
Rating: PG-13 for language

Look, Holly. I - I’m sorry. )


Week 35: Wednesday Evening

Characters: Holly Sharpe, Andrew Kirke, and Mike Callahan; followed by Drew and Tom Galloway
Location: The farmstead
Summary: Holly returns from the raid. Drew is in a frenzie. Mike tries to console him, and Tom reassures him they will get Ana back.

You were supposed to /watch out/ for her! What the fuck good are you!? You’re sorry!? /F*** YOUR ‘SORRY’!/” )


Week 35 - Wednesday

Characters: Ana Kirke, Holly Sharpe - plus NPCs
Setting: Sporting goods store in Grants Pass
Summary: A simple raid turns unexpectedly dangerous
Rating: PG-13 for just a little bit of language

The rods fell when an arm hooked roughly around Ana’s neck from seemingly out of nowhere, and then the world went black. )


Week 35 - Sunday

Characters: Derek and Holly.
Location: Their room.
Summary: Derek and Holly establish the mood and rules of their new rooming experience.
Rating: PG-13 for language

I catch you checking me out, I will kick your ass. Touch any of my stuff and I kick your ass. Wake me up when I’m sleeping and well, you see where I’m going with this. )


Week 34: Friday

Characters: Jed Bailey, Andrew Kirke, Mike Callahan, Holly Sharpe, and (NPC) trader Malachai.
Location: Solar Man Company on SW Jordan Street in Grants Pass.
Summary: Jed’s group hits up the second location with little-to-no hitches along the way, or so they think.
Rating: R because boys swear more.

“Always the last one, right?” Malachai commiserated and made his grin lean, one hand extended for the pliers. “Lemme give’it a go.” )


Week 33 - Friday

Characters: Tom and Holly.
Location: Farmhouse hallway.
Summary: Tom wants Holly to explore the world of the shortwave radio, and Holly accepts.
Rating: PG

'Knowledge is power Hol,' the older man opined. )


Weeks 25-32

Characters: Nate and Holly.
Location: Parlor.
Summary: Holly decides it’s time to do the awkward making up thing, and thankfully Nate agrees.
Rating: PG-13 for language.

'I don’t know if noticed, but I don’t really have feelings.' Nate joked. )


Week 24: Tuesday, Early AM

Characters: Alice Munroe and Derek Miller; then Tom Galloway, Bridget MacKenzie, and Holly Sharpe.
Summary: Alice attempts to run away from home, but doesn't get very far before turning back. Tom finds her passed out from exhaustion where she's parked, then brings her upstairs to Bridget's room while Holly observes.
Rating: PG-13

“Just do everyone a favor and look the other way. Nobody has to know.” )


Week 23 - Friday

Characters: Bridget and Holly.
Location: Bridget’s room.
Summary: Holly wants to unload some of his feelings on Bridget, but soon feels too bad to continue feeling sorry for himself. They end on a bright note.
Rating: PG-13

'You can change your clothes and wash off the makeup, but you can’t change what’s inside you, Hol. You’re as straight as I am skinny.' )


Week 23 - Thursday

Characters: Jack and Holly.
Location: Holly’s room
Summary: Jack tries to cheer up Holly, who’s more than a little down
Rating: Strong PG-13

Don’t be sad, Holly. I kind of like you shiny. )


Week 23 - Tuesday

Characters: Nate and Holly.
Location: Garage.
Summary: Holly has a confession to make.
Rating: PG-13

Nate just stared. )


Week 22 - Thursday

Characters: Holly Sharpe and Nate Theien
Location: The parlor
Summary: a random encounter leads to a serious conversation, wrapped in flirting and joking.
Rating: PG, maybe.

”Yeah, Hey, I know I’m a leech on your supplies and stuff, but at least I’m pretty”  )


Week 22 - Friday

Characters: Mike and Holly.
Location: Farmhouse grounds
Summary: The two have been at odds since Quinn leaving, and Holly is tired of it.
Rating: PG-13

'What happened to blaming Alice for all of our problems? I liked those days better.' )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters: Ana Gordan, Molly Williams and Holly Sharpe
Location: Medford Mall
Summary: Hair supplies and a special request from Meg inspire a trip to the mall
Rating: G

So, if you could give one person at the farm a makeover, who would it be and why? )


Week 21 - Monday

Characters: Jack Baker and Holland Sharpe (and Bosie and Rocky)
Location: Out on the grounds, then Holly's room
Summary: Jack and Holly make up and Holly agrees to help Jack look more grown up
Rating: PG

I don’t want to be a girl, are you kidding? I like the way I am. )

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