April 2011




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Week 35 - Wednesday

Characters: Ana Kirke, Holly Sharpe - plus NPCs
Setting: Sporting goods store in Grants Pass
Summary: A simple raid turns unexpectedly dangerous
Rating: PG-13 for just a little bit of language

The rods fell when an arm hooked roughly around Ana’s neck from seemingly out of nowhere, and then the world went black. )


Week 34: Friday

Characters: Jed Bailey, Andrew Kirke, Mike Callahan, Holly Sharpe, and (NPC) trader Malachai.
Location: Solar Man Company on SW Jordan Street in Grants Pass.
Summary: Jed’s group hits up the second location with little-to-no hitches along the way, or so they think.
Rating: R because boys swear more.

“Always the last one, right?” Malachai commiserated and made his grin lean, one hand extended for the pliers. “Lemme give’it a go.” )


Week 34: Friday

Characters: Alice Munroe, Greg Blair, Ana Kirke, Leo Parker, trader Zeke (NPC) with a cameo by Tom Galloway and introducing Halcyon Days and Colleen McCourt.
Location: Pro Electric Inc. on Mountain Fir Road in Grants Pass.
Summary: The Pro Electric group heads out to pick up their goods, and end up picking up a few extra bodies along the way.
Rating: PG-13

“[...] We found two cats lurking ‘round the bushes. One in a car and the other carryin’ a stick. I’m thinkin’ they might need a place to stay, over.”  )


Week Nineteen - Saturday

Characters: Tom, Alice, Quinn, Mike, Meg, Holly.
Location: On the outskirts of town.
Summary: Tom and Alice go raiding and then stumble across Mike and Quinn, ending in reunion.
Rating: E for Epic

A reason to celebrate )


Week 19: Saturday

Characters: Alice, Tom, Bridget, Jed, Drew, and Derek.
Location: The garage / Farmstead
Summary: The raiders get ready to pile out. Derek is pissy because he hasn't had his nap. Tom decides to target Bridget, who doesn't appreciate it. Jed and Drew generally feel awkward. Alice asks herself why she even bothers.
Rating: PG-13 for swearing.

“And this is why we have meetings before we go.” )


Week 19: Saturday

Characters: Alice Munroe and Holly Sharpe.
Location: Outside the Farmhouse.
Summary: Holly pulls Alice aside to discuss Bridget. Fortunately, no guns are involved this time.
Rating: PG-13 for some adult language.

“But I’ll talk to her. For her sake.” The ‘not yours’ was implied. )


Week nineteen - Saturday

Characters: Bridget and Holly.
Location: Grants Pass; residential neighborhood.
Summary: Holly and Bridget are partners on the Raiding Romp and are making headway, but Holly notices Bridget seems extra tired and voices his concern.
Rating: PG

'It’s been a long day, and the terrible twosome are trying to have a kickboxing tournament.' )